Married 25 year old man searches for an experience to satisfy him

I open a large dark chestnut door and step into a long hallway, not much wider or taller than myself. The door shuts behind me. Large grey stones of varied shapes and sizes cover the walls, floors, and ceiling of the hall. It’s pretty dark, but at the end I can see a group of […]

Can a pornstar find love with a simple country boy?

“I don’t know, Bobby… are you sure I’ll like this?” “Come on, Jaime. Don’t leave me hangin’ girl…” “But, I’m not sure what to do?” “It’s easy, babe. Just pretend it’s a big lollipop.” “Okay…” Ever so slowly, Jaime began to stroke the massive cock in front of her. Her grasp was tentative and her […]

Purim Treat

Unbelievably, I had begun seeing “A”, this stunning blond member of our congregation after she came on to me one night at a fund-raiser, drunk on vodka. My band was providing the music and while on a break, she got into my personal space, asking me why I never flirted with her like I did […]

Wedding Night

I’m a young woman (and yes I’m still a virgin) who’s waiting for the knight in shining armor….. but while waiting for God to put him in my life…I’ve been wondering about my life with my future husband, especially the intimacy that we will share together. So here are my thoughts put in writing! Hope […]

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