Natalie the hoe

“Shopping always makes me feel good. Prada, Gucci, Manolos, DG, so many expensive brands to choose from, what’s a poor college girl to do? Well one solution would be to work hard and save up as much as I could to buy one special pair of shoes or one bag. But why should I do […]

Gangbang with Susan 4. – Cocks and pussies

She gripped his hands and pushed them off. “No,” she said. “Here’s what you do. First slid your hands around them. Just squeeze softly. A little harder. Good. Now let your hands slide over them lightly. Stroke your hands over them on either side of the nipples. Don’t touch the nipples. He stroked her breasts […]

Brenda Breaks Free

She was cold, uncomfortable and a little embarrassed; but she was mostly proud of the fact she’d actually gone through with it this time. Twice before in the past month she’d had the opportunity and desire, but she just couldn’t, but this time, this time she would not go home feeling like a coward and […]

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