Body Drafts

After removing her bra, Michelle slowly slipped off her more reluctant panties, then stood there holding both. She looked over at Dr Narain sheepishly, the underwear dangling from her hand. “Anywhere,” Narain said with a generous shrug. “Just throw them over there.” Michelle turned and tossed first the bra, then the panties onto a tawny […]

Every inch a nymph 2.

“He just had too much to drink tonight. I’m sure he’ll be ashamed of himself tomorrow morning, and I’m sorry about Slim. He goes a bit overboard sometimes. That man, all he ever thinks about is body-building, his spa, and sex! But I love him!” “Do… do you ever…” Melanie lowered her eyes and blushed. […]

Stepmom’s asshole 3.

“… and she told me about the deal she made with Tommy,” Frank was saying. “I was pretty damn pissed about that, too.” He had came over right after hanging up. Sherri had scrambled into her robe, running her fingers through her mussed hair, frantically urging Tommy and Cindy to get dressed. Tommy had his […]

Chained, whipped librarians 2.

Jim Carver’s cock swelled fucking-hard again in less time than either of them had dared hope. Letha purred and cooed. She hadn’t lost her touch in three long and lonely years of widowhood. Ellen looked aghast. She’d never seen her husband’s great cock so long and throbbing hard. Sight of its fierce surging strength repulsed […]

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