A teenage girl finds her mother’s vibrator and tries it out and caught by her sister

Dana was your average 18-year old. She was 5’5″ about
115lbs with short dirty-blond hair, slight-to-medium
build, and quite good-size but firm breasts. By all
accounts, Dana was well on her way to being a very
attractive young woman.

“Dana! Don’t forget to clean out the basement while I’m
in town today. Ok?” Yelled her mom as she was getting
ready to leave. “Sure mom, no problem.”

As her mother left Dana went downstairs to the basement.
Old furniture and boxes were scattered all around the
place. ‘Damn, look at this junk. I wonder why mom
bothers to keep this shit,’ Dana thought to herself. A
few hours later while Dana was sorting through boxes she
came across a old footlocker. ‘Wow, this thing looks
old. I wonder what’s in it.’

As Dana opened the footlocker she saw that it was filled
with old clothes and books from her father. Removing the
books and clothes Dana found a small box, looking into
it she gasped. Inside were various sex magazines, a
large vibrator, and a envelope. Opening up the envelope
Dana was shocked at the pictures that dropped out.

They all showed her mother masturbating, some showed her
using the vibrator, while others showed her using her
hands. One picture in particular got her attention. It
showed her mom laying on the floor working the vibrator
into her opening while she pinched one of her large
tits, her mouth open in a cry of ecstasy.

At first, Dana was shocked. She had never seen anything
like this. Let alone with her mom being part of it. Then
the more she looked, the more she felt herself getting
more intrigued.

‘Wow, mom sure looks like she’s enjoying herself,’ she
thought. Reaching into the box and picking up the
vibrator Dana was surprised by its weight. At this
point, Dana had let a couple guys touch and kiss her
breasts – since they were really big for her age – and
had given a few hand jobs, but had never gone beyond
that. Or even thought about it.

The vibrator suddenly looked inviting. And safe. It was
about 10″ long and 2″ wide. ‘Damn, this thing looked
like it made Mom go crazy.’ Spreading out all of the
pictures Dana started to rub the vibrator around the
crotch of her pants, and rubbing her breasts through her

Feeling herself becoming excited she decided to remove
her clothes and enjoy herself, even though she really
didn’t know what she was doing, or what to expect.

Putting down the vibrator she slowly started to roll her
nipples, while her other hand went down to her slit.
Feeling the heat of her opening, Dana groaned. Using her
fingers to spread herself open she lazily started to
flick a finger around. ‘Mmmm, damn am I getting wet.’

She had been excited before, but never like this. It
felt so real, and yet, she’d never known that she could
feel anything this intense.

Laying down Dana held her labia open with one hand as
she slowly pushed a finger into herself, feeling her
sticky love juice ooze around her finger as she moved it
in and out of her mound. Pulling her finger out of her
mound she started to rub her love juice onto her tits.
Shuddering as her fingers rubbed her tits Dana reached
over and picked up the vibrator.

As her hand continued to rub her tits, Dana started to
kiss and suck the head of the vibrator. She had held a
guy’s penis in her hand a couple time, and had even
milked a guy with her hand until he came, but she’d
never held anything this big in her hand. And she’d
never wanted to do anything like what she felt like
doing now.

Slowly bringing the vibrator down to her opening, she
started to rub it around her wet slit. “Oh shit!” she
moaned as the rough vibrator rubbed across her sensitive
clit. She pushed the rounded end of the heavy, but
surprisingly flexible vibrator against her opening. She
suddenly wanted to have it inside her, just like the
pictures of her mom that lay in front of her.

She groaned and pushed, but her opening didn’t seem wide
enough for the 2 inch diameter of the vibrator. The
vibrator was about the size of a tennis ball can. She
couldn’t imagine being able to get it in. ‘Maybe Mom
could because she was older and had kids,’ she thought.
Dana grunted and groaned, as she could feel her opening
starting to stretch, but not far enough. She was getting
more and more excited, but it just wouldn’t go in.

Then, finally, bringing her legs up, bending at the
knees, Dana reached down and turned on the vibrator…

“HOLY SHIT!!” she yelled as the electric vibrations shot
through her virgin body like a bolt of lightning.
Gasping, she watched as the vibrator was getting covered
with more and more of her love juice as she rubbed it
into her mound.

She looked down, and could feel herself stretching
further and further open. “Oh my god!! It’s going in!”
she cried, as her opening became more and more
distended, until the girth of the vibrator started fill
her up.

Jumping as the head of the vibrator entered her opening,
Dana firmly grasped the base and started to push the
vibrator into her. “Oh fuck yes, Fuck me! Oh GOD!” she
groaned as she slid the vibrator deep into her belly.
Her watched her lower abdomen start to bulge as it got
further and further into her.

Her whole lower abdomen kept expanding until the last of
the 10 inches were buzzing away inside her. Listening to
her opening hungrily sucking at the vibrator, she
started to slam it in and out of herself. Dana looked
down, and saw the bulge in her lower abdomen created by
the vibrator, and saw how far open she had stretched to
take the vibrator in, and almost went into orbit at the

Dana started to pinch her rock hard nipples. “OH GOD,
YES, YESSS!!” Dana yelled as she started pumping the
vibrator in and out of herself. Her body felt like it
was about to explode. Her vagina felt like it would
burst at any second.

Suddenly, Dana could feel something different building
inside her. Like she had to go the bathroom, but it was
exciting. The muscles in Dana’s butt started to twitch.
Then her whole 15-year-old body was starting to seize

“OH MY GOD, WHAT’S HAPPENING TO ME?!” she cried at the
top of her lungs. All the muscles in her bottom and
around her middle were getting into a rhythm. Dana felt
things coursing through her that she had never felt
before, and didn’t understand. As hot as she was, a fear
of the unknown heightened the whole experience she was

“OH FUCK ME! FUCK!!” she yelled as she continued to push
more of the vibrator into her gushing opening. Feeling
herself starting to pulse around the hard shaft Dana
savagely started to twist her nipples. “OH, OH SHIT!!
YESS!!” She screamed as her inner thigh convulsed around
the hard shaft of the vibrator.

Cramming the vibrator deeply into herself, until the
whole thing, base and all, disappeared inside her,
feeling the electric jingle across her opening made
Dana’s orgasm crash over her, sending her to a new
height, a new awareness of what her body could do. Then
it happened again. And again. Each time it was like
getting an electric shock.

After about 15 minutes, Dana couldn’t take any more, and
switched the vibrator off. She lay there for what seemed
like an eternity. 15 straight minutes of cumming, of
having her body pushed to its absolute limit, had
drained her. She slowly took the vibrator out of
herself, grabbed a towel, and started cleaning up.

When she went to put the vibrator back, Dana saw another
envelope. This one was taped shut. ‘Hmmm, I wonder
what’s in here. More good stuff?’ she wondered. Dana
opened the envelope, and saw even more explicit photos.
One photo had her mom at the height of an orgasm, and,
as Dana looked closer, that same vibrator was almost the
way up her butt!

‘Hmm, maybe another day…’ thought Dana. ‘I’m tired.’
And there definitely would be another day.

‘Wow, I gotta get Sarah and Meghan over here to try
this,’ Dana thought. She started thinking of ways that
she could tell her two best friends about this
discovery, and how they could share it. Then she started
thinking more thoughts, about what it would be like to
watch Sarah use the vibrator, or how on earth a skinny
girl like Meghan could get this thing inside her.

Dana remembered the sight of her abdomen and her opening
when the vibrator was inside her, and thought
immediately about her friends in that situation. Dana
was suddenly really intrigued about helping her friends
try her new discovery. ‘How could they not like this”,
she thought.

All of a sudden Dana’s thoughts vanished, as she heard
the audible CLICK of the cellar door. Only the door was
closing, and not opening.

“OMIGOD, snagged!” Dana thought out loud. But who was
it? Who had been watching her, and for how long?

Dana hurriedly put her clothes back on, and silently
made her way up the cellar stairs. She opened the door
slightly, and saw her younger sister, Jodi trek into the
kitchen and grab a soda from the fridge. 17-year-old
Jodi was tall for her age, almost the same height as
Dana, quite thin, with jet black hair. Jodi was just
starting to develop, having just switched out of a
training bra over the past few months, and getting
taller seemingly by the day. Jodi would never have the
compact, hourglass figure that Dana had – but it was
clear that Jodi was going to have the tall, slender
figure that most women would die for.

Dana thought quickly. ‘Did she see me? Or hear me? Hmmm.
Maybe I’ll just pretend nothing happened.’ She paused
for a minute, then opened the cellar door, and came up
into the kitchen.

“Hey, what’s up?” Dana said. “Mom asked me to clean the
cellar. You sure got out of here quick this morning.
Thanks for being around to help!”

“Yeah,” Jodi said, pausing. “But you never know what
you’ll find down there. I’m not too sure I wanted to be
looking around down there.”

Dana was frozen. She knew Jodi knew what had happened.
But how much did she know? Dana decided she had to find
out – fast. “So… um… I’m not sure what to ask,
but… was that you at the door a while back?”


“Oh boy,” Dana said. “I can explain, Jodi. Just let me.”

“It’s OK,” Jodi jumped in. “I heard you yelling, and it
sounded like you were in trouble or being attacked or
something. I opened the door and snuck down a couple
steps. I was going to call the police if you were in
trouble. I hope you don’t think I was spying, you just
sounded like you needed help or something.”

Dana was relieved. Obviously it seemed like her sister
wasn’t going to tell on her. “So, you saw what was going
on?” Dana asked tentatively.

“Yeah… it um… looked like you were enjoying
yourself,” Jodi said, kind of embarrassed. “I thought
you were being shocked by that thing, I wasn’t sure what
it was doing to you, but you looked like you were going

Dana’s thoughts shifted all of a sudden. She wondered to
herself if Jodi would ever be interested in this. ‘I
wonder if she could handle it,’ Dana thought. Jodi was
awfully thin, but not as thin as Meghan. Was she old

“Well,” said Dana, “you sound curious. If you wanted to
see it, I’d show you. But you can’t tell Mom. This is
going to be our secret. She was be totally pissed if she
knew we found this.”

“OK. I promise”, said Jodi, smiling, happy to share a
secret with her big sister.

Dana opened the cellar door, and went down the steps
first. ‘Gotta put these pictures away. Jodi would freak
if she saw them.’ “Let me clean all these papers up,”
Dana said, as she picked up all the pile of pictures and
put them aside.

Jodi came over, and saw the vibrator. “Wow, so that’s
it, huh?”

“Yup”, said Dana. “It’s really wild. I mean, different.”

“Like what?”

Dana paused for a second. The more she looked at Jodi,
the more she wanted to be there when Jodi tried this out
for the first time. “Like nothing you could ever
imagine,” Dana said.

There was a pause. ‘Time to ask,’ Dana thought.

“So… um… do you… want to see what it does?”

“Well, yeah. But how long will Mom be gone?” Jodi asked.

Dana knew her mother wouldn’t be back for hours. “Mom’s
gone for a while.

Nothing to worry about there. So you’re in?”


“OK,” said Dana. “First thing we both need to do is get
rid of our clothes.

That’s OK, right? I mean shit, you already saw me!” Dana

The two sisters shared a laugh. Jodi finally broke in,
“OK, not like you haven’t seen me. You remember who
helped me pick out my first bra, right?”

Dana thought to herself, ‘I remember.’ Dana was slowly
getting more and more turned on by looking at her
sister, and thinking about what she was going to try
with her. Dana ignored the fact that this was her
sister. All Dana knew was that she wanted to try to get
the massive vibrator inside Jodi, which she knew
wouldn’t be easy.

Dana and Jodi undressed. Even as sisters, the two girls
couldn’t help but study each other, even as they hoped
their glances went unnoticed.

At 17 years of age, Jodi didn’t have much restraint.
“Wow, Dana, you’re huge!” she said.

Dana blushed. “Gee thanks. It’s not all it’s cracked up
to be, let me tell you. You’re not doing too bad
yourself, squirt,” Dana said, looking at Jodi. Jodi had
just started to blossom, now nearing an A cup, which
wasn’t too bad for her age. Jodi had only a few wisps of
black hair starting to cover the area between her

‘OK, time to get things moving,’ Dana thought.

“So do you want to see what this thing does, or not?”
Dana asked her sister, picking up the vibrator.

“Sure. Does it give you a shock or something?”

“No. Here, hold it,” Dana said, handing the vibrator
over to Jodi. Jodi close her and around it and studied

“Ready?” Dana said, as she flipped the switch to start
the vibrator.

“Oooh, wow! So that’s what it does!” Jodi said, as the
vibrator buzzed loudly in her hand. “It kind of feels
like a shock.”

Dana switched the vibrator off. “It’s not a shock. It’s
different. Better. Much better. You won’t understand
until you….” Dana paused, and looked at her sister.
She couldn’t wait any longer. “Tell you what,” Dana
continued, “lean back against that box behind you. Don’t
get freaked out. Just let things happen.”

“OK….” Jodi said, somewhat unsure. But this was her
sister, right? She wouldn’t do anything that would hurt

While Jodi slid over to lean back against the boxes,
Dana brought the head of the vibrator to her lips,
wetting it. “Close your eyes, and relax…” Dana said to
Jodi. Jodi closed her eyes.

Dana brought the head of the vibrator down, touching it
to Jodi’s right nipple. Jodi gasped at first, then
relaxed, as Dana circled Jodi’s nipple with the head of
the vibrator.

“Oh wow…that feels good,” Jodi said, feeling something
unknown start to stir within her body. Dana continued
for a few minutes, moving over to circle Jodi’s other
nipple with the head of the massive vibrator. Slowly,
Jodi’s pink nipples came erect.

“Mmmm… This feels so cool,” said Jodi.

“Wait, it gets better,” Dana said.

Dana moved down to between Jodi’s thighs, nudging them
apart with her hands. Dana touched the vibrator to
Jodi’s lower abdomen, then slowly moved it down to
between Jodi’s thighs, across her thin tuft of black
hair, down to Jodi’s opening.

“Dana.. what are you doing.. this feels…” Jodi said,
in half-sentences.

“Just relax. Relax and enjoy this. And don’t be scared,
I’m right here,” said Dana, reassuring her little

Dana slowly rubbed the vibrator around Jodi’s inner
thigh, crossing back and forth gently across Jodi’s
clitoris. Dana could see that Jodi was getting quite
wet, and could tell by Jodi’s breathing that she was
getting very excited. Dana was getting so excited
watching her sister feel these feelings for the first
time, that she forgot this was her sister. Holding and
controlling the movement of the vibrator in her right
hand, Dana reached up with her left hand and cupped one
of Jodi’s breasts. Slowly, Dana started rolling Jodi’s
nipple between two of her fingers. To Dana, all that
mattered right now was to please Jodi.

“Dana… I… what are you… we can’t…” Jodi gasped.

“It’s OK. Just let the feelings go,” Dana almost
whispered to Jodi. Jodi’s breast felt warm and soft to
the touch. Jodi’s eyes were closed, as the feelings
rushing through her body began to take her over. Dana
continued to work the vibrator all around her little
sister’s opening, caressing Jodi’s breasts all the time.

Dana could see that Jodi was getting very excited. ‘Time
to test this out”, Dana thought, as she pressed the head
of the vibrator a little more firmly against Jodi’s
opening, working the head around inside her younger
sister’s outer labia. Jodi arched her back a little,
pressing back against the massive vibrator.

Dana leaned down and whispered into Jodi’s ear, “Are you
ready to try this?”

“Yeah…” Jodi’s voice trailed off.

“Just hold on, and let the feelings take over. I’m right
here. This is going to be so good…” Dana’s voice
trailed off as she slid her right hand down off of
Jodi’s chest down to waist level, then slid it
underneath Jodi’s butt.

Dana paused to look at Jodi, knowing what she was about
to do to her little sister, pausing to wonder if Jodi’s
body could take it, what she’d feel. But Dana wanted to
bring these feelings to Jodi – now.

Dana pressed the massive vibrator firmly against Jodi’s
opening, and switched it on.

“Uhhhhhh!” Jodi half-cried, half-gasped, as her whole
body seized up at the jolt of the vibrator.

“It’s okay, you can do it, just relax. Just enjoy it,”
Dana said to her little sister. Dana kept whispering
assurance in Jodi’s ear, and slowly the 17-year-old’s
muscles began to relax. Dana took that opportunity to
push more firmly with the vibrator, and slowly Jodi’s
opening began to widen. Dana now knew that she could get
her little sister’s body to take on all of the vibrator
– all she had to do was get Jodi so worked up that she
couldn’t say no.

“Aaah.. Aahhh.. Dana! Oh god, Dana! It won’t fit… Oh
god! It!!” Jodi cried out as her opening expanded to
start taking on the width of the vibrator.

Dana could see that Jodi was pushed to her absolute
physical limit. Dana remembered how it felt for her, how
it felt like she was too stretching too far, that she
would explode. Dana knew these feelings were now even
more intense for the thinner, less- developed Jodi; she
thought these thoughts as she watched Jodi start to take
on the massive vibrator, and found herself getting very

“It will fit,” Dana reassured her sister. “Just relax.
Relax and enjoy what your body can do…” Dana’s voice
trailed off as she cupped Jodi’s bottom, and worked the
head of the vibrator up into her little sister.

“Oh no,” Jodi moaned, as Dana started slowly working the
vibrator up into her, filling her up millimeter by
millimeter. The pain and fear seemed to gradually have
ebbed from the 12-year-old’s expression. As Dana pushed
the vibrator further up into Jodi, she could feel the
telltale signs of Jodi’s excitement. As Dana cupped her
little sister’s bottom, she could feel the muscles in
and around Jodi’s butt starting to contract and release,
in rhythm.

Before long, Dana looked down and realized that Jodi had
taken almost all of the huge vibrator up inside her.
Jodi’s lower abdomen bulged almost grotesquely to be
able to account for the huge width of the vibrator.

“Look,” Dana whispered to Jodi, as she held the ever-
pulsing vibrator inside her little sister, “Look at how
full you are. Look at yourself…” Dana’s voice trailed
off as she whispered those words into her little
sister’s mouth.

Jodi opened her eyes, and looked down to see that her
body confirmed the intense pressure that she was
feeling. Jodi’s whole lower abdomen was almost double
its size. A mixture of fear and confusion swept across
Jodi’s face.

“Dana! What are you doing to me?! Oh god, what’s
happening?!” Jodi asked her sister as she felt more and
more erotic feelings rushing through her. Jodi leaned
back and closed her eyes, overwhelmed by the erotic
feelings now coursing through her.

Dana couldn’t hold back any more. She had to bring her
sister over the edge – now.

“Just hold on,” Dana reassured Jodi, “hold on and let
the feelings flow…” Dana’s voice trailed off as she
slowed started to draw the vibrator out of Jodi’s body,
then slowly push back in. Dana saw that her little
sister had passed the point of no return, and suddenly
lowered her mouth to her little sister’s nipple, knowing
she had to bring Jodi to a level of excitement she could
never dream of.

“DANA! What are you..? OH GOD! OH GOD!” Jodi cried, as
she felt Dana’s mouth close over her nipple. Jodi’s
whole body began to rhythmically tighten and relax,
tighten and relax.

Dana knew Jodi was getting close, even as she tried to
come to grips with the fact that she was so turned on by
doing this with her preteen sister. She looked down and
saw that Jodi’s lower abdomen bulged almost beyond
belief. Dana saw that Jodi’s eyes were tightly closed –
a factor of both the newness of the building climax
within her, and the physical pressure that she had taken
on in getting this huge buzzing monster inside her.

Dana knew it was time, as she sped up her movement of
the vibrator, and continued the rhythmic suckling at
Jodi’s breasts, alternating right to left and back.
Jodi’s breathing picked up as Dana pumped the vibrator
in and out of her, faster and faster.

yelped, as her body began to seize up over and over,
bringing the unknown sensations of an impending orgasm
closer and closer.

Dana heard Jodi on the edge, and quickened her assault,
as she plunged the vibrator in and out of her sister as
an almost blinding clip. Dana had to make sure her 12-
year old sister was thoroughly pumped, that she felt
those same sensations that Dana herself had felt on a
short while ago.

The orgasm built and built inside Jodi until it was
ready to crash over her. All of a sudden, Jodi’s body
seized up like she received an electric shock. Jodi
arched her back, causing Dana to take even more of her
little sister’s breast into her mouth. Even as Jodi
began to seize up, Dana continued pumping her sister for
all she was worth.

“OH GOD YES!!” Jodi screamed, as she reached the first
orgasm of her life.

As Jodi climaxed, without even pausing to think why,
Dana positioned herself to be able to kiss and suck at
Jodi’s clitoris. Dana was even more turned on once she
got a close-up look at Jodi’s opening, seeing and
hearing the vibrator as it buzzed away inside he little
sister’s vagina.

After Jodi’s first orgasm subsided, Dana lowered her
mouth down and started kissing her little sister’s most
sensitive area, all the while frantically pumping away
at Jodi with the massive vibrator.

Jodi was too far gone to comprehend, as she came almost
constantly for the next five minutes, her body seizing
up over and over, until she was too tired to respond.
Dana made sure that she had wrung every drop of sexual
energy out of Jodi, then slowly withdrew the vibrator
and switched it off.

Jodi laid back with her eyes closed, her body and mind
still recovering, and fell into a deep sleep. Dana
kissed Jodi lightly on the cheek and neck a few times,
then held Jodi as she slept.

Dana thought back to the picture she had seen earlier –
with the vibrator up her mom’s butt. She knew she HAD to
try this, and that Jodi would be there to do it to her.
Dana knew it wouldn’t feel quite right any other way…