Lesbian Mom story

Mom had been going out with Ken for over two years when
things started to go wrong. I could tell Mom was upset, and she
tended to pay attention to the phone a lot even though Ken never
called. Finally Mom heard that Ken was dating a woman in her
early twenties named Darla.

To say Mom was broken up by it would be an
understatement. I continually found her sitting somewhere in the
house staring, often with tears in her eyes. She never went out
and I ended up doing not only the cooking but the grocery
shopping as well. Finally I convinced Mom to come out with me to
the movies one evening. I was sure a rousing movie would take
her mind off things, but that night turned out to be the worst
night yet: we saw Darla and Ken before the movie began. I
immediately saw Mom needed to get back home so we didn’t even
make it to the film.

Mom was inconsolable that evening, but at least she was
talking to me. I pushed some wine on her and encouraged her to
talk on, feeling maybe she could put some of this behind her.
She was in bad shape: she talked about Ken and how she would
never find another man like him, and Darla, whom she never could
compete with, and herself, who had nothing to offer and had
blown things herself by being to demanding. She went on and on
about how perfect Darla was, and I have to admit, Darla is
definitely a knockout. She talked about

Darla’s stylish clothes, and it is true that Darla is
always dressed to kill–she is obviously stylish and wears only
the best, and manages to look sexy as hell at the same time. Now
Mom is quite good looking and doesn’t look her 40+ years, though
she is a bit skinny and she tends to dress in conservative
outfits that make her look like a stick of wood. But it bothered
me that she was so down on herself–that all she could do was
talk about how perfect Ken and Darla were and about her own
shortcomings. So I tried to turn her despair into anger–to
uncover the part of her that would give her some spirit, hoping
it might help her get along with her own life sooner. As we sat
there together, drinking wine, I tried to rile her up about
Darla and Ken. I told her she was worth ten Darlas and Darla
deserved nothing but her contempt. I asked her what she would
like to see happen to Darla.

Upon her confusion, I suggested she might like to see
Darla get her face slapped by Ken. This finally seemed to spark
Mom’s darker side–I could finally see a glint come into her
eyes as she sat there contemplating that image. I asked her
again what she would like to see and she said yes, she would
like to see Darla get her face slapped. At my encouragement, she
went on and said she’d like to see Darla whipped. I was
encouraged, but also taken aback at what I had released in Mom.
Then she topped that by saying she’d like to take a belt to
Darla’s bare ass herself! She went on: she’d like to see Darla
for the slut she is–to see her suck a man’s cock– then take
him in her ass. She’d like Darla to kneel down and kiss Mom’s
own feet, to lick Mom on command, nude with her hands tied
behind her.

Well, this was more than I bargained for–I was in
shock. I asked Mom where she had ever gotten ideas like that.
Mom finally seemed to notice my shock and I actually saw a hint
of amusement on her face. She told me that my Dad (whom she
divorced when I was two) was interested in things like that.
Upon my horror-stricken expression, she said I shouldn’t assume
my parents are such prudes and no, she had never done anything
like that with my Dad–she was just aware of what Dad liked from
the erotica that he favored some of which she had looked at out
of curiosity.

Well Mom calmed me down and we sat and talked most of
the night. The next day another problem presenteditself: Mom and
Ken had been planning a vacation to a resort for a week and Mom
had already paid for the plane tickets and hotel–and they were
non-refundable. Mom said she had been thinking of offering the
tickets to Ken, but now she had decided to do Ken and Darla no
favors. She suggested I come with her.

Obviously, the sleeping arrangements were going to be
for a couple and I brought this up with Mom. She said there
might well be two beds in the room, and anyhow, we were flesh
and blood. I told her the hotel people might think it strange.
After a little thought, she suggested that we not tell anyone
that we were mother and son! I said people would assume we were
a couple. I guess my embarrassment showed because she laughed at
me and said if I didn’t mind, it would ease her embarrassment to
have a stand-in boyfriend! I was amazed, but a week of swimming
and sun and palling around with my own mom sounded good, so I
went along with it.

By the time we were ready to leave, Mom convinced me to
call her by her first name, Susan. I actually began to look
forward to acting like a couple with my own mom–it seemed like
a good laugh! Mom looked older than me, but she still looked
really good–people would assume I had won over an older woman.
And I could see no reason why it would be any trouble at all to
have a stand-in girlfriend for a week.

Well, the second day of our trip, I found a reason. Her
name was Charlotte and I met her at the hotel swimming pool. She
was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, with a body like
heaven–the first time I saw here was in her bikini. And we hit
it off immediately! We swam and talked all morning, then sat
down together by the pool to enjoy a drink. The next day she was
at the pool again, and I could tell she was glad to see me. I
couldn’t believe my luck in finding her! But later that day when
I was sitting with her, Susan (Mom) came by, obviously to talk
about our plans for the evening. She actually said only a
little, seeming to realize saying too much would ruin things for
me, but Charlotte picked up on it and seemed hurt and
disappointed. I couldn’t think what to tell her. I started
talking, and listened to myself explain that I was vacationing
with Susan who had just been dumped and there was absolutely
nothing between us but friendship. Later I realized I should
have told the whole truth…or said Susan was my sister, but at
the time I was too desperate to think straight. Charlotte still
looked hurt and unbelieving and I could tell she was ready to
leave. In desperation I told her that if anything was going on
between Susan and me, that Susan wouldn’t let me spend my day
with Charlotte, then non-chalantly walk up to talk with us. I
could see that gave Charlotte pause and I knew I had won her

Charlotte immediately wanted to know about Susan’s
troubles and I told her the basic story, obviously leaving out a
few details here and there. Then Charlotte surprised me: she
asked why I hadn’t had sex with Susan! I told her we were
friends and were going to stay that way, and that my interests
were definitely elsewhere. But Charlotte said I should have at
least made a pass at her or had a one-night stand with her just
to help her confidence. I couldn’t believe it! Charlotte
actually acted like I was a jerk if I wouldn’t offer to go have
sex with Susan just for one night! She said it would be
unnatural for me not to develop an interest when I was rooming
with her–and it would hurt Susan’s self-esteem if I never
slipped and revealed that interest. Well I certainly avoided
promising anything.

Charlotte took a lot of interest in Susan–she joined us
for dinner, and the next day, she took Susan clothes-shopping to
give Susan a little style. I started out sitting with them as
they tried on clothes, acting like a couple of schoolgirls. But
despite some obviously beautiful sights, I got bored and went
back to the hotel pool. I was in for a shock, because when they
came to the pool, Susan was in a bikini that they had just
bought, and she looked hot! She noticed my reaction and actually
flirted with me a bit! That night, we all ate dinner together
again, and again Susan wore an outfit that just knocked me out!
After that, Charlotte and I went for a walk and a drink, and
believe it or not, she got on the subject of my having sex with
Susan again and told me I should do it. I told her that women
didn’t like one-night stands and would be expecting a
relationship to come from it. Charlotte said that was a
stereotypical view of women and that Susan was certainly beyond
that! I was running out of arguments! It made me wonder whether
Charlotte had any real interest in me at all, but that fear was
put to rest later than evening when we made love for the first
time, and I must say it was heavenly!

Well, the next day Charlotte hadn’t forgotten her
mission. She wanted to know if I’d made my play for Susan, then
reminded me of my “duty”! When I still refused to consider the
idea, she started looking thoughtful and I started feeling
suspicious. That night, the three of us ate dinner together
again, and after dinner, Charlotte invited both Susan and me to
her room for drinks. That amazed me and I got an uncomfortable
feeling about what Charlotte might be up to, but I went along
with it. Charlotte ordered Champagne, which we all shared. After
a while, she turned the conversation to sex, and how sexy Susan
was! She also pulled me into a kiss. Susan looked like she felt
she ought to leave, but then Charlotte told her I was definitely
hot for her. I’m sure I blushed something awful, but to my
surprise, Susan looked amused! Then Susan approached Charlotte
and said to her “Do *you* think I’m sexy?” Charlotte said of
course she did. I noticed that Susan still looked amused at the
course of events. “Do you think my body is sexy?” she asked
Charlotte, slowly running her hands up her own body to her
breasts! Charlotte stared speechless! Then Susan leaned over and
kissed her on the lips!

Before they broke the kiss, Susan had started pulling
Charlotte’s clothes off, and started massaging Charlotte’s
breasts! Charlotte was sitting there in stunned ecstasy, her
mouth hanging open in surprise, and her breathing growing
heavier. Susan’s hands started wondering over Charlotte’s naked
body, and soon one was on Charlotte’s ass. I was in a daze! Then
Susan told me to get in front of Charlotte’s face, and unzip my
pants! I did as she said, and in seconds Charlotte was sucking
on my cock! Susan had her hand between Charlotte’s legs and
Charlotte breathed harder and harder, but it seemed to drive her
to try to take my cock further and further into her mouth. Susan
pulled my belt out of my pants, doubled it, then told Charlotte,
who was obviously about to come, that she was going to be
whipped on the ass! Then she got up and did it! Charlotte kept
breathing harder and harder and I was just about to come. But
before we came, Susan pulled me away, drew me around behind
Charlotte and told me to take her in the ass.

At my reluctance, she plunged two wetted fingers into
Charlotte’s rear hole, making Charlotte almost go crazy, then
told me to go to it! Well, I lubricated myself from Charlotte’s
pussy, then put my cock at her rear hole and plunge in! Susan
had gone back around by Charlotte’s head and had Charlotte
licking her feet! Then Susan took Charlotte’s panties and used
them to tie her hands together behind her. Then she stripped and
ordered Charlotte to lick her slit! I was still plunging away in
Charlotte’s ass. Soon I was coming, and I could feel Charlotte’s
body shuddering as she climaxed at the same time. Susan kept her
licking though until Susan could come too.

The rest of the night, Charlotte did everything Susan
and I desired of her, and every night for the rest of the week
was the same! We even had some afternoon sessions, one time
driving out into the country until we found a deserted spot to
have our way with Charlotte in the great outdoors! At the end of
the week, Charlotte invited us to go back to her house, and we
discovered that she was wealthy. She thought nothing of paying
our way over. We went and visited her parents in their house
which was a veritable mansion, then joined Charlotte in her own
apartment in the city. We have been living here ever
since–Susan got rid of her own house and we found jobs here.

Charlotte mostly stays in the apartment, nude and ready
to do what we wish. She gets whipped every day and Susan insists
I take her ass every day. Often Susan and I sit nude in the
living room watching TV, next to each other on the couch, with
Charlotte sucking one of us off, then the other. Susan and I
will sit with our bodies touching, put our arms around each
other, and even kiss a bit, but nothing has gone beyond that
though sometimes I get the feeling Susan is actually willing.