Submitting The Master

We only had an hour to play. You said you needed to get back to catch a personal phone call that you did not want to take, but had to anyway. I knew how stressed you were and wanted to make things better. I wanted to make you feel released, as much as relaxed. We […]

The two young lovers

Sam Warren waited at the terminal for his wife, his bride. After a year’s separation due to Operation Enduring Freedom, he found that all he could think of was her. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for Sam, absence just made his heart grow lonely. He fussed over the bouquet of flowers, […]

A Little Bit Off The Top

“Your problem is called ‘phimosis’”, said the doctor. He pronounced it FIE-ma-sis. I knew the word, but had always thought that it rhymed with other problems I had, such as psychosis and halitosis. Well, however it sounded, the symptom was clear: I couldn’t pee straight. This made me a little unpopular in public washrooms. “You […]

Harry’s Wet Dream

Harry was in shock as he saw Ron playing lustily with his sticky & wet cock which was limping back to erection as a result of being rubbed & fondled by Ron’s fingers. Ron’s fingers were busy fondling Harry’s most private parts. Ron teared off his shirt & his pajamas, which enabled Harry to have […]

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