Robin On Pussy Patrol

A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky
as the shadowy figure moved across the low
rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an
approaching car illuminated the figure for a
moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of
yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the
long chime that would end in eleven.
“Looks like its time to call it a night.” The
dark haired youth said to himself as he pushed
forward a green glove on his hand and checked the
time on the watch beneath.
It had been an uneventful patrol, Gotham
City had been quiet all week. Good thing too,
since Batman had been out on the west coast the last
four days tracking down a gang of gun runners.
“Other guys get to spend Saturday night
dating beautiful girls and maybe getting laid.”
Robin thought to himself as he looked up at the
lover’s moon. “Me, I get to run around the city in
green shorts looking for bad guys to stomp.”
With a shrug of his shoulders, the brightly
clad adventurer removed a thin silken cord
from his utility belt and attached it to a collapsible
batarang from another chamber. With a well
practiced motion, he hurled the batarang into the
air, listening for a satisfying click as it locked
onto a nearby chimney.
The rush of the wind filled his ears as he
took hold of the cord and leapt into the darkness.
For a normal 16 year old, swinging across the
rooftops would be a terrifying experience. But to
the son of the Flying Graysons, it was like a walk in
the park.
Minutes and miles passed quickly as the Boy
Wonder neared the water’s edge that defined the
borough of Brookline. Off in the distance, across
the River, he could see the rising towers of Gotham
City. It wasn’t often that he or Batman patrolled the
outer boroughs, but it didn’t hurt to show a presence
one in a while. Three or four nights of genuine
Batman and Robin sightings were good enough for a
month of false ones. And the negative effort on the
crime rate that they brought.
Passing over a long row of brownstones that
filled the waterfront area known as Gotham Heights,
Robin noted that he was only a few minutes away
from the deserted pier where he had parked
the Batmobile.
“I should really just head for the car and get
myself home.” Robin said to himself as he dropped
down to a high rooftop. “But this is just too an
opportunity to pass up.”
Turning his attention to the top floor of the
four story building across the street, a smile
came to his lips. He knew Batman would never
approve, viewing what he was doing as a violation
of the public trust. But if Dick Grayson was giving
up what little social life he had to patrol the city, he
was entitled to a little fun. After all, even though
Bruce spent most nights out as Batman, it was a rare
night when he stood home and didn’t wake up the
next day with one beauty or another in his bed.
There were certain advantages to being a millionaire
The corner walls of the uppermost apartment
that Robin now watched had been replaced with
gigantic windows. Giving the occupant a wide
panorama of the city lights. The building was the
highest on the block, but by climbing to the top of
the water tower to his vantage point, Robin could
see right in.
As he had done for the last three nights,
Robin waited for the tenant of the apartment.
Her name, he had looked up on the Batcomputer’s
tie in with the city directory, was Jessica Taylor and
she was 24 years old. She had been born right here
in Brookline and had moved to Gotham Heights two
years ago after graduating from the City University.
She was currently employed as a research assistant
at the firm of Dawson, Majors, and Wilson.
Checking his watch, Robin noted it was
11:35. If she was going to show, she would’ve
done so by now. With a great deal of pleasure, the
green, red and yellow clad youngster had watched
Jessica do her evening workout. Not only was she
beautiful, athletic and incredibly built – Jessica did
her workout in the nude.
“Well, I guess tonight’s a no show.” Robin
mused as he made ready to lower himself down to
the roof. “It was fun while it lasted.”
His green booted foot had just hit the first
rung of the ladder when the lights of the apartment
flashed on. Quickly retracing his steps, Robin
returned to his observation post.
Sure enough, Jessica had entered the corner
room which had been turned into a cross between a
gym and a dance studio. Turning on her stereo, she
began to start her warmups. After about five minutes
of leg stretches and such, the tall woman went into a
more active routine.
Watching her lithe form go through her
paces, the teenager could feel a hardness filling
his bikini briefs. It had been a long time since Dick
Grayson had received any sexual relief other than
that provided by his own hand. In fact, in the nine
months since he had lost his cherry while captured
by the Catwoman, he’d only had sex twice.
The problem being, his persona as Robin was
so public, it left little time for him to really develop
one as Dick Grayson. What with night patrol and
spending countless hours studying the latest crime
fighting methods, in addition to his school work.
Prior to donning the mantle of Batman,
Bruce Wayne had spent years gaining the skills he
would need. From what Bruce had told him, his
guardian had spent his “fun years” buried in the
library, the lab and the gym. While he shared Bruce’s
desire to fight crime. To to pay criminals back for
the murder of his own parents. Dick wasn’t sure he
wanted to do it at the expense of never having a real

Using his pair of powerful binoculars, Robin
could see Jessica as if he was standing a few feet
away. She stood 5’9″ and weighed about 125 lbs.
Long brown hair ran down her back to a point just
above the crack of her ass. And what a beautiful ass
it was. In fact, the only thing the junior crimefighter
thought was more beautiful than that ass was those
two perfectly round breasts that now bounced as
Jessica rocked to the music blasting out of her
speakers. What totally set Jessica apart from the
other women he had met was the creamy brown
color of her skin. There were only four black girls in
his high school and Dick had hardly said a dozen
words to any of them. Yet he was sure than none of
them looked anywhere as good as Jessica.
In truth, she was only the third girl he had
seen totally naked. The first of course had been
Selina Kyle, the Catwoman. Robin had lost track of
the nights he had masturbated to the memory of her
near perfect body and how she had given it to him in
exchange for his virginity.
Robin grinned at his depiction of Selina’s
body as being near perfect. At the time, he was
convinced that Catwoman was the embodiment of
female perfection. A definite cut above his previous
standard masturbation fantasy – Batgirl. Of course
he’d never had the opportunity to see what Batgirl
looked like under those purple tights.
Three months ago, Dick had found a new
standard of perfection. One which he knew would
never be exceeded. He’d spent a few weeks over the
summer organizing a new group called The Teen
Titans. It was composed of the junior sidekicks of
various Superheroes. If nothing else, Robin had
thought, it would give him the chance to hang out
with some people his own age without having to
worry about letting his secret identity slip.
Aside from himself, the other members had
been Wally West, known as Kid Flash. Roy Harper,
the partner of Green Arrow, who went under the
name Speedy. But it was the fourth member of the
quartet that immediately drew Dick’s full interest.
Wonder Girl, aka Donna Troy was the
adopted younger sister of Wonder Woman. Taken
to Paradise Island as a toddler and raised as an
Amazon, she possessed many of the same powers as
Wonder Woman. Including the ability, Dick
concluded, to have every male in sight fall in
immediate and total lust over her.
By the time the two week training period
was over, Dick knew he had the best chance of
the three to get together with her. Wally West was a
total idiot and despite being the only guy there with
an actual superpower, acted like he just came off the
In the beginning, Roy looked to be real
competition. Not only was he handsome and
almost as athletic as Dick, he had a really killer
charm. In addition, Donna had a really keen
interest in archery and spent many hours taking
lessons from the red and yellow clad archer. It
wasn’t until the night that Roy had expressed a
desire to be more than just fellow crimefighters to
him that Robin realized that Speedy not only wasn’t
winning the contest for Donna’s attention, he wasn’t
even in the race.
Despite his razor sharp intellect and the years
he’d spent sharpening his detective skills under
Batman, what Dick also failed to realize was that
neither was he. The point was suddenly driven
home one afternoon when he was using the large
shower room to clean up after a rather exhaustive
training session. Standing naked in the shower, he
almost had heart failure when Donna stepped into
the room, as nude as a newborn.
Despite the dampening effects of the shower,
the Boy Wonder’s cock began to instantly grow
hard. He just couldn’t help himself. Donna was like
a statue of Diana come to life. She stood 5’6″ and
weighed about 130 lbs. There wasn’t an once of fat
on her body, every inch of it was pure muscle. As
she arched her head back to run the water through
her short black hair, Dick was presented with the
most incredibly set of breasts he had ever seen. And
that was based on over a hundred issues of Playboy
he’d had hidden in his room back home. 36c and
firm as foam rubber. They were capped by large
nipples surrounded by two inch dark pink aureoles.
By now his cock had grown to it’s full seven
inch length and was so hard it hurt. Never in his
wildest dreams could he have imagined it would be
this easy. That she would come after him.
“She must have a lot of sexual experience,”
Robin thought as he tried to watch her and at the
same time try to be indifferent. “The way she just
walked in here and acted like it was the most natural
think in the world.”
The ache in Robin’s loins grew in intensity as
he watched Donna soap up her breasts. With
careless abandon, she ran her nimble fingers across
her nipples, rubbing the soapy film around and
around the large circles. At that moment, Dick
wanted nothing more than to grab his cock and bring
himself some relief. But he had to admit that he was
too nervous to even move.
Sliding her hands down the length of her
tanned body, Donna converged on the sparse
patch of pubic hair between her legs. She rubbed the
bar of soap up and down, bringing a soft sigh to her
It was almost as if she had forgotten Dick’s
presence. He on the other hand could in no way
ignore hers. Robin was certain that if he so much as
touched his cock, he would explode instantly and
cover the tile wall with his seed.

Donna finally took note of Dick’s erection
and simply said. “That must be very uncomfortable,
maybe you should do something about it.”
With that she finished her shower and simply
walked out. Leaving an opened mouthed Robin to
simply stare in befuddlement at the bounce of her ass
as she walked away.
The next arrival in the shower was Roy
Harper and Dick quickly covered his now fading
erection with his towel. The last thing he wanted
right now was for Roy to think it was for him.
Although later that night, in the empty confines of
his bedroom, Dick was forced to admit to himself
that a blowjob at the moment, regardless of the
provider would’ve felt real nice. He could’ve closed
his eyes and imagined it was Donna instead of Roy.

What Robin later embarrassingly learned was
that not only did Donna not view the shared shower
as a prelude to sexual intimacy, she had no sexual
interest in men at all. The shower had merely been
two warriors cleaning up. That the 17 yr old had no
interest in the male of the species should’ve come as
no surprise since she grew up on an island inhabited
only by women. In the Amazon culture, lesbianism
had been the norm and a heterosexual relationship
would’ve been looked upon as an aberration.
Such had been Robin’s luck with women.

“Guess it’s time to head home and jerk off.”
Robin said as he replaced the tiny binoculars back
into his utility belt.
Robin had reached the ladder when he saw a
sudden motion at the wide window across the way.
Quickly raising himself back upward, he could see
Jessica struggling with a dark shadowy figure. Then
the lights in her apartment abruptly went out.
“Holy assault!” The Boy Wonder exclaimed
as he grabbed the sides of the ladder and slid down
to the roof.
Like the well trained machine Batman had
trained him to be, Robin quickly seized control
of the situation. It would take too long to get to the
street and back up the stairs to the fourth floor.
Pulling a small projectile from a back compartment
of his utility belt, he attached it to the end of his long
silk cord. Continuing the motion, he fired the
projectile across the street where it embedded into
the brick wall. He tested the strength of the
attachment, then clipped the other end to the base of
the water tower. Finally he threw a metal baton
over the now taunt line and taking a firm grip on the
baton, jumped off the roof.
He was across the street in seconds, landing
on the ledge beneath the windows. The back
window to her apartment was open wide and he
quickly entered. Thankfully he would have the
element of surprise on his side.

Stealthily, the yellow caped youth moved
through the darkened rooms. His ears straining for
the slightest sounds. He paused at the entrance to
Jessica’s exercise room. Form a plan of action
before you jump in was Batman’s first rule.
Inexplicably, there were no sounds of a struggle,
only a fearful silence. Her assailant couldn’t have
disappeared no soon. A cold touched his heart as
the thought that he was too late entered his mind.
His body tensed and his fists clenched for
action, Robin carefully entered the dark room. He
could make out the outline of the room from the
moonlight of the overhead skylight, but couldn’t
sense any motion. He took another step, then a
second, moving his head from side.
“Jessica?” He asked in a low voice.

Robin was startled as the powerful overhead
lights came back on. Reacting instinctively, he
crouched into a fighting stance. His eyes and body
darted from side to side in a quick motion that took
in a full 360 degrees. But there was no one there.
Rising out of his combat position, the Boy
Wonder stood up and looked around again. This
time more slowly. A sudden blur of motion to his
right sent him leaping to the opposite side of the
room and again into a defensive posture.
To his disbelief, the figure he had seen was
now sprawled on the floor. It was a crude dummy
made up of a shirt and pants stuffed with paper.

“Bravo…” called out a feminine voice,
followed by the sound of clapping. “My hero to the
With that, Jessica stepped out from behind a
wide heavy drape.
“Excuse me?” Robin asked.
“I said, my hero to the rescue.” Jessica
repeated as she stepped out into the center of
the room. Coming to a stop a foot in front of Robin.
Jessica was now wrapped in a red satin
waist length robe. Robin was very aware of the
nearness of her body. The scent of her perfume,
mixed in with the sweat of her workout. The
blueness of her wide eyes that he couldn’t have
appreciated though the impersonal lenses of his
“I was under the impression that you were in
need of assistance.” Robin said in his most
official tone.
“And what ever gave you that impression,
love?” Jessica countered.
“I…..I was passing by on patrol when I saw
what appeared to be a struggle.” Robin
continued. “It seems I was in error.”
“No shit, sherlock!” Jessica laughed as she
turned from Robin and looked out the window.

Robin stood there in an awkward silence. His
eyes however were riveted on the outline of Jessica’s
ass through the thin material of her robe.

“You know, I never really realized what a
grand view you could have into this apartment
from the water tower across the street.” Jessica
“I beg your pardon?” Robin asked.
“The view from the water tower.” Jessica
continued. “I hope you got a real good show during
my workout. A lot more fun than spending the night
in front of the tube, I’ll bet.”
“Excuse me, but like I said I was on patrol
and thought I saw someone in need of help.” Robin
repeated. “I was wrong and I apologize. If you’ll
excuse me, I’ll be going.”

Jessica laughed, causing the Boy Wonder to
stop after taking a few steps toward the door.

“That story might be believable except for
two little things.” Jessica said. “I spotted you
on the tower two nights ago. One of my old loves
gave me a telescope to watch the river as a gift, its
in the bedroom by the way. I just happened to look
into it to see a yacht go upriver. Imagine my surprise
when I look across the way and found a peeping
“Oh Shit,” Thought Robin as a cold chill ran
down his back. “When word of this gets out,
Batman is going to kill me for sure . Fucking
Catwoman was one thing. No one ever knew about
it. But spying on a law abiding citizen. He might
even make me give up being Robin altogether.”
“The other point was that when you barged
in here to rescue me from my attacker,” Jessica
continued as she jerked her head in the direction of
the dummy on the floor. “You called out my name. I
can hardly believe that you stopped long enough to
get it off the mailbox.”
Robin was sweating now. Would she call
the police. What would Commissioner Gordon
do when the local cops called his office and said they
had arrested Robin as a peeping tom. And if
arrested, could he keep his identity secret? If Robin
were unmasked, so would be Batman. It wouldn’t
be hard for even a five year old could make that
Jessica had walked up to Robin and now
stood only a few inches away from him. She could
see the worry in his eyes and the small bead of sweat
running down past his ear. She would let him stew
for a few more moments.
“But to be honest, if it were anyone else, I
probably would’ve called the cops the first night.”
The tall brunette confided as she again turned and
walked away. “But I figured with all the good you
and Batman had done for this city, I could cut you a
little slack.”
“Where is this going?” Thought Robin.
“But then you came back a second night!”
She suddenly exclaimed, spinning around as
she did.
“Look, I apologize……” Robin began,
speaking for the first time since Jessica had begun
her monologue.
“Apologize?…You’ll do a lot more than
apologize baby!” Jessica thundered as she retraced
her steps back to Robin.
“What did she want? Money?” Robin
thought as he stepped back, shaken by her
sudden movement. It was obvious that she had
thought this out. For the first time, fear filled his
mind rather than embarrassment. What if she was a
nut case?
“All I really had to do of course, was slide
over the drapes and deprive you of your little
entertainment.” Continued the woman, her voice
now becoming lower and calmer. “But I had to
admit that after thinking about it, I was kind of
turned on by the idea.”
“What was she talking about?” Robin
repeated, now calculating the chances of his making
a break for the window and getting out of here.
Once he was safely away, he could always deny the
story. Hopefully she would just be looked at as one
of those kooks who called the networks, always
claiming to know a secret about a celebrity.
“In fact, after thinking about it a while, I
found that I was really turned on by it. I mean I got
really hot knowing you were out there.” Jessica said
as she finally came to a conclusion. “So I decided
that if you came back a third time, I’d make sure you
got to do more than watch. After all, how many
girls get to fuck a Superhero?”

Robin suddenly felt light headed. He
couldn’t have heard her right. Did she said she
wanted to fuck him?
“I mean its not like I’m ever going to meet
Superman or anyone like that. And you are kind of
cute, I have to admit. So what do you do say?”
The Boy Wonder couldn’t find his voice.
Intellectually, he knew he should haul his ass out of
there as fast as he could. He was already in deep
enough trouble as it was. Yet despite his adult
responsibilities, he was physically and in most ways
mentally a 16 yr old boy. The rising hardness in his
now too tight briefs pushed him in another direction.
Jessica was unable to fathom why he hadn’t
answered already. After all, here she was, an
unquestionable attractive and desirable young
woman at the peak of her sexual energy. Without a
second thought, she could call to mind a dozen men
who wanted to share her bed. Then a possible
answer came to her.
“You’re not gay are you?” She blurted out.
“I mean I’ve always heard stories about you and
Batman. But then if you are, why were you
watching me every night?”
“No, I’m not gay!” Robin quickly replied.
“Well then?” Jessica repeated.
To give added emphasis to her question,
Jessica pulled open the sash of her robe and
let it fall to the hard wood floor. Giving Robin a full
view of her naked body.

Inches away from the breasts he had only
seen from a distance, Robin’s eyes immediately fixed
on them. On the small dark brown nipples at the
epicenter of her soft mounds. True, they were
nothing compared to Donna’s, but then again, Donna
had never actually offered hers to him.
Dropping his gaze downward, the Boy
Wonder smiled at the sign of Jessica’s carefully
trimmed pussy. Her dark pubic hair had been
crafted into the shape of a heart. Another detail he
had missed though the binoculars.

“Well, what’s it going to be, Mr. Superhero?”
Jessica asked.

Robin quickly looked up into her eyes. He
could hear Bruce’s voice telling him that he had a
responsibility to maintain a high moral character.
He even remembered the night he had said it. Just
before he went out on a date with Silver St. John.
An incredible platinum blonde who’d undoubtedly
fucked his brains out since he was so wasted the
next day that he couldn’t even go on patrol.