The Preacher’s Hot Family

It was Henry David Thoreau, in Walden, who remarked, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today considering the pressures and frequent monotony of today’s world. The majority of today’s men and women live […]

Tied Up And Whipped

Outwardly, most Americans maintain the strait-laced middle-class look that belies the social ferment behind closed doors. There is the secret use of drugs, fed by the marijuana syndrome. There is the river of alcohol flooding from door to door under the euphemism of social drinking. Then, of course, there is the advent of sexual fantasies […]

Naughty, Naughty Family

It was Henry David Thoreau, in Walden, who remarked, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today considering the pressures and frequent monotony of today’s world. The majority of today’s men and women live […]

Jock Stud

It’s been said that every person has some dark passion within his soul — some hidden secret, desire, or whim that may never surface to be seen by the closest confidante, or even recognized by the person himself. Such a secret can be evil and sinister, or it may be trivial and trite. In America, […]

Twin Farmgirl Cousins

Although Americans appear to the rest of the world as frank and open people, the truth is often the opposite when relating on a personal basis. This is particularly true regarding sexual matters. The fact is, Americans are only now beginning to learn to discuss sex and sexuality with candor, and usually that is within […]

Abused Family

Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoners of war who give in to their captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must act without past experience to guide them. Both must make decisions in a vacuum, without benefit of familiar people or situations to guide […]

Dirt Road Deliverance

Many Americans have treated homosexuality like an ostrich with its head in the sand — they simply refuse to believe that a man could physically love another man. Perhaps that is why so many parents cannot confront the fact that their son may have homosexual tendencies — because they cannot believe the condition exists. For […]

A Mother Enslaved

One need only tune in the television set during prime time on any evening of the week to witness a seemingly endless barrage of violence in the form of “entertainment”. Whether it be cops pursuing robbers, or cowboys gunning down Indians, the pattern is invariably the same. The fact that no one is really hurt, […]

Their Horny New Mom

Outwardly, suburbia maintains the straitlaced, middle-class look that belies the social ferment behind closed doors. There is secret use of drugs, fed by the marijuana syndrome. There is the river of alcohol flooding from door to door under the euphemism of social drinking. Then, of course, inevitably there is the advent of mate swapping. All […]

Meet My Hot Mom

MEET MY HOT MOM is the story of a teenage boy and his mother. They find themselves victims of the ravages of sexual need, and seek release in the heat of each other’s body. They have no trouble setting aside the traditional taboo against incest after a young lusty girl enters their lives. Once they […]

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