Fantasies of My Lover

I unlock the front door, stepping in out of the pouring rain on a grey October morning. Soaked through to my bra and knickers, I take off my jacket and shoes and head upstairs for the shower, discarding my wet clothes. I let the warm water massage me as I wash myself all over, lingering […]

Elizabeth’s virgin asshole

Elizabeth moaned and wiggled a little as the vibrator did its job. I’d strapped her into the passenger side captain’s chair and removed the walkman and blindfold so we could better communicate. I tried my best to talk to her but the hateful looks she kept giving me were disturbing my concentration. Finally, I’d replaced […]

Anniversary xxx

I lay on my bed in the dark, typing. My husband, via my Apple laptop computer, kept me company. With my hips elevated on three pillows, my thighs spread as comfortably as I could get them, and my rectum practically filled with KY lubricant, I still ached. “This is crazy,” I wrote. He came back: […]

How was the dildo?

Judy stopped talking and sat there with a speculative look in her eye. We were drinking tea in her kitchen. It made me nervous when she looked at me like that. “You seemed to… react to that,” she finally said. She sees things. She’d been telling me about her love life, getting quite detailed, and […]