Kinky game

Gail looked her usual self–which was the look of a typical college student–which she was. I had just flown in and found her waiting for me at the gate. I was visiting her for the weekend–a weekend away from law school for me. We hadn’t seen each other in a couple of months. Gail looked […]

I NEED your cock

Yes!! , business trip is finished a day early, as I fly home without calling to surprise you, I KNOW I am forgetting something. No matter. I retrieve my car from long term parking and begin the drive home, fantasizing about making love to you tonight. As I turn onto my street, I remember what […]

Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy

Christina loved Nattelie’s pussy, especially when it is fresh fucked and oozing cum. For some reason cum tasted better from Nattalies pussy then from Rob’s dick. Christina remembers the first time she tasted cum, it wasn’t from a boy but from her dog. It wasn’t the same as people cum, it was thinner but just […]

Finally i fucked my coworker

There’s this guy that I’ve been working with for almost two years now. He’s tall, thin, thick brunette hair and scruff, sweet smile, kind eyes and personality. Incredibly smart and easy to talk to. He also happens to be one of my best friends. I’ve liked him for a while but never wanted to ruin […]

How was the dildo?

Judy stopped talking and sat there with a speculative look in her eye. We were drinking tea in her kitchen. It made me nervous when she looked at me like that. “You seemed to… react to that,” she finally said. She sees things. She’d been telling me about her love life, getting quite detailed, and […]

My journal 1.

Here I am sitting at this damned terminal… No news in the world worth looking at; more wrecks, crashes and murders. No e-mail worth responding to. I need a job, I shouldn’t postpone it but I will. Another day, that’s all I need, I’ll get my shit togather and go build a few houses, pay […]

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