Hot, Naughty Nurse

How far will some people go to achieve those things that are important to them? A question as old as man. And as long as people have goals they feel are important, other people will feel as if they’ve been exploited for the sake of an individuals goals. Examples can be found everywhere that the […]

Teacher’s Oral Lesson

The facade of respectability often crumbles to dust with remarkable swiftness once its protective armor has been pierced. The relatively minor investigation into the conduct of one police officer results in the discovery of massive corruption within the force. A routine check by the government of a corporation’s finances turns up damning evidence of widespread […]

Whipped Niece

Immoral men capitalizing on the innocence of others to attain their goals — a story as old as man. The Bible, history books, law books — all contain examples. And when the innocent victim is young, the story is so much the sadder. The girl in this book — Liz Hall — is the victim […]

Peeping Tom Mom

PEEPING TOM MOM is the story of a teenage boy and his mother. They find themselves victims of the ravages of sexual need, and seek release in the heat of each other’s body. They have no trouble setting aside the traditional taboo against incest as their lust becomes the most important factor in their lives. […]

Hot And Wild Wife

In many cases today’s marriage is seen as a business and/or social arrangement between consenting adults rather than a continuing expression of love and affection. The results are obvious: casual, promiscuous infidelity; a lack of concern for the partner and the children; the breakdown of the family structure; and the use of others for thrill-seeking […]

The Whore Makers

The subject of victim psychology has become an area of great interest in recent times, due mostly, perhaps, to the widely publicized conversion of Patricia Hearst to the radical SLA. Why a victim will turn and become a party to his or her own abduction is a question open to hot debate. Vivian Long is […]

Brother’s Naughty Family

The majority of today’s men and women live in an overcrowded, competitive, noisy world. Most are put into slots and walk on a treadmill — going to boring jobs, living in carbon-copy houses, socializing with the same people. Their desperation is reflected in the rising rate of divorce, alcoholism, drug addiction, and at times is […]

Neighbor In Chains

Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoner of war who gives in to his captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must act without past experience to guide them. The end result can be either a very negative or a positive experience. In NEIGHBOR IN […]

Always Hot Wife

The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage […]

Eat Out With His Wife

Although Americans appear to the rest of the world as frank and open people, the truth is often the opposite when it comes to relating on a personal basis. This is particularly true regarding sexual matters. The fact is, Americans are only now beginning to learn to discuss sex and sexuality with candor and usually […]

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