Anal Orgy with my wife and two strangers

I’ve always been interested in doing a woman’s ass, but never had a
chance. My wife, Cindy, has a great ass, so round and smooth, but she
always said no any time I suggested we try it out. But that never
stopped me from bringing it up since she *could* change her mind.

Well my last birthday we got in bed in the evening, and we were
definitely getting ready for sex, and once again I suggested that she
try taking it in her ass. And lo and behold, she agreed! I couldn’t
believe it! I immediately got hard, and climbed into bed. Cindy just
looked at me with a sly smile as she slipped into her nightgown, and
climbed in with me. I had my K.Y. Jelly handy as I had forever, and we
turned out the lights. We started kissing in the dark. I was so turned
on I couldn’t believe it.

Cindy finally broke the kiss, and turned around so we were spooning
under the cover. I stroked her body and reached for the K.Y. Jelly. I
fingered her nipples, then fingered her cunt, and then her rear hole,
and started applying the lubricant. I heard her giggle a little and she
wriggled her rear for a second.

“Are you looking forward to it?” I could hear a grin in her voice.

“I do believe I am” I answered as nonchalantly as I could manage.

“Well, you can do it tonight, but I’m planning on getting compensation
in the morning,” she said and I could still hear she was almost

“Sounds good to me” I said. I didn’t think too much about the
compensation, but for this, I could do anything she was likely to
desire. I slipped a finger into her lubricated rear and worked it in
and out. She wriggled again, seductively, and I couldn’t believe how
much she was into it after always refusing. I worked a second finger
in, and a third.

“Mmmm” she murmured. I slipped them back and forth, then drew them out
and lubricated my cock. Was I hard! Finally, I put the head of my cock
right up to her rear hole and started pressing, gently at first. She
became perfectly silent–I wondered if she was even breathing. I
increased the pressure and finally popped the head in. I heard her
breath catch. It was the first indication I had that this wasn’t just a
little joke for her. I pushed my cock in, slowly and she groaned. I
couldn’t tell if it was a groan of pleasure or not. I kept pushing
until my whole rock-hard cock was in her to the hilt, and I pulled her
rear to my pelvis as hard as I could. She was breathing unevenly,
sometimes vocalizing little grunts.

“You like?” she asked. She had trouble saying it, with her breathing.

“Yes!” I was breathing so hard that I was also having trouble speaking.
Suddenly, she started pulling and pushing, forcing my cock in and
out–it was like she went crazy. She was singing a note. I started
fucking in earnest, my motion opposite hers. She grabbed my hand and
pushed it to her cunt and I fingered it as best I could though I was
quite distracted. She pulled the top of her body away from me and her
whole body was writhing. She was breathing harder, and vocalizing with
each breath. Finally, she stopped moving back and forth and pressed her
rear to me hard–I was still fucking, but my cock wasn’t going in and
out so much because she was slowing down and following my motion. She
yelled, and I came. And came and came–I don’t remember ever coming so

Finally we wound down and I said “You *liked* it, didn’t you?”

“It was your birthday present” she said in a gasping voice, still out
of breath. There was no more giggle in her voice. I guessed she wasn’t
going to admit she liked it. I was exhausted and soon was asleep.

I awoke, and couldn’t move! Or talk! It was daylight. I realized I was
tied up–or rather tied down, spread-eagle but face down in the middle
of our bed! I was gagged too, and naked! I looked around as well as I
could, but Cindy wasn’t around. There was nothing to do but wait.

Then I heard the bedroom door open. Cindy came into view. She was fully
dressed, in jeans and a top. With her was some guy! “Now it’s time for
my compensation,” she said with a grin on her face! I looked at the
guy: he was huge and obviously very muscular! He didn’t say anything,
but immediately started stripping! And I started pulling as hard as I
could on my bonds, but no dice. Trapped!

In no time, the guy was nude. His cock was huge, and growing hard! He
grabbed the K.Y. and stroked his cock. Then he walked behind me where
it was hard to see him! I couldn’t believe the position I was in. I
just lay there, waiting. I felt his fingers on my ass and the coolness
of the lubricant. He wasted no time, and was pushing a finger into my
rear in no time. In a minute, I felt him on top of me and felt his cock
on my rear hole! Cindy was next to me, crouching down just a little,
watching my face. She was smiling! I turned my head the other way.

The cock was inside me and the guy was fucking away. Cindy approached
my view: she had walked around the bed, evidently, to watch my face
again. Again I turned my head away. The guy was in me right up to the
hilt. He was so big. I no longer worried about Cindy. He alternated
between pushing in hard, and then fucking me fast. Then he went even
faster and I felt him come. It was unbelievable! How could I have ended
up in this position?

The guy dressed and left, and finally, Cindy untied me. As soon as I
got the gag off, I was yelling my head off at her, but she stood up to
me and told me I’d earned it! Finally, I calmed down… there was
nothing I could do now, and she had me: she had told me I would pay. I
still didn’t talk to her much the rest of the day. That night in bed,
she *told* me we were going to do our little exchange again! I told her
no way, and she started wriggling her body and then grabbed for my
cock! I *knew* she was trying to hook me again. I jumped out of bed,
and headed for the bedroom door. I opened it and walked out… bumping
right into the same guy who had been there that morning! He grabbed me
and pulled me back to the bed. Cindy turned the bedroom light on, and
soon the guy had me on the bed and Cindy was sitting on me while the
guy pulled off my pajamas and tied me face down on the bed again. Soon
I was in exactly the same position I had been in that morning, and the
guy was stripping again! And I need not tell you the rest–it was a
replay of the morning.

When he was done, he relaxed for a little while, with Cindy still
standing there, watching us. It was obvious she had enjoyed the show.
Soon the guy stood up again and I noticed once again how big, and tall
and muscular he was. He walked up to Cindy, completely nude, and sort
of crouched down and they immediately kissed! They stood there, locked
in embrace for minutes, obviously kissing open mouthed! When they
stopped, the guy quickly pulled off Cindy’s nightgown and turned her
around and pushed her body down so she was supporting herself on her
elbows on the nightstand. Then he proceeded to fuck her ass, right
there in front of me! She didn’t do a thing to stop him, and soon he
was fucking away and she was yelling “Yes! Yes!” every few seconds.
This couldn’t be happening!

Well, the guy, Brent, lives with us now. We are both always nude and
waiting on him. We both suck him whenever he feels like it, and of
course, he takes our asses just about every day. He brought his
girlfriend, Cathy, to live with us too. She watches him do us and
orders us around, but she doesn’t do anything sexual with us. Except
that she loves to whip Cindy’s ass with a belt.