Wife’s First Ass Fuck

This is a true story which took place just over a year and a
half ago.

Let me set the stage a little before I continue on… My wife
is a very attractive woman of 38 years old. She is about 5’3″ and
115lbs. with short wavy brown hair and perky 34b breasts. Her waist
is approximately 26″ with 36″ hips. Her best attribute is her soft
smooth well rounded ass.

I have been after her since we started dating 20 years ago to
let me fuck her in the ass, but she has always refused my advances.
She has no qualms about letting me lick and suck her ass, reaming her
with my tongue for hours on end sometimes. She will let me slip a
finger or two into her anus while I’m eating or fucking her. When ever
I’m fucking her doggy style I’ll dribble a little saliva into her
puckered little hole and massage it in with my thumb. This ALWAYS
pushes her to a hard climax causing her cunt to convulse around my
cock. Most times while doing this I’ll insert my thumb fully just as
she starts to cum and she’ll buck around wildly. She cums so hard from
this that she has at times bucked herself right off my cock while it’s
spewing and gotten my cum all over the sheets, her tits her legs. Cum
goes everywhere.

Anyway… I digress… back to the story.

As I said, she would not let me fuck her in the ass. No matter
how much I beg or plead. I’ve tried everything, she wouldn’t do it.
One night however she finally gave in for the first and only time in
our 20 years together (we’ve been married for 15 years and dated for 5
years before that).

Our vacations are very relaxing, we spend all day on the
beach, have dinner, have a few drinks, play some cards, get to sleep
somewhere around 1 am and do the same thing the next day.

We were on our annual vacation at the beach and it was a
typical day. We spent the morning and afternoon sunning and playing in
the ocean. While we swim we always manage to drift into water that is
deep enough to cover us up to our necks. Taking advantage of the
situation, I managed to work my hands under her bathing suit top and
rubbed her nipples until they were erect. She got a little pissed
because she is quite conservative and couldn’t leave the water until
they retracted to normal size. Then to my surprise, she reached her
hand into my bathing suit and grabbed my half hard cock, stroking it
to it’s full 7 inches. I thought I might get a quick hand job in the
ocean, but as I was getting close to cumming, she pulled away and
sniped that now I had to stay in the water awhile before coming out

She was right of course, but I didn’t mind. She floated in
toward shore and walked up to our chairs and sat down to relax and
immerse herself back into her book. She looked up at me and gave me
snide smile at my predicament. Well, I took advantage of the hard on
that I had by grabbing it myself and slowly stroking it, keeping up
the pressure that had been built up. About that time a couple of young
girls about 15-16 years old came bouncing into the water shaking their
teenage tits and nubile asses in the water as they dove thru a wave
right in front of me. I grabbed my cock more firmly and stroked it as
I fantasized about the little nymphs pulling me up into the sand and
offering me first crack at their tight virginal assholes. I was lost
in deep concentration as I noticed them splashing about innocently. It
seemed like was destined to remain in the water for quite awhile. Oh
well, I went back to my fantasy world and before I could stop, my cum
was jetting out of my dick and floating up to the surface of the water.
I was both relieved and a little concerned that someone would see my
cum floating in the water. I took my free hand and splashed it around
hope to disperse it quickly. Soon there was no evidence of my fantasy
session and my prick finally went limp. I swam around for a few
minutes re-collecting myself before I too departed the water for my
own chair on the beach.

Later that night after dinner we went to play cards with
friends of ours who were vacationing with us. They had a separate
condo right next door. We played cards and drank for a few hours
before calling it quits a little after 1 am. We went back to our condo
to make sure all was well with the kids. Making sure that they were
asleep we locked up and went for a late night walk on the beach. We
held hands and flirted like we had when we were teenagers. I felt my
cock begin to stir and told her I was ready to head back and ravish
her body. She seemed to like this and flirted shamelessly on our walk
back to our condo.

My wife had just enough to drink this evening to release all
of her inhibitions as I was about to find out soon. If she has a few
drinks maintains all of her conservative thoughts. If she drinks too
much she either gets sick or passes out. My guardian angel must have
been watching over me on this night because she seemed to consume
enough alcohol to make her crazy with passion.

She finished undressing before me and flopped onto her back
into bed. She teased me by asking what was taking me so long, as she
pinched her nipples (something I’ve only seen her do 2 or 3 times in
our 20 years together). I dropped the rest of my clothes and jumped on
top of her, mashing my mouth down on hers as I french kissed her as
deeply and roughly as I could. I knew she liked this (she has often
confided in me that once in a while she likes sex rough). As I kissed
her I squeezed he tits, making her nipples swell. As I continued to
squeeze and mash her tits, she moaned into my mouth and ground her
dampening pussy into my stiff cock.

I released my lip lock on her and traveled my tongue downward,
lapping at her sensitive, swollen nipples. I swear I could feel her
shudder in a mini orgasm. I licked and sucked her tits for a few
minutes, occasionally biting my teeth down hard on her long hard
nipples. She yelped as I did this but didn’t ask me to stop. I
continued this for a few more minutes before traveling my tongue down
over her flat smooth belly and into her pubic area. I could smell the
heat coming from her pussy I got closer and close to her sex.

This was my first surprise of the night. She had shaved her
cunt lips after we got back from the beach and took our showers. This
was something she had done quite often when we were first married but
had stopped doing a few years ago. I had forgotten how sexy this was
up until this point.

I went wild with desire as my tongue traced the smooth lips up
and down. I teased her by avoiding her clit momentarily and fucking my
tongue as deeply as I could into her steaming snatch. She was right on
the edge of orgasm when I moved my mouth up and bit down gently on her
clit. She came immediately, screaming and writhing. She held head in
her crotch as she bucked hips against my face. I licked her clit
tenderly through the remainder of her orgasm until finally lay back
and her breathing returned to normal.

I crawled up to next to her and lightly stroked her nipples as
I kissed her. She grabbed me, pulling me in for a very loving, deep
kiss, letting me know how much she loved me and what I had just done
for her. This was my second surprise of the evening because she never
kissed me after going down on her. She said she didn’t particularly
like the taste or smell of herself.

After sharing that warm kiss she began working her way down my
body much the same as I did to her, teasing, licking, sucking, nipping
all the way down to my dick. She held it in one hand and blew on it
lightly making it feel all warm and soft. She then teased her tongue
up and down the stiff shaft over and over, almost making me crazy.
Finally, she licked around the swollen head of my cock like it were an
ice cream cone. I moaned and told her it felt great. She teased and
sucked me for about 2-3 more minutes before paying some attention to
my balls. She gave them a tongue bath better than any $20 whore could
have done, all the while slowly jacking my cock off. This was almost
too much when she grabbed in her hand and swallowed me almost
completely (deep throating is not one of her specialties,
unfortunately). I knew if this continued that I would be done and I
didn’t want this night to end anytime soon. Reluctantly I pulled her
head off my cock and pulled her back up to me at the head of the bed.
She looked at me questioningly, knowing how much I love her blow jobs.
I told her I wanted to go down on her smooth lipped cunt for a few
more minutes and that if she wanted she could suck me some more later.

As I moved down her body I gently rolled her onto her side and
opened her legs in a scissors type fashion. I got behind her and ran
my tongue up the insides of the thigh of her bottom leg until I got to
her pussy. Her musky fragrance was overwhelming. I licked up thru her
labia and lightly strummed her clit with my tongue. She cooed as I
teased her over and over, gradually adding a finger into sloppy wet
pussy. After a few minutes of teasing her toward another orgasm I
moved around a little bit so that I still had 2 fingers in but now had
my tongue paused just above her puckered anus. She always liked me to
rim her and tonight was going to be no exception.

I spread her cheeks with one hand and teased her asshole with
my tongue as I continued frigging her pussy and rubbing her clit with
my other hand. She squirmed and moaned and came again when I stiffened
my tongue and drove past the tight ring of her sphincter. Again she
bucked as she tried to get more of my tongue up her ass. I held on and
kept sucking and her orgasm subsided.

I was not one to relent on this night and withdrew my fingers
from her cunt and moved my mouth up over her pussy to gently lick her
swollen sex as I gave her only a moment to catch her breath. My dick
was as hard as it had been earlier that day jacking off while
fantasizing about buttfucking those teenagers on the beach.

I gradually picked up my pace while licking my wife and
massaged her soaking wet asshole with the forefinger of my left hand.
She shifted her body a little while still laying on her side to give
me better access to both her holes. As I mentioned earlier, she does
like a finger in her ass on occasion. I took the hint and sucked my
finger before placing it at the entrance to her nether hole. Just as I
pressed my finger into her ass, I again bit down on her clit. She
jumped up and seemed to ignore the intruder at her back door. I picked
up my tempo sucking her cunt faster, harder and sloppier.

As my saliva and her cunt juices flowed down between her legs,
I scooped up as much as I could and rubbed it back into her asshole as
I fingered it faster and harder. She was coming close to another
orgasm and I did something I had never done before. I pulled my finger
completely out of her ass and sucked it into my mouth getting it as
wet as possible. I then ran my hand thru her drenched crotch. I
placed the first 2 fingers of my left hand at her anal opening and
worked them into her rectum. She stiffened as she had never felt that
much in her ass before. She relaxed and accepted the 2 fingers as I
sawed them in and out slowly so as not to hurt her.

My tongue regained it’s tempo on her clit as my fingers
assaulted her rectum. She was only moments from her most powerful
orgasm of the night when she grabbed the hand that was finger fucking
her ass, stopping me. She leaned up on her elbow and looked me
directly in the eye and told me to get some kind of lubrication and
live out my fantasy. I asked her what she was talking about and she
said that she wanted me to fuck her in the ass. I couldn’t believe,
almost 20 years of begging and pleading and here she was almost
demanding me to fuck her ass. (This was my third and biggest surprise
of the night).

I’m not stupid enough to have to be asked twice. I leaped out
of bed searching in the dark for some kind of lubricant when I
remembered her jar of vaseline on the night stand next to the bed. As
I bent forward to pick it up I felt her hand on my cock, pulling it to
her mouth. She gave me a few quick sucks as I stood there watching. I
asked if she was sure. She had always been so adamant not letting me
do this. She nodded yes as she slobbered all over my dick. I pulled
out of her mouth and scooted down on the bed behind her as she
remained on her side laying across the bed. As I reached into the jar
of vaseline I asked one more time if she was sure, because once I
greased us up there was no way I was stopping. She told me no to go
ahead and live out my fantasy. Like I said, I’m not stupid, so I
reached into the jar and grabbed a hand full of vaseline and spread it
thru her ass crease. She jumped a little because it was cold but
stayed where she was. The next glob I placed right on top of her
little rosebud. I inserted one finger full of vaseline up her ass and
felt her heat surround it. I pulled out and got another 2 finger full
of the vaseline and this time inserted both of them into her backside
firmly but gently. I finger her ass for a few minutes to help her get
accommodated to the increase in size from one finger.

Finally she was internally lubed up as good as possible. I
kept one finger in her ass as I spread a handful of the jelly up and
down the length of my cock. Looking at her lying there like an angel
with her eyes closed anticipating what was to come almost made me feel
guilty, but not enough to stop.

The moment of truth was finally upon us as I had her roll
slightly forward keeping her legs open in this scissors position. I
grabbed my cock in one hand and one of her ass cheeks in the other as
I leaned forward. I placed the head of my cock at the entrance to her
backdoor and felt her shudder. I knew it was now or never and pushed
slightly forward. The head of my cock forced her anus open and slid
past her sphincter muscle slowly. I heard her grimace and looked at
her face. She had a look of lust on her face. That was my signal to go
for broke. Once past the sphincter muscle I slid the rest of my 7
inches into her virgin ass in one stroke. I heard her breathe deeply
and asked if she was ok. She nodded her head as I lay embedded in her
bowels for a few seconds.

Once I thought she was adjusted to me I slowly withdrew my
dick until only the head remained lodged in her ass. Then I reinserted
my dick, beginning fucking motions slowly back and forth. Her
breathing quickened as I picked up my pace. I was enjoying every
single stroke of this ass fuck. She began to moan loudly almost
begging me to fuck her in the ass. I couldn’t believe it. She was an
anal virgin only 2 minutes ago and now she was begging me to fuck her
in the ass and fill her with my cum. Well, since I had jacked off
earlier I was going to be awhile (fortunately she didn’t know this,
there would be no way I’d get in her ass if she knew I’d already cum
once earlier).

I tried to make this as good for her as possible. I reached a
hand down to her cunt and fingered her while rubbing her clit with the
palm of my hand (this is one of her favorite things for me to do). She
began to heat up incredibly, shaking her ass, begging me to fuck her
harder, telling me to cum in her ass as she came. It was too much for

After about 15 minutes of solid ass fucking I pinched her clit
and told her I was cumming in her asshole. That put her over the edge
and she began climaxing immediately. As she came her asshole felt like
a vise around my cock and I exploded deep inside her. I kept pumping
as I came adding my jizm to the vaseline and making her anus even
messier. I couldn’t stop cumming as spurt after spurt shot into her

I collapsed onto her side, almost totally spent. We lay there
for a few minutes regaining our senses before I got up to get a warm
cloth to wash our genitals before going to sleep. She asked me how it
was and I told her it was the best sex we’ve ever had, and asked her
how she liked it. She said it was terrific and she had one of her most
powerful orgasms ever with my cock in her ass. I thought that this was
great and told her so.

We soon fell into a deep sleep. When we awoke the sun was
shining thru the window. As we wiped the sleep from our eyes, I asked
what she thought of losing her anal cherry the night before. She told
me that it felt great and that she can’t remember the last time she
came so hard. My response was that I was glad because I enjoyed that
more than anything we had ever done before. I also told her that if
her asshole wasn’t too sore I’d like to give it another try that
night. She looked at me and smiled, then told me that no, it wouldn’t
happen again. When I asked why, she said that even though it was
great, she said it was too dirty and that she just wouldn’t do it.

I pleaded again, but to no avail. She saw the look of
disappointment in in my eyes and bent over to take my half erect dick
into her mouth. That morning she gave me the best head she ever gave
me as I came quickly while reliving the previous nights activities,
knowing that it may never happen again.

Well, its 20 months later and she still refuses me entrance to
her ass. But I’m still working on it… hopefully this year at the
beach my fantasy will again become a reality. If it does, I’ll be sure
to post that night’s activities as well.

Article 68043 of alt.sex.stories:
From: an139005@anon.penet.fi
Date: Tue, 9 May 1995 01:17:48 UTC
Subject: Wife’s first assfuck (M, f, anal, cons)

an252723 recently described his wife’s first ass fuck. I too
had difficulty with my wife – at first. Now, we enjoy anal sex as a
regular part of our relationship, not frequently, just when we’re both
in a special mood. But she doesn’t like to suck… there’s always a

Anyway, like an252723, I used my fingers to loosen my wife’s
anus, lubricating her with Vaseline, pushing globs of the stuff up
inside her. I still remember the first time I slid my cock into her
ass. She was so TIGHT! She had already climaxed vaginally, so I
wasn’t too concerned about lasting long enough to get her off again…
I just wanted to get into her without hurting her, and before my
drooling cock unloaded all over her outside. Slippery cock against
slippery ass makes for quite a challenge when you’re in a fuck frenzy!
I managed to get just the head in past her sphincter before her anus
clamped down and she cried out for me to go slower. I immediately
eased off, keeping only a gentle steady pressure of my cock against
her opening. Gradually, her sphincter grew tired of contracting and
relaxed, allowing me to slide veeeery sloooowly inward, just like her
taking a big thick shit except in reverse. Slow and easy did it, and
then, I was in! I admit, once I felt myself buried to the hilt in her
hot, tight rectum, it was all I could do to control myself and not
erupt immediately. Looking down at my hard shaft so deep inside her,
seeing the beads of perspiration forming on her neck and back,
watching and feeling her slow movements as she began to lift and rock
her hips to push back against me… her smell as I pressed my face
against the back of her neck… so sexy… everything conspiring to
excite me! We slowly ground against each other, keeping my cock buried
in her as far as it would go.

In less than a minute, my cock began to slowly pulse. I
immediately stopped moving, but I knew that I’d already passed the
point of no return – you know the feeling, when nothing in the world
can stop it! I held still a moment longer, clamping down my pelvic
muscles as hard as I could trying valiantly to regain control, but my
orgasm was not to be denied, and then that first long, agonizing
contraction sloooowly extruded an incredibly voluminous, thick ribbon
of come, such a prolonged squirt that I thought I’d pass out from the
exquisite almost painful pleasure, the agony of hanging at the brink
of orgasm for so long.

Many times my orgasms strike like a bolt of lightening, hard
and fast, come jetting out in sharp, hard spurts; other times are like
that one, coming on me like molasses, with one really big, long squirt
of come being pumped out like ketchup from a squeeze bottle, but by
the end of that first long squirt of come, grabbing me like a freight
train, my spine turning to jelly and my legs shaking. With those slow
ones, the first shot feels like an absolutely huge volume of liquid,
maybe because it gets pumped out so slowly. What a sensation!

With a deep groan to my wife that I was coming, I gave in and
began to thrust, rooting around deep inside her in time with my
building orgasmic contractions, deep up inside her rectal channel. In
sweet response, my wife lifted her ass and pushed back hard against
me, gasping and coming herself as my cock pulsed faster and faster,
squirting long ribbons of come far up inside her hot bowels.