Kidnapped And Raped

Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoner of war who gives in to his captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must act without past experience to guide them. The end result can be either a very negative or a positive experience. In KIDNAPPED AND […]

Widespread Wife

One of mankind’s most basic, most important institutions is marriage. Yet today, at least in the United States, matrimony is crisis-ridden at best, seemingly in a state of near-collapse at worst. The malaise chiefly affects couples in their late twenties and early thirties, products of the post-World War II baby boom, growing up during the […]

Naked Naughty Family

A healthy family unit is the basis of the American way of life. Years ago, a person’s extended family played a big part in his life. Uncles, aunts, and grandparents often lived in the home and took on an advisory or supportive role. We seem to be moving away from this type of situation today. […]

Swinging Secretary

Though the closed world of various institutions and orders is seemingly totally removed from day-to-day events as most people know them, such is not always the case. The same desires, physical sensations and everyday wants that effect us are also part of the makeup of some of today’s established and respected institutions and professions. One […]

Slave Niece

Immoral men capitalizing on the innocence of others to attain their goals — a story as old as man. The Bible, history books, law books — all contain examples. And when the innocent victim is young, the story is so much the sadder… The girl in this book — Mary Roberts — is the victim […]

Slaveboy Brothers

The psychology of victims of violence has become an area of widespread interest lately, due perhaps to the widely publicized conversion of Patty Hearst to the radical SLA. Why a person will suddenly turn and become a party to his or her own victimization is a question open to hot debate. Jack and Jerry have […]

Son On A Leash

Growing up is never easy, especially for a teen who has no father. Fatherless teens are always lost. Keeping that in mind, Hank Davis searches for the son he never knew, the son who had been born in that shattered republic of Vietnam, so long ago. SON ON A LEASH is the story of how […]

Teacher’s Oral Lesson

The facade of respectability often crumbles to dust with remarkable swiftness once its protective armor has been pierced. The relatively minor investigation into the conduct of one police officer results in the discovery of massive corruption within the force. A routine check by the government of a corporation’s finances turns up damning evidence of widespread […]

Two Hot Moms

Although Americans appear to the rest of the world as frank and open people, the truth is often the opposite when it comes to relating on an individual basis. This is particularly true when it comes to sexual matters. The fact is, Americans are only now learning to discuss sex and sexuality with candor, and […]

Mom Sucks Big Ones

The overwhelming problems some people face in the course of their lives can frequently lead them to commit acts which they would never consider under usual circumstances. There is the employee who, laid off from his job, stoops to theft in order to feed his family; the witness who perjures himself in order to save […]

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