Wife cheats on husband, husband cheats right back at her

“But it was only sex hon,” my wife of almost twenty-five
years said for the umpteenth time to me. “I don’t love
him. I love only you,” she said crying as I tried to
ignore her while she followed me from room to room. “You
have got to believe me hon. I really do love you and I’m
so sorry I did this to us. Please talk to me, Steve,
will you?”

What brought us to this point? What made my loving wife
cheat on me? Stupidity, on her part; plain and simple

Beth and I had known each other since the eighth grade.
We dated almost exclusively throughout high school and
we were married as soon as I graduated from college. I
was never what you would refer to as a hunk, but at 5’8″
and 165 pounds, I wasn’t a hunchbacked dwarf either.

Beth, on the other hand was always a ten in my eyes. At
5’3″ and 115 pounds, with long, brown, hair, she was my
angel. I was smitten from the first day I saw her and
proposed to her during the summer between my sophomore
and junior year of college. Beth made it perfectly
clear, after we got engaged, that there was going to be
no sex until our wedding night.

“Don’t even ask me Steve. I’m going to be an untouched
virgin on our wedding night,” she informed me. “I want
my gift to my husband to be as pure as new fallen snow.”
After a statement like that, would you push the issue?

Well I did, but it got me nowhere. In fact, I also was
also a virgin. I had gone as far as second base with a
couple of girls, prior to Beth, but that was all. No
one, including Beth, knew that I was still cherry, so to
speak. I desperately wanted to get some experience
before our wedding night, but there was no way I was
going to cheat on Beth. So I did what every red,
blooded, American, boy did; I watched porn and wacked

I must have watched over a hundred DVD’s, and read
nearly twenty sexual-related books before our wedding
night. A few of my buddies even hired a hooker for my
stag, but all I did was talk to her, and ask questions
about this and that all night long. The next day, when
they asked how she was, I winked at them, and told them
that I’d learned a lot from her. It wasn’t even a lie.

For over four hours, Karin, the hooker, showed me what
women liked, didn’t like and what I could expect on my
wedding night; with Beth being a virgin. Above all, she
told me to go slow. “You’ve got your entire life ahead
of you, but you’re going to have only one wedding night
with Beth. Go slow, be gentle, and you’ll both remember
it for the rest of your lives.” She thought it was sweet
that I was also saving myself for our wedding night, but
I swore her to secrecy. After all, I was a guy, and had
my reputation as a stud to uphold.

The wedding was something out of a fairy tale. Beth was
dressed in white, and was the most beautiful bride I’d
ever seen. With our friends and family in attendance, I
made sure we had enough food and drink to make sure the
party would be memorable for everyone.

We slipped out just after 11:30, and took the limousine
over to the Radisson where I’d rented the bridal suite.
The room seemed to go on forever, and there was even a
Jacuzzi at the foot of a king-sized bed. If I had
expected Beth to be shy, I was in for a rude awakening.

“Help me out of this hon,” she said to me while trying
to unzip the back of her dress. “I can’t wait to get you
into bed,” she said, sounding was more than a little

With her dress now lying over a chair, we broke open the
complimentary bottle of champagne, and made a toast, to
ourselves. The champagne was awful, but I’d thought
ahead. I had also had, two bottles of Beth’s favorite
wine sent up, along with a six-pack of Corona. I was
taking no chances. With drinks in hand, we hit the
Jacuzzi and got to know each other’s bodies a whole lot

Believe it or not, this was the first time I’d seen Beth
completely naked. She had about 34C breasts, a very slim
waist, a nice round ass, and a full bush. “Screw second
base, I’m swinging for the fences tonight,” I said to
myself as I pulled Beth from the water.

I pulled the blanket back and on red satin sheets, we
made love with our lips and tongues, for the first hour.
Beth had full lips and, a very wet tongue. She used both
expertly as we kissed and traded spit as my hands moved
from one breast to the other. I loved it when she
quivered and shook in anticipation, as I licked or
sucked on her nipples. After about twenty minutes, they
were red, long, and almost too sensitive to play with
any more.

Even though she had a full bush, it was neatly trimmed
and shaved on the sides. I teased her unmercifully. I
stroked her bush, just touching the tips of the hairs,
and gently pulled on them with my lips, as Beth waited
for what was next. Every time I touched her pussy, Beth
would raise her ass off the bed to give me better
access. She was more than ready.

I moved my finger, through her thick patch and stroked
the area just between her two lips and found that she
was already wet. When Beth started breathing so hard I
thought she was going to hyperventilate, I went up to
her face, kissed her softly, and told her to relax. “I’m
in no hurry, my love. We have all night,” I whispered to

I slid down to her pussy and started massaging her clit
as well as her now moist hole. Damn Beth was tight. It
took me a couple of minutes to work in just one finger,
as I used my thumb to rub her clit.

I guess she couldn’t take it any longer. “Oh my God,”
Beth screamed as her pussy clamped down on my finger,
and shook as if she was having some type of seizure. Did
it scare me? Hell yes. I moved up to the head of the
bed, kissed her, and continued to finger her as I drove
my tongue into her mouth.

Beth grabbed me so hard that, I thought she would
smother me, as she mashed her lips against mine. “Now. I
need you now,” she told me in no uncertain terms. “I
want you inside me right now. I’ve dreamed about this
for all of my life, and I want you now.”

I moved in between her hips, put my rock-hard, dick,
against her pussy, and eased in. All right, I’m not a
Greek God and I have just over six inches, but there was
no way, without a bit more work, that my dick was going
all the way in there.

I’d never eaten pussy, but Karin of my bachelor party
instruction fame, had instructed me on how best to do

“Your bride is going to be pretty tight if she’s a true
virgin. You’ll need a lot of lubrication and more than
one finger to loosen her up,” she had explained. “Just
lick up and down her slit, flick her clit with the tip
of your tongue, and then slip one and then two fingers
into her. That should make it a lot easier for you to
enter her. You don’t want to tear up her pussy, because
if you do, you’ll get no nookie for the rest of the
week,” she said with a laugh.

I did as Karin had instructed. I expected Beth’s pussy
to taste nasty or bitter, but was pleasantly surprised;
it didn’t have much of a taste at all. So, as I licked,
and prodded, as her juices began to flow out of her
pussy and down the crack of her ass. I had just eased in
my second finger, and was moving it in and out of her,
when Beth climaxed again. I dove into her pussy with my
lips and tongue, and sucked on her clit as I finger
fucked her.

I could feel her body climaxing, but surprisingly she
was quiet. Well, for a few seconds anyway.

“Ohhhh Christ!!” she screamed loud enough to wake up the
entire floor of the hotel, as she held my head against
her pussy. “Now, now, now!” Beth cried, as she pulled me
up from her pussy to between her legs. Carefully, I
eased in, like before, and started stroking slowly
before Beth took charge.

She wrapped her legs around my waist and, pulled my
hardness into her with a resulting scream. I felt her
teeth on my shoulder as I rammed my cock into her; again
and again. I did my best to hold off, but it just felt
too damn good, and I was so ready.

My moans mixed with her muffled cries as we both
climaxed, almost together. I felt myself shoot what
seemed like at least three loads into her unprotected
cunt, as she held tightly onto me. We must have been
laying there motionlessly for a couple of minutes before
she started smothering me with kisses.

“Oh God. That was so wonderful. God! I’m so glad we
waited,” she said while smiling at me. “I never knew you
were such an experienced lover. Thank you, thank you,
and thank you, for making my wedding night so special,”
she said while kissing me again. So that’s the way our
life began and continued on, well until a couple of
weeks ago anyway.

We had two kids back to back named; Keith and Carla. We
moved on with our lives, and even though money always
seemed to be a little tight, we were happy, or so I
thought. It took most of our savings to put the two of
them through college, but it was worth it. Keith went on
to get his MBA and Carla finished nursing school.

“Not bad, not bad at all,” I said to myself while
looking back at my life.

Beth and I, for the last three years, have been saving
for a vacation, for just the two of us, something like a
second honeymoon. After going through all the travel
brochures, we decided on the Hawaiian Islands. We
planned a two-week stay for our twenty- fifth

Thursday afternoon, I got a call from a buddy of mine
who works with Beth. “Hey Greg, how the hell are you?” I

After a bit of small talk and bullshit, Greg hit me with
a shocker. “Steve, are you and Beth doing ok, you know
marriage-wise?” he asked.

“What the hell kind of question is that?” I replied.
“C’mon on Greg, if you’ve got something to say, spill
it. What’s going on?”

“Look, maybe it’s nothing, but the rumor mill in the
office, is saying that Beth is hanging out with the
company coffee salesmen,” Greg told me.

“Coffee salesmen? What the hell are you talking about?
Come on, don’t beat around the bush, Greg,” I said while
getting a little pissed.

“Steve, Beth is in charge of buying all the office
supplies and that includes the coffee and stuff. This
guy comes in once a month to restock our inventory, and
lately Beth has been going out to lunch with him.”

“Is that all? Hell, Beth probably goes out to lunch with
a lot of the vendors. It would take a lot more than that
to make me jealous,” I told him.

“Well, I thought so too, until I overheard two women say
that, they were having lunch at the Super 8 Motel and
they weren’t there for the food. I don’t know if the
rumors are true, but I thought that you should know. By
the way, I told those two busybodies to stop spreading
rumors or they’d be looking for another job.
Unfortunately, I don’t know who else is talking,” Greg
told me.

I asked him who the hell this salesman was, what company
he worked for and when was he was scheduled to come back

“Steve, that’s why I’m calling, he’s going to be here

“Please don’t you do anything, I’ll take it from here,”
I told him. “I don’t think there’s a chance in hell that
Beth is fooling around on me, but I’m going to check it
out anyway.”

I thanked him for his concerns and told him to say hi to
Peggy, his wife, for me. Could Beth be cheating on me?
“No way,” I said to myself. But if there’s something
going on, I was going to find out.

Beth came home at her usual time and dinner was nothing
out of the ordinary. I took a shower, shaved, and was
waited for Beth when she came to bed. I attacked her
with lips, tongues, fingers, and a hard dick. She never
knew what hit her.

“Wow!” said a breathless Beth. “I don’t know what the
hell brought that on, but I liked it,” she said while
kissing me. “We haven’t done it like that in quite some
time. I may not let you out of the bedroom all weekend,
you animal,” she growled at me.

We spooned until we both fell asleep. “There was no way
my Beth was screwing around on me,” I said to myself as
I dropped off to sleep.


I woke up Friday with a big smile on my face and a
bounce to my step. I tried to kiss her before I got out
of bed, but Beth pushed me away.

“Morning breath,” is all she said.

Work was going pretty smoothly when I looked at my
watch. “It’s now10:45, I know that I’m wasting my time,
but I might as well check it out anyway,” I thought to
myself as I drove across town to where Beth worked. I
parked in an inconspicuous place outside her building
entrance and waited.

“Now, what the hell do I do?” I started to say to
myself, as Beth and a tall blond guy walked out of the

I followed them for ten minutes until they pulled into
the Super 8 Motel. “Damn. There’s no restaurant in this
place,” I said to myself while starting to get pissed.
When he came back with a room key and helped her out of
the car, I was beyond pissed. I was so angry, that I was
shaking. I watched them go into room 202, as I sat in my
car and started to lose it.

I’d love to say that a pizza deliveryman came or that
they came out two minutes later and went off to a
restaurant, but that didn’t happen. After ten more
minutes, I got out of my car, went up to room 202, and
pounded on the door.

“Beth Moore, I know you are in there. God damn it. If
you know what’s good for you, you had better open up
this door right now,” I screamed not caring who the hell
heard me.

I heard, “Oh shit,” and “How did he find out?” shortly
before the door opened.

“It’s not what you think, Steve,” was the first thing
out of her mouth.

“Beth, you have no idea what the hell I’m thinking right
now,” I replied. “My wife shacking up in a motel room,
cheating on me with a damn coffee vendor, is that what
I’m thinking,” I asked while looking for the asshole.

I found him cowering in the bathroom, behind the shower
door. I kicked it open breaking the glass. Grabbing him
by the back of his hair, I pulled him through, what
remained of the shower door. Ramming his head into the
porcelain sink, his nose exploded as blood sprayed
everywhere. Lifting up his bloody face I whispered in
his ear. “Listen to me very carefully,” I said in almost
a hushed voice. “You will take Beth back to work and
never speak to her again. Do you understand?”

He nodded.

“And, if I ever see your face again, or hear that you’ve
said one word to my wife, I’m going to rip out your
tongue and shove it up your ass.”

Turning around, I told them; “You two have five minutes
to get the hell out of here; starting now,” I said
walking out the door.

“Steve, we have to talk,” Beth started to say before I
shut her up.

“Beth, don’t say a word. Don’t say another damn word,” I
told her. “I’m so angry right now, that I just have to
get away from you before I do, or say something that I
won’t be able to take back,” I yelled while walking back
to my car and driving away.

By the time Beth got home, I had moved all of her
clothes and stuff into the spare bedroom. She came up to
me crying and telling me how sorry she was, but I was in
no mood to listen.

The crap about it being “only sex” came on Saturday
morning as she pleaded her case to me. By Sunday
afternoon, I was tired of it, and tried to avoid her,
but she followed me around like a lost puppy dog.

Finally, I’d had enough. “Beth, shut the hell up,” I
told her. “There is nothing you can say that can explain
the fact that you’ve been cheating on me for God knows
how long,” I yelled.

“Three months,” she said through her sobs. “Three times.
I’m so sorry Steve. You have to believe me,” she said
while now openly bawling.

“And if I hadn’t caught you, how long would it have gone
on?” I asked. That shut her up. “Stay away from me and
shut the hell up. I don’t want to hear your winey voice,
until you’re ready to say something I want to hear. Do
you understand?” She shook her head and went into the
spare room to cry in peace.


The next three weeks were something out of a dream, or
should say; a horrible nightmare. We lived like
roommates and finally Beth broke the silence over dinner
on a Wednesday night.

“It wasn’t planned, Steve, it just happened,” she began.
“We were always teasing each other and one week he asked
me out to lunch. It was just lunch, nothing more, at
first. Then, something changed. He started telling me
what a lucky husband I had, how beautiful I looked, and
how I must work out at the gym every day to look so
fit,” she said now crying. “I didn’t realize it had gone
so far until we ended up in a room together.”

“Can’t you see he was playing you, Beth? You can’t be
that stupid?” I replied.

“Hell, I haven’t heard any compliments, on how good I
looked, in such a long time. I let it all go to my head.
That’s all.”

“Don’t push this back on me, Beth. Just because I don’t
tell you every day how good you look is no excuse for
your cheating on me,” I said while getting pissed.

“I know that. I just lost my head. That’s all. After the
first time, I felt so bad that I was going to confess to
you that night, but you were in such a good mood when
you came home that; I decided to wait. The second time,
I told him that it was a mistake and we couldn’t do it
ever again, but we did. I was too weak. He wasn’t any
better than you, only different. He’s a lot younger than
us, and could recover in about twenty minutes,” she was
now babbling.

“Steve, I was experiencing something that I’d never had
before. Someone to compare you to, Steve. I know you had
lots of women, but you were my only lover. Hell, I only
dated two other guys before you, so I was about as
virgin as you can get when we started going out.”

“So you went looking for a young guy with a big dick so
you would have someone to compare me to? Beth, I’m not
buying it,” I told her.

“You don’t understand, Steve, I wasn’t looking for
anyone. I was happily married to you. You have to
believe that. It’s just that, after the first time, I
compared everything he did to me to what we’ve done for
the last twenty-five years. We tried different positions
and other things that I’ve never let you do with me. It
was like I was learning all over again.”

“This is crap,” I said standing up. “You make it sound
like you were taking a damn college class. I tried to
bring a few things into our bedroom, but you shot me
down every time. Remember? Now you are telling me that
you and that shithead were doing things that you always
refused to do with me? Think about it, Beth. How am I
supposed to feel?” I said as I slammed my fist on the
table. “The women I loved more than life itself,
screwing around on me. You make me sick.”

“I’m so sorry Steve. Please know that it’s over. I know
we can work through this, hon.”

“The only reason it’s over is because I caught your ass.
That’s why it’s over. I don’t have a clue what I’m going
to do, but right now, it would be in your best interests
to stay the hell away from me and let me get my head
around this,” I told her. “So, if you don’t mind, I’m
going out to get drunk, and try to get past this, if
that’s all possible,” I told her as I grabbed my car


After my third beer, I knew that drinking wouldn’t solve
my problems. Did I want to stay with Beth? I thought so,
but I was still livid about the whole situation. I
wanted payback on Beth, and I also wanted to get her
partner fired from his job as well.

I was about to leave, when I turned around and took a
hard look at where I was. There were a lot of couples,
of all ages, but mostly singles hitting on one another.
“To be young and single again,” I said under my breath
as a middle aged woman sat on the stool next to me. She
was blonde, about 40, and average looking; whatever that
meant. She got her drink and then turned around to face

“A real meat market isn’t it?” she said with a small
smile. “Everyone is trying to say just the right thing,
to get the other into the sack. Pretty damn pitiful, if
I do say so myself. Hi. My name is Sue, and yours?”

“Steve, Steve Moore,” I replied. “Do you come here
often?” I asked.

“Not really. I had a bad day at work, and decided to
have a quiet one before I went home to the hubby and
kids. Are you married?”

“Yes. For the moment,” I told her.

“Your wife cheating?”

“Yup. I caught her trying someone new on for size,” I
told her. “After twenty-five years, I never would have
expected it, I guess I was too naive.”

“Sorry to say that it happens every day,” Sue said while
nursing her drink. “I caught my hubby with his pecker
somewhere that it shouldn’t have been, and almost threw
him out. It took us a while to work through it, though.
I made the bastard pay, but we finally came to an
arrangement and have gone forward.”

“What did you do? Kick him out for a while?” I quizzed

“Something a whole lot better. I brought home lovers and
had sex with them in our bed,” she said in a cold matter
of fact tone.

“I gave him a choice; suck it up or leave. At that
point, I didn’t care which. After a couple of weeks, he
asked me to talk. Hell, he begged me on his knees to
take him back. He said that if I gave him another
chance, he would never stray again.

“To make a long story short, that was nine years ago,
and to the best of my knowledge, he’s been faithful ever
since. However, he knows that if he screws up again,
it’s all over, but the crying.

“Well, I wish you the best of luck, and remember that,
we are all human and we all make mistakes,” Sue said
while grabbing her purse. “Some mistakes you can
forgive, and others are deal-breakers. Only you can
decide which is which,” she told me, as she turned and

“Interesting,” I said while finishing the last of my
beer. I could really get into that kind of payback, but
did I want to take it to that extreme?


The next day, I flipped through the Yellow Pages until I
came to Escorts. I found an ad that was on the small
size, and gave the agency a call. “Lovely Lady Escorts,”
a girl on the other end answered. “How can we help you
today?” she asked.

“Good morning,” I replied. “I’ve got a couple of
questions about your services,” I told her.

“Have you ever used our agency before?”

“No I haven’t,” I replied.

“Can I get your name, address, and a phone number that,
I can call you back on?”

“No problem,” I said while giving her everything she had
asked for.

“Someone will call you back shortly. Have a nice day,”
she said before hanging up.

Twenty minutes later, a man returned my call. “Good
morning, Steve, sorry about the run-around, but we can’t
be too careful these days now can we? My name is Dan.
What can I help you with today?”

“I’m looking for a girl between the ages of 28 and 40
who can satisfy my needs, if you know what I mean.”

“White, Black, Hispanic, or any preference?” he asked.

“Not really. Just so she’s good looking. I want to
really piss my wife off,” I said with a laugh.

“Looks like someone got caught with their hand in the
cookie jar,” he said with a snicker. “This happens a
lot. Believe me.” We set up a time and Dan said he would
take care of the rest. “Don’t worry. If you’re not
completely satisfied, just let me know.”

I was on pins and needles throughout dinner with Beth
that night. At 7:30 someone rang the front doorbell. I
let Beth answer it as I cleared the table. “Steve, there
is a girl at the front door, and she says she’s here to
see you,” Beth said with a puzzled look on her face.

“She’s a bit early,” I replied as I walked to the door.

“Hi Steve, I’m Kathy,” she said as she held her hand out
to me.

“My, my, my. You sure are a lovely, little, lady. Aren’t
you?” I said holding her hand and twirling her around.
“Let’s go somewhere, where we can get a lot more
comfortable,” I said while leading her up the stairs to
my bedroom, as a shocked Beth looked on.

Kathy was about twenty-eight, and had what I would call
the body of a sixteen year old. She was thin, had small,
breasts, and a tiny, but firm ass. What she lacked in
size, she made up in enthusiasm. To give you a quick
blow-by-blow, she balled my eyes out. Within twenty
minutes, she had given me the best blowjob, I’d ever
had, and she was feverishly working on my dick to get it
hard again.

Thirty minutes later, she rode me, cowgirl style, until
I got off for the second time. We took a shower
together, and though try as she might, she couldn’t get
me up a third time. I paid her the agency fee, and gave
her a $50.00 tip on top of that. She kissed me at the
door and said to call her, if I felt the need again.

The same story played out twice more that week, with a
big-titted black girl, and a short, but plump, oriental
sweetheart. Through it all, Beth said nothing. After the
second time however, she refused to answer the door. The
girls were nice, and took me to new sexual heights,
though there was something missing.

“Morning, Dan,” I began. “I need to discuss the girls
that you’re sending over,” I told him.

“What’s the matter Steve? Are they not doing it for

“Hell, Dan. I think they could get a dead guy off, but I
was expecting something a bit more. They don’t watch the
clock, but there’s no personal connection, if you know
what I mean.”

“I think I know what you’re looking for. It’s called a
girlfriend experience. Let me send over another lady
tonight, and tell me tomorrow what you think,” he told
me. “I want to make sure that you’re satisfied. After
all, I’ve got a reputation to uphold. By the way, how is
your better half holding up?” he asked with a laugh.

“She’s not saying a word,” I told him.

“Give it two to three more girls, and I can guarantee
that she’s going to want to talk with you; if for no
other reason, to see where the two of you are going.”

I thanked him and told him that I would call him in the
morning. He was probably right. Beth was giving me the
teary look, every time I took one of them to, what used
to be our bedroom. I wasn’t ready to talk to her just
yet, but it would have to be soon. I couldn’t keep this
up forever. It was costing me a bundle.

“Right on time,” I said to myself as I walked to the
front door and opened it. There in front of me, had to
be the most beautiful Hispanic women I had ever seen. I
think I stood there staring at her for twenty seconds,
before she spoke.

“I see from your expression that, you like what you see.
Aren’t you going to ask me in?”

“Excuse me. Of course, come right in. It’s just that
you’re so beautiful,” I said babbling like a high school

“I’ll take that as a compliment. My name is Ann, and you
must be Steve,” she said while holding out her hand.
“Dan never said that you would be so good looking, too.”

I think I blushed. Hell, I know I turned bright red.

“I brought us a bottle of wine for tonight. Do you have
a corkscrew handy?” she asked.

We moved into the kitchen, and I found the corkscrew in
our junk drawer. “You have a lovely home, Steve, did you
decorate it yourself?” she asked.

“Yes, my wife and I did it ourselves,” I replied before
realizing what I had said.

Taking a small sip of her wine, she grabbed my hand and
said; “Maybe we should take this somewhere a little bit
more private.”

I led her upstairs and closed the bedroom door. Ann
surveyed the room and looked into the bathroom. “What do
you say we take a quick shower, and get to know each
other a bit better?” she asked while moving over to me
and pressing her lips to mine.

We didn’t screw. We made love, in a fashion. There was
some kissing and a whole lot of caressing. She let me
lead the way in the beginning, but took over when it
came to the actual act. She wanted to be on top to,
control the action. It was wonderful, and when I closed
my eyes, I almost felt like I was with Beth, which made
me sad.

Ann and I were together for almost two hours. We both
knew when it was time for her to leave. She showered
again, got dressed, and I walked her out to her car. We
kissed, like parting lovers, and then she was gone. It
was nice, but it wasn’t Beth. As I walked in, I could
see Beth looking out from behind the drapes.

“Dan, she was nice, but it still felt like I was
screwing a hooker. A gorgeous hooker, but nonetheless a
hooker,” I told him.

“Steve let me make a call and get back to you. There is
someone else I can offer, but she’s an independent and
calls all the shots.” Thursday afternoon, he called me

“Are you available Saturday?” he asked.

“Yes. Why?” I asked.

“Her name is Sandy, and she has agreed to meet with
you,” he told me. “She has made dinner reservations at
Anthony’s for 8:00, and she will meet you in the bar at
7:30 sharp.”

“What does she look like? How will I know her?” I asked.

“As I said, Sandy does it her way. She’ll be carrying a
flower, and she told me to tell you that, she’ll be the
best looking woman there.”

“That’s all?” I asked.

“That’s it. The rest is up to you. Oh, by the way. She’s
about $200.00 more than any of the other girls, and it’s
payment up front.”

“I gave Dan my Visa number, and closed the deal. What
happens if I’m not satisfied?” I asked.

“If Sandy doesn’t do it for you, you’re dead,” he said
with a laugh before hanging up.

“Going out tonight?” Beth asked, as she looked into my

“I need a night out, and away from the house to think,”
I told her.

“Can we talk tomorrow?” Beth asked.

“Are you going to give me the same bull shit like
before?” I asked.

“No,” she said while looking down at the floor.

“Well then, tomorrow afternoon it is. And if you’ll
excuse me, I have a dinner reservation that I don’t want
to be late for.”

I walked into the bar, and saw four couples and six
single women all at different tables; and three of them
had flowers. The blond was built like a brick shithouse
and had a set of knockers that would make a grown man
cry. The brunette was a bit shorter and built more like
a hard-bodied athlete. Finally, the redhead was about
5’6″, with shoulder length hair wearing a conservative
skirt and white blouse.

I walked over to the redhead. “Good evening, Sandy, I
hope that I haven’t kept you waiting too long,” I said
while holding out my hand.

“What makes you think my name is Sandy?” was her only

“Dan said to look for the most beautiful woman in the
bar, so it was pretty easy,” I said still wondering if I
was right.

She took my hand, gave it a gentle shake, and asked what
I would like to drink. “Just a glass of Crown Royal
neat,” would be nice.

For the next three hours, this red-haired beauty
mesmerized me. She wasn’t shy and I found that all
topics were on the table. I told her about Beth, and her
cheating, but she came back at me with both barrels
firing. “What is the difference between what she did,
and what you are doing right now?” she asked. “You are
still married, and two wrongs, still don’t make it
right, in my book, anyway,” she told me. “But, I think
that it goes a little deeper than that. You haven’t
decided whether you want her back, have you?” she asked.

“No, I haven’t,” I told her while finishing up my desert
and asking her if she wanted coffee or an after-dinner

“Coffee would be great, but getting back to Beth; how
long are you going to leave her hanging?” she asked.

“I don’t have an answer for that question right now. I
also was a virgin, and was perfectly happy, sexually
that is, with Beth. Yes, I wished she had been a little
bit more daring, but I also loved her the way she was. I
don’t know if you can understand, but Beth took
something away from me when she cheated. She took away
my innocence, I guess you could say. I was living in a
dream world, something like being in a bubble, and she
burst it,” I said while playing with my coffee cup. “She
released a new me, who doesn’t want to go back to his
old life, but doesn’t know if what’s out there, is what
I’m looking for either,” I told Sandy.

“It was a lot easier for me because, my husband died of
cancer. We had a good life, and now I find that once a
month or so, I can let my hair down, have some fun, and
then go back to my normal life. Also, the money is not
bad either.”

The next thing we knew was that, the waiter was telling
us that the restaurant was closing and that we would
have to leave. “Do you want to head over to your place?”
Sandy asked.

“I’ve had such a wonderful night. Maybe next time,” I
told her.

“But you’ve already paid,” she replied.

“And so?”

“What makes you think that there is going to be a next
time?” Sandy quizzed me.

“I don’t know, but I hope there will be one,” I said
with a smile.

“Give me your cell number,” she asked. “If I’m
interested, I’ll call you. Ok?”

“I guess that’s all I can ask for,” I told her.

I walked Sandy out to her car, and told her again how
much fun I’d had. She responded by giving me a full-lip
kiss with a lot of tongue. “You still have time to
change your mind,” she told me.

“I think that taste, will make me want you even more the
next time,” I told her. “That is, if there is a next
time,” I said just before I walked back to my car.

I slept in on Sunday morning and it wasn’t until almost
11:00 when I came downstairs. Beth was on the back deck
reading the paper when I found her. “Have you eaten
yet?” I asked.

“No, I was waiting for you, but there is coffee made,”
Beth told me.

I got a cup of coffee and took a seat next to her. “Beth
you weren’t the only one who came to our wedding night a
virgin. I was one also,” I began. “I didn’t want to say
anything because of my macho pride and especially after
you went on and on about what a great lover I was,” I
told a shocked Beth. “So when you said you wanted
someone to compare me to, how do you think I felt?”

“I never knew. Why didn’t you tell me? Even after what I
did?” she replied.

“I told you why. It’s a man thing. Ok? I wanted you to
think that I was experienced enough to please you, but
that’s not the point now. Is it?”

“I’m so sorry. I wish I could take it all back, but I
can’t,” she told me. “Would I have stopped seeing him?
Yes. I was getting ready to end it,” she now said
looking down at the ground to avoid looking at me. “I
felt so dirty afterwards, and I knew it was wrong. I
just couldn’t say no to him,” she sobbed.

“Why don’t I believe you, Beth? Do you know, that the
women at your work suspected that you were cheating on
me? Hell, Greg was the one, who called me, to ask if our
marriage was in trouble, because you were screwing the
coffee salesman. How embarrassing is that? To have one
of our friends, call me to tell me my wife’s a slut,” I
said now screaming. “I wanted to wring your damn neck,”
I told her.

“All right, I screwed up. But now you have whores coming
here, day and night. How do you think that makes me

“Bad, I hope. I hope you feel awful, that you’ve driven
me into others arms,” I said staring at her.

“When is it all going to end, Steve? When can we to try
to pick up the pieces and start over,” she said in a now
pleading manner.

“I don’t know, Beth. Maybe when the hate I have inside
me goes away, or when I just don’t care anymore. I don’t
have an answer for you right now.”

“Well, I can ‘t live with you bringing hookers home
every night, so you can rub them in my face. I’ll be out
by the end of the week,” Beth said while standing up.

“Where will you go?” I asked.

“Does it make a difference? I just need to get away,”
she said as she walked back into the house and went

When I got home on Tuesday, she was gone. No note, or
anything else, to say where she had gone. I tried to
call her at work but Greg said that Beth had taken a
leave of absence and hadn’t left a forwarding address or
phone number; I was getting a little worried. A casual
call to her parents and sister didn’t provide me with
any more information and I wasn’t about to call our kids
and ask. Did I push it too far? I asked myself. No. I
didn’t think I had.

Sandy called me on Thursday night to see what I was
doing on the following Friday. “I know a quaint little
place, outside of town on 318 West Street, that I’ve
been dying to try,” she told me. “Are you game?”

“What time on Friday do you want to meet?” I asked.

“Why don’t I pick you up at about 6:30? It’ll take us
about forty-five minutes to get there. Bring a change of
clothes. You owe me. Remember?” she said with a laugh. I
started to give her my address, when she stopped me, “I
know where you live. Just be ready.”

As I looked out the window on Friday night, there was
still no word from Beth. “What the hell am I doing?” I
said to myself. “My wife has taken off to who knows
where, and I’m waiting to be picked up by a sexy woman
who wants to bed me tonight. What is wrong with this
picture?” I asked myself. It wasn’t ten minutes later,
that Sandy pulled into my driveway and honked.

“Get your butt in gear,” she shouted. I grabbed my bag,
locked the front door, and threw my stuff on her back
seat. “Better buckle up, because I drive pretty fast,”
she said, as we roared off down the road.

“Easy girl,” I pleaded as she flew down the road. “I
don’t want to lose my appetite before we even get
there,” I said with a concerned tone in my voice.

“If my driving makes you nervous, please close your
eyes, sleep, or pray. Take your choice.”

I tried to do all three, but by then, we were almost
there. “Are you sure your husband didn’t die of a heart
attack?” I said in a joking manner.

“Please just get the damn bags while I check in,” she
told me while heading for the office.

It was a bed and breakfast, and I found out that we were
only one of three couples, spending the night. The room
was Victorian in style, and had a huge, wrought iron,
king- sized bed. “This looks interesting,” I said while
bouncing up and down on the bed. “Maybe we should just
skip dinner and go directly to desert,” I said trying to
hide my nervousness.

“You can’t be that horny, and besides, I’m starved,”
Sandy said as she grabbed my hand.

The restaurant had only four tables and the food and
service were impeccable. “I’ve never seen a place like
this before. How did you ever find it?” I asked.

“I friend of mine told me about it and suggested that I
give it a try,” she said while sipping on her wine.
“Kind of romantic, isn’t it?”

“I’ll say,” I replied.

“How are you and your wife doing?” She asked.

“Beth left me last Tuesday and just disappeared off the
face of the earth,” I told her. “With the exception of
calling the kids, I’ve spoken to everyone else and
nobody has heard a word from her, I’m getting more than
a little worried.”

“Not worried enough to cancel our date for tonight?” she

“Believe it or not, I almost did, but I had no way to
reach you; remember? You have a blocked number, and Dan
sure as hell wasn’t going to give me your home phone
number,” I told her. “I put a message on my answering
machine for Beth to call me, because we needed to talk.
I’m afraid she is looking to divorce me, because of all
the women that I have been parading through the house. I
wanted my pound of flesh, but I think I went a little
overboard,” I told her.

“So, have you made up your mind about her yet?” Sandy
asked in a serious tone.

“Yes, if she’s still willing, I would like to try to
save our marriage. After twenty five good years and
raising two wonderful kids, I’m ready to give it another
shot if she is willing to make some concessions and
wants to move forward,” I told her. “There is only one
problem. I haven’t a clue where in the hell she is at,”
I said while finishing my drink.

“So in other words, no hanky panky for us tonight?”

“Sorry, babes. As much as I know I would love it, you
were right, two wrongs don’t make a right,” I told her
while almost sounding disappointed.

“Well, lets go up to the room anyway, because I
understand that there is a beautiful view from the deck
off the bedroom,” she said as she grabbed my hand.

Did I want Sandy? Hell yes. But I wanted Beth more.

“If it doesn’t work out with Beth, why don’t you give me
a call and maybe, I can pay you back for dinner or at
least give you a desert you’ll never forget,” she said
with a smile as we walked into the hotel room. “It’s a
shame that this room has to go to waste tonight. Are you
sure that I can’t talk you into staying?”

“With the way you look tonight, not a chance. I may have
a strong will, but I’m a man also. I know that once you
got undressed, I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“Well please go out on the deck, and I’ll join you in a
minute. I just need to check on something,” Sandy told

She was right. The view of the lake was spectacular with
the reflection of the moon highlighting the shoreline. I
was about to ask Sandy where she was, when the patio
door opened. “Beth?”

“Hi, Steve.”

“How did you know where to find me?”

“You can thank Sandy for that,” she replied. “She set
this up to see how you felt about our going forward. If
it was over for the two of us, she would have been the
one standing here instead of me, and I would be on my
way back home. Instead, she has just left and we have
the room to ourselves for the night,” Beth said with
more than a little apprehension. “So, Steve. Where do we
go from here?’

“Beth, I still don’t understand, how…” I started to say
when she stopped me.

“Sandy and I were in the same sorority in college and I
had seen her only three or four times since then. “From
out of the blue, she called me up and asked me if I was
the Beth that had gone to FSU and was married to Steve
Moore. She called me last Monday, and we met for lunch.
She told me about your date, and what you’d talked
about. She had all ready put two and two together on who
I was. You sparked her interest, but she wasn’t going to
knowingly break us up. Sorority sisters do not do that.
That is when she came up with this idea. If you were
done with me, she wanted to get to know you better. If
you wanted to try again, she would step aside. So like I
said before, where do we go from here?”

I must have kissed her a thousand times before picking
her up and carrying her to the bed. Now I know why they
say that makeup sex is the hottest sex that you can
have. We made tender love all night long and even had a
quickie in the morning before breakfast.

“You are switching vendors on Monday; I don’t want that
asshole anywhere around you,” I told Beth.

“Don’t worry. It seems that after your little discussion
with him, at the motel, he hasn’t been seen or heard
from. He left his truck in his companies parking lot,
with a note, saying that there was an out of state
emergency he has to take care of. No one has heard from
him since.

The only thing that Beth insisted on was that we get a
new mattress for our bed. It was something about the
lingering smells of other women.

Are we back to where we were before all this crap
happened? Yes and no. No we haven’t solved all of our
problems as of yet, but yes, we are having one hell of a
lot of hot and sweaty sex.

I still think of Sandy once in a while, and wonder where
we would have been if I had taken her to bed that first
night or had never mentioned Beth by name. Would Beth
and I still be together?

That’s one problem I’m glad to say that I don’t have to
worry about presently. But I wonder if Beth and Sandy
would be open to a threesome? Now, that’s something to
think about.