The Simpsons XxX – Bart and an Older Woman

This story is a replacement ending written by me to the episode in which
Bart writes love letters to his teacher, Mrs. Krabopple as a joke. It picks
up when Bart realizes that he has to end the “relationship.”

This story is a replacement ending written by me to the episode in which
Bart writes love letters to his teacher, Mrs. Krabopple as a joke. It picks
up when Bart realizes that he has to end the “relationship.”

“Oh no!” Bart thought to himself, “I’ve got to do something about
Mrs. Krabopple. I can’t ask Lisa, she’ll just make fun of me. I can’t ask
mom, she’ll think I’m twisted or something. I’ll ask Homer!”

Bart went to Homer and asked him what to do, and Homer, lacking and sense
of intelligence responded: “Tell her the truth.”

That night, Bart went to Edna Krabopple’s house in a suit and knocked on
the door.

“Oh great!” Edna thought sarcastically, “instead of having my dream
man sent to the door, my worst student comes.”

“Bart,” she said, “What do you want, and how in the world did you find
out where I live.”

“Ummm, Mrs. Krabopple, I have some bad news for you.”

“Did you break the fish bowl again, because if you did, you’re gonna
be in detention for the rest of…”

“NO!” Bart cut in, “it is much more serious, and whatever you do,
please don’t get mad, I thought it would be funny at first, and then I
realized that I made a big mistake.”

“Alright Bart, what is it, what did you do?” Edna questioned.

“Well, you know all of those love letters you’ve gotten…”

“You know who my Woodrow is?” Edna interrupted with a burst of energy,
“Who is he, where is he, when can I finally meet him?”

Bart hesitated, in anticipation of a slap across the face. Then, he said:
“I’m Woodrow, I wrote the letters.”

The young boy stood there, waiting for his teachers hand to hit him clear
across the face, but it never happened. Edna didn’t move, and just looked
her student in the eyes. Then an evil grin crept onto Edna’s face.

“You wrote the letters? I’m going to have to teach you a lesson
young man. Come with me.”

“Uh oh,” Bart thought as he walked behind his teacher into what
appeared to be her bedroom. “I’m about to get the biggest spanking of my
life, aren’t I?”

“You could say that.” his teacher slyly replied. “Sit on the bed
Bart, I want to explain something to you.”

Bart did as he was told.

“My husband left me over ten years ago, and that was the last time
that I got any… Uhmmm I mean that was the last time I had… Uhmmm, that
was the last time I had a male companion. Because I have certain needs, I
put an add in the magazine to fill my needs. You, or Woodrow was the first
descent, reasonable man who responded, and I got very excited. I thought
my needs would be answered, and now, I am so horn… I mean needy, that
your punishment will be to help me solve my needs.”

“What is it that you want me to do?” Bart asked.

“Well, Uhhhhh, Ummmmm…” Edna Krabopple never thought she would ask
anyone to do what she was about to ask Bart, let alone a student. And, she
certainly didn’t know how to ask him. “Bart,” she said, “we’re gonna
have… Uhmmmm, lets see, when two people really like each other, they…
No, that’s not what I want to say… Uhmmm well, you, uhhhmmmm, We’re
gonna fuck!”

“What?” Bart stammered. Being in fourth grade, he didn’t know much
about sex, and he hadn’t even started puberty, so he was totally lost.

“Don’t worry,” Edna said, “I’ll take you through every step.” With
that, she walked over to Bart, and immediately locked into a deep kiss.

Bart pushed away, saying:“Ewwwww, that’s disgusting”

But, Edna persisted and said:

“Trust me, you’ll like it, and besides, this is part of your

Once again, the teacher pressed her lips against those of the eleven year
old and held. Soon, she opened her mouth and slipped her tongue into Bart’s
mouth. He responded with the same action. They stayed like this for five
or six minutes, until Edna decided to move on to the next step. She broke
the kiss, took off her shirt, and unclasped her bra. Although not huge,
her breasts were perfectly shaped, and Bart was overcome.

“Wow!” the boy said as he stared at her beautiful globules. It was
his first exposure to breasts, and he immediately started to kiss, caress,
and play with them. Edna leaned her head back and moaned. Bart, wanting
to take some initiative, took off his shirt, and while doing so, realized
a strange feeling. His penis felt like it was getting bigger. Bart had
an irregularly large pre-pubescent dick. At three inches soft, Bart
thought that was as big as it got. He knew that his member was big
because at school, in the bathroom, he often caught a quick flash of
another boy’s dick, and one inch is a lot smaller than three inches.

While Edna impatiently awaited her young lover, Bart wanted to investigate.
He pulled down his pants, and pulled the semi-hard dick out of his boxers.

“Holy shit!” Bart yelled, “It grew an inch!”

“Don’t have a cow,” Edna joked, “and besides, it’ll grow more than

Bart looked over and realized that while he was stripping, his teacher had
done the same. For the first time in his life, Bart looked over at his
teacher and had the sudden urge to do something, but he didn’t know what
that something was.

“Come over here.” Edna pleaded, and then grabbed the boy’s dick.
Quickly, she slipped it into her mouth, and began to suck like she never
sucked before. At first, Bart was repulsed, but soon, he realized that
this felt amazingly good. The more she sucked, the bigger it grew, and
Finally, after five minutes of the most intense blow job ever, Bart’s
dick was at a whopping five and a half inches.

“Okay, now you’re ready,” said Edna to her student. She guided his dick to
the entrance of her pussy.

“Do you know what to do, because if you don’t it’s real easy, I’ll tell you.”

Bart looked to the ground, quite embarrassed.

“Alright, all you have to do is pump that rod of yours into my pussy, then
pull back some, then back in… In, out, in, out, etc. Do you get the
general idea?”

Bart nodded.

“Good, now when I start screaming, whatever you do, don’t stop, go faster!!!
And, unless I’m screaming, pull out if you feel like some stuff is about to
come out of your penis. If I’m screaming, forget about it and keep on
going. By the way, this may take a while, don’t give up to early, the end
experience is well worth the wait.”

Bart nodded and eased his way into her love box. A slight moan escaped
Edna’s lips. Then, Bart climbed on top of her, his head only reaching her
boob. Slowly, he began to pump, in and out.

“If you want to be done before next week, I’d go a little faster.”
Edna complained.

The boy’s pace became faster and faster. Soon he was pumping in and out as
fast as he could, in anticipation of the great feeling he was promised.
Then, it happened. Bart’s fourth grade teacher let out a scream. Her body
started to violently shake and Bart knew he had to keep on going, and get
even faster. His teacher’s body then went rigid and Bart felt a strange
feeling in his dick.

“Uh oh.” Bart thought, “she’s screaming and I’m about to have that
feeling she told me about.” The boy pumped as hard as he could. Beads of
sweat dripped from the two bodies. Edna screamed as Bart grunted. Then,
Bart, for the first time, had an orgasm, and couldn’t believe how good it
felt. It almost hurt, it felt so good.

“Oooohhhh Bart, that was excellent!” the lustful teacher moaned.
“You learn quickly, I think your grade just went from an “F” to an “A.”

“Thank you Mrs. Krabopple, that was awesome!”

“C’mon Bart, I’ll give you a ride home.”

“Actually, my parents think I’m sleeping over at Millhouse’s tonight,
I’ll just call him, tell him that I got grounded, and I’ll stay here, for
some more fun.”

That night, Bart and his teacher fucked for hours. Over and over, Bart
emptied his little ball sack into Mrs. Krabopple. In one night, his grade
went from a “D” to an “A.”

Episode 2 is soon to come

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Subject: Simpsons Episode II: Bart Extends His Knew Knowledge
From: (GzAxgaiefX)
Date: 20 Jul 1997 18:00:41 GMT

The Simpsons Episode II Bart Extends His Knew Knowledge

Bart woke up in a good mood. He knew he had to get home by
eleven o’clock, and it was only nine thirty now. His mother thought
he was at Millhouse’s all night. Oh how little she knew. Bart
looked over and noticed Edna Krabopple quietly sleeping on her stomach
in the nude.

“I know just how to wake her up.” Bart thought to himself.
He took his already rock hard dick and quickly shoved up her ass.

“Unngh” Edna moaned, but remained asleep. Bart started
pumping his member up and down in her ass, slowly at first, but
increasing his speed as he went. Soon Edna, as if by instinct in her
sleep, started moving to match the little boy’s actions.

“Oh Bart,” Edna moaned, “Faster!”

“Bart, wake up, it’s time for school.” yelled Marge as she
raced up the stairs.

“Shit!” Bart thought to himself, “I’m almost done.”
“One more minute,” he called back. The erotic event which took
place Friday night was still fulfilling Bart’s need for something to
think about during masturbation.

“You don’t have one more min uhh uhmmm…” Marge stammered
as she forced open Bart’s door. She never expected to see this, at
least not this early. Marge witnessed her little boy’s penis eject
loads of cum.

“Mo-om!!!! Close the door!!!!! Don’t you knock???!!?!?!?”

“I’m sorry,” she said, and walked out of the room.

A million questions ran through Marge’s mind: “How could it
be. Bart is only in fourth grade. I just don’t understand. Maybe I
should just pretend I never saw anything. Maybe I should talk to
Homer. On second thought, I probably shouldn’t talk to Homer. I
have to talk to him. I have to explain to him something. Oh I don’t
know what to do. I guess I should keep him home from school today,
and tell him about uhhmmm relationships.”

Bart was so embarrassed that he never came down. Marge told
Lisa that Bart was sick and wasn’t going to school today. Homer was
at work and Maggie was taking a nap. Marge went up to Bart’s room.
She knocked on the door, and heard a quiet “Come in.”

Bart looked over to his clock and said oh sh.. I mean shoot, I
have to go to school. “He thought I can’t wait to see Mrs.
Krabopple! Oh wait a minute, she wasn’t in school yesterday or
Monday, and they already told us she was gonna be out for the rest of
the week. Damn!”

“I don’t want to talk to you.” Bart whined and lied down on
his bed. He started to shiver and Marge reached to put the sheet over
him. But where she grabbed was wet with what must have been cum, so
she quickly moved her hand to another spot, which was also wet. Then
she found a dry spot and bent over to tuck her not-so-little boy in.
As she did, Bart was treated to a long look at his own mother’s
cleavage. Marge noticed where he was staring and quickly stood up.
She sat down on a chair across the room and noticed now Bart was
staring up the bottom of her dress. She crossed her legs and thought
about what she was going to say.

“Honey, uhhmmm, I didn’t think we would have this talk for a
while, but I guess now is as good a time as ever. When a young boy
grows up…”

“I know Mom,” Bart interrupted, “I don’t need to have this
talk, and would you leave my room please, I have to do something.”
Bart’s dick had started to harden. He had never thought of his mom
as anything more but his mom, but now, he thought about her in a
different way.

“No Bart,” Marge said, “we have to have this talk now.”
With that she got up and sat down next to her son on the bed. Marge
started to pat Bart on the stomach to comfort him, but missed and hit
the ever growing tent in the sheets.

“OUCHHHHH!!!” Bart cried. “Why in the hell did you do
that!!!” A few silent moments went by as Marge arranged her thoughts.
But, before she said anything, Bart said, “Oh, I think I know why,”
and he started to reach for his dick.

“No Bart, that’s not it at all,” Marge protested, but it
was too late. As her little boy took out his dick, she gasped.

“Mom, I understand how you feel, I realize that Homer’s
probably not uhmmmm adequate.” With that, Bart grabbed his mother’s
hand, and although she resisted, he squeezed it around his little
member. “Ohhhhh, that feels good Mom, keep doing it,” and Bart let
go of her hand. Surprising both herself and Bart, Marge kept on doing
it. Bart reached over to his nightstand and grabbed the pocket knife.
He slit her dress all the way around, leaving his mother in just
panties and a bra. Then Bart pulled Marge’s head down to his dick,
and she started to suck. Her hair tickled his chin in a most sensuous
way as she blew her little boy. Bart took the knife and shredded his
mother’s bra, and let her breasts hang free. He reached down and
began to fondle them. He rubbed and squeezed in time with her sucking
and blowing. Then Bart wanted more. All in one movement, he flipped
Marge over, ripped off her panties and started pounding into her. In
five minutes of hot sweaty sex, Bart ! ca! me. He screamed, as did
Marge. Then they lay back, naked, and sweaty, resting, waiting for

The door opened and Homer said “I forgot my lunch, and then I
heard screaming and OH MY GOD!!! MARGE, HOW COULD YOU!!!”

To find out what happens, watch for the next episode of “The


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Simpsons Episode III: Homer Gets in on the Action

Marge was so embarresed. Not only had Homer caught her
cheating on him, but he caught her cheating on him with their own son.
Evidently Bart wasn’t even phased by Homer’s arrival because he was
still pumping.

“So, Homer,” Bart said in between breaths, “How does it
feel to know that because you can’t satisfy your wife, she has to go
to her son.” Then Bart started grunting as he rushed in and out of
his mother.

Marge wanted Bart to stop but she couldn’t bring herself to
make him, she was on the verge of an orgasm and couldn’t just stop.
That would be torture!

“C’mon brain, think!” Homer thought to himself. “Uhmmm,
this wasn’t in the job description, catch ya later!” his brain said
back to him. “Uh oh, what should I do!” Homer thought, “I’ll just
use some of my Dad’s advice, that always used to work when I was a
kid!!! Uhmmmmmm, he said uhhhmm ‘If you can’t beat em, join em!”

Homer jumped over to the bed and started to strip. Both Bart
and Marge stopped in confucion.

“What are you doing?” Bart said, and Homer replied “If you
can’t beat em, join em!” With that, Homer whipped out his little
penis and got ready to slip it into Marge’s asshole. She had never
let him take her up the ass before, but this was hardly a time for her
to object. Hee hee hee. With that, Homer shoved his dick into
Marge’s ass, without lubrication!

At first, Marge feared intense pain, but she quickly realized
that there was none. She had laid turds bigger than his dick! Then
Marge realized something else. She liked the double pummel action.
In fact, she loved it. In fact, she was about to cum!!!

“Ohhhhhhhh Home-ee!” Marge growled. “And my special
special special little boy, or should I say man!” Then Marge reached
the most intense orgasm of her life. Her muscles clamped down on the
two dicks inside of her, squeezing them to a point of intense pain,
and then the two men inside of her began to cum, each shooting spurt
after spurt into her.

The three of them, all exhausted, lay back onto Bart’s bed,
sweaty and completely naked. Then, Homer fell off, and yelled “Doh.”

Little did the three Simpsons know, the Flander’s children,
Ted and Todd, were home from school with the chicken pox. They
couldn’t believe what they saw through the window.

“What were they doing?” Ted asked Todd.

“I don’t know, maybe they were wrestling.” replied Todd.

“That couldn’t be, wrestling is all planned out in advance,
and therefore, wrestlers lie to the public. Our neighbors couldn’t
be sinners! Besides, they had no clothes on!” Said Ted

“Well,” Todd reasoned, “They looked like they were having
fun, do you want to do what they were doing?”

Ted quickly replied “Sure, I want to take these pants of
anyways, something is wrong with my penis, it’s all hard for some

“Mine too. I wonder why.” Todd said.

With that, the two young boys removed their clothing and Ted
got behind Todd. He slowly, cautiously inched his dick towards
Todd’s rectum. He pushed in a little, but Todd clenched up

“Oww, why did you do that?” yelped Ted, complaing about the
pain in his dick.

“I didn’t mean to, it was an accident!”

Ted continued to push, waiting every few seconds for Todd to
relax. Finnally, Ted was all the way inside.

“Now what?” he questioned his brother Todd.

“You’re supposed to push back and forth I think.”

So, Todd began to thrust, in and out, slowly but surely. But,
little did they know, the three sex-craved Simpsons were watching them
just as they had watched the Simpsons.

“Oh my God,” Bart said as he shook his head in disbelief,
“who would have thought those to were sinners.”

“I think maybe they saw us, and they don’t know what
they’re doing.” Marge replied.

“Doh!” Homer yelled, “Even God-boy’s kids’ dicks are
bigger than mine!”

“I’ve got a great idea.” said Bart, and he went to get the
video camera that Homer had “borrowed” from the Flanders. “This
will make a great blackmail tape.” Bart thought.

Meanwhile, Ted’s pace had quickened, and he soon felt a
strange feeling in his penis.

“Oh ohhh oh ohhhhhhhhh!” Ted screamed when all of a sudden,
he felt the greatest feeling he had ever felt in his life.

“What are you doing?” Todd cried, “Why are you peeing in my

“That wasn’t pee, I don’t know what it was, but you have to
try this, it feels great.” The two young boys switched positions.
Todd now inched his way into Ted’s ass.

Bart said to himself, “This is great.” His parents had
slipped away to discuss the events, and he was taping the funniest gay
sex in the world. Then he saw the door open in Ted and Todd’s room.
The two boys jumped right into bed, just before their mother saw
anything. “Damn,” Bart thought, “that encounter would have been


Find out what happens next time in “Simpsons Episode IV: Blackmail
and a Bimbo.

Also, if you would like to receive a copy of each episode, when it is
released, E mail me at I will put you on my
mailing list, and when I post each new episode, you will instantly get
a copy of it. Thanks

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Simpsons Episode IV: Blackmail and a Bimbo

“Rod, Todd, how are you two doing? Did you say your
mid-morning prayers?” asked Mrs. Flanders.

“Yes mother,” the two boys replied angelically to their
mother. With that, Maud left the room. “God,” she thought, “why
do they have to be such dorks?”

In actuality, Maud did not like the devotion to God that her
husband and kids had. She just put on that facade so she could marry
Ned. When she moved to Springfield, no one would talk to her. She
needed a good reputation, and the quickest way to get that was to
marry the holiest man in town, Ned Flanders. The whole thing was a
mistake because Maud was a very horny woman, and in their entire
marriage, Ned and Maud had sex twice, just for Rod and Todd, and even
that was a challenge. She had to explain to Ned that his offspring
could carry-on his good-doing. Unfortunately, they had.

“Well, thank God for the old dildo and vibrator collection!”
Maud said a little louder than she intended to. She went to her room
to satisfy her needs.

“Okay,” said Todd, “She’s gone.” The to boy resumed their
buttfucking, this time though, there were loud smacking noises and
pops as they thrusted back and forth.

“Perfect,” though Bart as he videotaped with one hand and
spanked off with the other.

Todd finally came with the same exuberance as Rod. “Wow, you
were right, that does feel good.”

At that very moment, Maud came with a powerful orgasm. Her
body spurted juices as she unsuccessfully tried to muffle her screams.
The boys didn’t hear though, because of their own screams.

The next day, Bart walked over to the Flanders’ house with
the video tape. Rod and Todd were home alone. Bart told Rod that he
had to show them something. He put the video tape in the VCR, and
pressed play. The scene was perfect, Rod and Todd both grunting, and

“What are you gonna do with that?” questioned Todd.

“Well if you don’t do what I say, I’m gonna show it to your
parents, and you know they’ll be mad, this is incest, and that’s a

The two boys looked horrified. “We’ll do whatever you want,
we promise.”

Bart was delighted. “Okay, Your father’s away on some
Leftorium Business trip next week, right?” The boys nodded their
heads. “Good. On Monday, you two have to tie your mother down to her
bed, naked, and watch me as I rape her. If I’m in a good mood, I’ll
let you have a shot at her too.”

Rod and Todd were about to protest when Bart reminded them of
the tape. “We’ll do it,” they said glumly.

On that Monday, after Ned had left for his Business trip, the
two boy conspired on how to carry off this plan of Bart’s. They
decided that they would offer their mother a drink of lemonade (she
loves lemonade), but they would put lots of their Dad’s “calm-down”
pills. (Ned has to take valium every morning, or he goes into spasms,
rattling off religious chants and phrases) After that, Maud would
probably fall asleep. Then the two of them would drag Maud over to the
bed, and tie her up. So, the two boys carried out their plan and it
worked perfectly. But, by one pm, Maud woke up, and Bart wasn’t due
over until three. She started screaming out for help, and Rod and
Todd didn’t know what to do. Finally, they went over to her and gave
her a glass of lemonade mixed with just a few more pills in it, and
Maud dozed back off.

Bart arrived at three, but Maud was still asleep. He told the
two boys to sit down in the chairs, so they could watch the whole
scene. Then he went over to Maud and stared at her breasts.

“Wow, those are big, what size bra is she?” Bart asked.

“What’s a bra?” replied the two boys.

Bart went over to the pile of clothes, and found the bra.
“38 D, that is huge, I can’t wait. With that, he began to suck on
the large, dark nipples. First one, then the other. Maud finally
began to stir, and opened her mouth to cover it. Bart had already
planned for this to happen, and quickly covered her mouth with his and
embraced in a passionate kiss.

Bart quickly took hi mouth off of hers and replaced it with
his hand. “If you don’t scream, will both enjoy this more, and if
you do, this will be a lot worse than it could be,” Bart said.

Slowly, the boy began to remove his hand from the woman’s
mouth. She kept quiet. Maud thought to herself, “I really should be
resisting, but the boy is willing to fuck me and I really need it.
I’m sick of plastic toys, I don’t care what Ned thinks.”

“Good girl,” Bart said, “now lets get started.” Bart
smiled and thought “Thank God nobody noticed when I put the video
camera down on the bed table, turned on! This’ll be even better for

Bart slowly entered his neighbor. In and out, slowly working
his neighbor toward an orgasm. Surprisingly, Maud put up no
resistance. Bart thought to himself, “Ned must not be servicing the
wife, hee hee hee.”

“Oh Bart, God Bart, you are God, Oh yes, I’m gonna cum,
Ahhhhhhh!” And boy did she cum! Her juices spurted all over the bed.
Bart hadn’t cum yet though, so he shoved his dick into her mouth and
demanded her to suck him dry. After five minutes of intense sucking,
Bart came, and filled her mouth. Thank you Mrs. Flanders. With that,
Bart got up started to walk away and said, “She’s all yours boys,”
and he left.


Find out what happens next time in Simpsons Episode V: Homer gets
revenge. If you liked this story, and want to see more, or want to
comment e-mail me at If you want, I can put you
on a mailing list to receive all future episodes. Thank you.


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Simpsons Episode V: Homer Gets Revenge

“Marge, how could you do that? You committed incest!” Homer

“Well,” Marge reasoned, “it was an accident. You see, he
kind of thought that I was coming on to him and I well uhhmmmmm.” And
she sighed in that way that only Marge can.

Homer thought to himself: “She gets to have sex with a young
boy, whose youth and energy are far beyond mine. I can tell that she
really enjoyed that fuck, and I don’t think I can match it. But,
I’ll have my revenge!”

“Home-ee, are you okay, I don’t think I ever seen you think
that hard.”

“Very funny Marge, we’ll see who has the last laugh!” And
Homer got up and left.

Meanwhile, Bart had just left the Flanders’ house after three
hours of passionate sex. And, the video camera was about to capture
some more. He left it on the bed table, taping Rod and Todd fuck
their mother. Of course, they didn’t know they were doing anything
bad, and she was too horny to protest.

In the bedroom, the lights were off, the windows were open,
but it was twilight outside… Naughty time! Rod said to his mother,
in his sweetest voice, “Mother dear, I want to put my penis in that
hairy thing of yours, just like Bart did. He seemed to enjoy himself,
and I think I will too. Maud spread her legs, exposing more her large
brown patch of fur. No thought of doubt ever entered her mind. She
didn’t care that these were her children, she didn’t care that they
were too young, she didn’t care that she was married, she wanted more
passionate sex, and she was going to get it, no matter what it took.

Unfortunately, the two young boys had no idea what to do.
After all, they didn’t have a mentor like Bart did (see Simpsons
Episode I: Bart and an Older Woman). Rod jumped onto his mother,
stuck his little erect dick into his mother, and started bouncing
around. “How could he be so stupid?” thought Maud. Rod was
bouncing his arms, he was bouncing his head, he was bouncing his
chest, he was bouncing he legs, he was bouncing everything except his
dick. His three incher, which in no way filled Maud, was completely

“Honey,” complained Maud, “you’re doing it all wrong.
Untie me and I’ll teach you two how to help mommy enjoy herself.”

Back at the Simpson home, it was seven thirty, Marge took
Maggie with her to go shopping, Bart was spanking off in his room and
Lisa was practicing the saxophone. Homer had the downstairs all to
himself. He began to set up his revenge. He began by closing the
curtains, and turning the lights down low. Then he turned on some
“smooth guy” music. Then he walked over to the couch but tripped
over the rug and fell flat on his face. “Doh!” After that he folded
out the couch into a bed. Homer walked up the stairs and gently
knocked on his daughters door.

“What is it Dad!” Lisa moaned angrily. She hated being
interrupted while playing the sax. Even Bart had the common courtesy
not to do that. But the real reason she loved the sax wasn’t for the
music. She figured out, when she first started playing, that if you
turn the bottom part of the instrument around, and place it right on
your pussy, the vibrations were ecstacy.

“Uhmm, Honey, Lisa, I’ve got a surprise for you downstairs.
Could I interrupt you for a moment so you could come see it?”

“Can’t it wait Dad?” mumbled Lisa. “Geez,” she thought,
“I’m just about to explode!!!”

“No honey, you’ve got to see this right now, before Mom gets
home.” Homer replied in his nicest fatherly voice.

“Oh my God, you got me a pony without asking Mom, and you
want me to become attached to it before she gets home, so we don’t
have to return it!” screamed Lisa at the top of her lungs, all in one
breath. With that, she burst out of her room, and hugged her Dad.

“Uhmm, no honey, that’s not it.”

“What else could it be?” asked Lisa

And to that, Homer replied
“It’s the best feeling you’ll ever feel in your life, come
downstairs right now.” Homer grabbed his daughter, and rushed
downstairs. He threw her on the sofa bed and said, “Okay, I want to
show you something.” Homer wasn’t a very romantic guy, but he was
doing his best. He reached down his pants and pulled out his
unusually small dick, for a grown man anyway. At three and a half
inches hard, he was pretty embarrassed about it. He never used public
bathrooms, and never ever changed in a locker room. But, his daughter
had never seen a dick before, and to her, it was enormous (or so he
thought). Then, Homer completely stripped. He sat down next to her
on the bed and thought for a while.

“We are going to do some stuff that you are going to enjoy a
lot, just trust me.” Lisa however just sat there wide-eyed, trying to
comprehend the situation. Then Homer said it, “Lisa, take off your
clothes, we’re going to fuck.”

At that very moment, a Maud Flanders was riding Rod. Behind
her, up her ass, was Todd, who was pumping in and out like a little
piston. Then, all of a sudden, Maud stopped. Beads of sweat dripped
down her glistening body. Rod and Todd frowned at her in
disappointment. Their faces seemed to say “What is the problem.”
The problem was that neither of them were reaching into her enough.
Quickly, she took Rod’s sweaty, hairless ballsack, and stuck that in
her pussy too. Then the threesome continued their fuck-fest. Liquids
spurted out everywhere, their sweat had made a damp spot on the bed,
and just before all three of them were about to come to a smashing
orgasm, they heard a whistle.

“Howdilly Doodilly family, I’m back early! Now gee gosh
golly, where are you three?” Maud, Rod, and Todd jumped up, dried
themselves off, threw on some clothes and rushed down to meet Ned.

Ned exclaimed, “Ted, Todd, why are you two out of breath, and
Maud, your hair, it looks uhmmm…”

“Disheveled?” Maud said, finishing his sentence.

“Yeah, why?” Ned questioned.

Rod started,“Well Mommy and me and Todd we were all…”

“Taking a jog, yeah, and that’s why we’re all out of
breath.” Maud cut in.

“Well, good for you! By the way, Maud, I’ve got a special
surprise for you!”

Meanwhile, at the Simpsons household, Lisa’s mouth was
wrapped around Homer’s cock, sucking as hard as her little lungs let
her. Of course, she wasn’t very good, or very neat, but to Homer, it
felt great. He reached down and placed his hand over her hairless
little pussy. First, he stuck a finger in and played around a little,
then another finger, then another, until Lisa could barely breath due
to the excitement.

“Lye down,” Homer commanded. “Now, spread your knees
apart,” and Lisa complied. Her hands were behind her back, her feet
were together, a smile was on her face, and her vertical smile was
completely exposed. He opened it a little, with his fingers, and said
to her, “This is going to hurt quite a bit, but once the pain is
gone, it will be pure enjoyment.”

Homer positioned his dick at her entrance. He slowly pushed
in, and reached her cherry. “Ready honey?” he warned, and she
nodded. Then Homer pulled back and forcefully slammed into his little

“Ahhhhhhhh!” Lisa screamed in shear pain. But Homer kept on
pumping. “Honey, calm down, you’ll be okay,” Homer panted between
breathes. But Lisa continued to scream. Homer couldn’t stop though.
Even if he could, he wouldn’t want to stop. He hadn’t ever broken
in a virgin, and hadn’t ever fucked a girl so tight. It even was
tighter than Marge’s ass! Lisa’s screams kept up, but they were
slowly transforming from screams of pain to screams of passion. The
two of them therm were grunting like pigs. Lisa began to lift her
pelvis in order to meet her father in thrust. She wanted more in her,
she needed more meat in her, her pussy was itching deep, and she
needed more.

Finally, she came, and her milking action induced Homer to cum
as well. They heard the car door close, so they quickly folded up the
sofa-bed, put on their clothes and turned on the tv. Marge and Maggie
walked in, knowing in full what had gone on. In actuality, Marge
never left the house, she just watched through the crack between the
curtains the entire event.

Find out next time what happens when Marge confronts Homer about the
escapades with Lisa, and find out what Ned’s special surprise is in
Simpsons Episode VI: Convincing the Wife.