Chained Women

The subject of victim psychology has become an area of great interest in recent years, due mostly, perhaps, to the widely publicized “conversion” of Patricia Hearst to the radical SLA. Why a victim will turn and become a party to his or her own abduction is a question open to hot debate. The young girls […]

Mom’s Loving Ways

It has been said that every person has some dark passion within his soul, some hidden secret desire that may never surface to be seen by even the closest confidante. Such a secret can be evil or sinister, or it may be trivial and trite. In America, such dark passions are easily submerged by the […]

Wild Easy Family

In many cases today’s family is seen as a business and or social arrangement between people rather than a continuing expression of love. The results are obvious: casual, promiscuous infidelity; a lack of concern for the partner and the children; the breakdown of the nuclear family; and the use of others for thrill-seeking — and […]

The Torment Of Sister Mary

Who can judge a person’s reactions during stress situations? The prisoner of war who gives in to his captors’ demands, the kidnapped heiress who joins forces with her abductors — both must act without past experience to guide them. The end result can be either a very negative or a positive experience. In THE TORMENT […]

Jock Mates

A question often asked by those who deal with psychological problem is: What is normal? The answer to that seemingly simple question will probably never be found. It is normal for some primitive inhabitants of South America jungles to perform, before the entire village, what Americans would consider depraved sexual acts. Such behavior would probably […]

Naughty, Naughty Family

It was Henry David Thoreau, in Walden, who remarked, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today considering the pressures and frequent monotony of today’s world. The majority of today’s men and women live […]

Whipped And Raped Teenager

Often times, strange and unconventional desires lurk beneath the veneer of normalcy many individuals project. Given the right set of circumstances, these desires cease to be repressed — and are eventually acted out. Certain individuals attempt to retaliate against the increasing necessity to comply with society’s demands by embracing unorthodox modes of behavior. Subcultures exist […]

Coming On Mom

A healthy family unit is the basis of the American way of life. Years ago, a person’s extended family played a big part in his life. Uncles, aunts, and grandparents often lived in the home and took on an advisory or supportive role. We seem to be moving away from this type of situation today. […]

Hot Mom And Sis

It was Henry David Thoreau, in Walden, who remarked, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. The majority of today’s men and women live in boring circumstances, and when the opportunity for change arises, they are often quick to seize […]

Hot Fun Sister

The process of growing up and passing through adolescence has been characterized by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family, close friends, peer groups and the neighborhood itself. Certainly, in our complex society, the problems youths face now seem more marked than ever before. Debby Devlin is a teen-ager embarking on her own […]

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