Surrendering again, young lady?

“Surrendering again, young lady?” “Perhaps, but only to dwell in people’s minds for a little while.” “Very soulful, my dear,” he smiled. “Are your clientele not biting tonight?” “No, not really: maybe they think I am too young.” “Too young?” “Me, yes, ” she shrugged. “They do seem to think I am too young. How […]

Raven’s Journey

I sat back on my bunk and sighed as the metal door closed in front of me, sealing me in my small cell. My name is Raven and I’m an assassin. My sharp daggers have put an end to many lives over the past few years, and my purse has always stayed full. I had […]

Lady fontaine

I slipped into the tanning salon. The attendant led me into a booth. “Hi!” a familiar voice greeted me. I glanced over my shoulder. In the booth next to me was Debbie. I’d met her at the workout center. We’d exercised together several times. I smiled. She was a really nice person. Her body was […]