Cousin Comes First

The process of growing up and passing through adolescence has been characterized by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family, close friends, and peer groups. Certainly, in our complex society, the problems youths now face seem more marked than ever before. Brenda Bates is a teenager embarking on her own special journey to […]

Two Moms, Too Wild

A mother’s desire for her son is a subject as old as the world of literature, and its theme, incest, can be traced in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Lot’s scheme to repopulate a supposedly desolate earth by sleeping with his daughters. The subject has been probed by Sophocles, and Freud defined the […]

In Heat Wild Wife

Normal. A frequently used word, yet a word whose exact meaning is as elusive as the term “perversion”. What those two words imply seems to vary from nation to nation, from community to community, from person to person. Among one African tribe it is considered obscene to expose one’s back to others. In many Eskimo […]

Their Naughty Mother

It has been said that every person has some dark passion in his soul — some hidden secret, desire or whim that may never surface to be seen even by the closest confidante. Such a secret can be evil or sinister, or it may be trivial and trite. In America, such passions are easily submerged […]

The Family’s Hot Fun

Of all the social institutions which have had to endure change and weather criticism, the family concept is, perhaps, the most evident. Subjected to the undermining forces of a pressure-filled and indifferent world, the family unit has undergone immeasurable challenge in the wake of social change. THE FAMILY’S HOT FUN is the story of how […]

Jock Stud

It’s been said that every person has some dark passion within his soul — some hidden secret, desire, or whim that may never surface to be seen by the closest confidante, or even recognized by the person himself. Such a secret can be evil and sinister, or it may be trivial and trite. In America, […]

The Family Lays Together

In many cases today’s family is seen as a business and or social arrangement between people rather than a continuing expression of love. The results are obvious: casual, promiscuous infidelity; a lack of concern for the partner and the children; the breakdown of the nuclear family; and the use of others for thrill-seeking — and […]

Hot Eager Mom

It has been said that every person has some dark passion within his soul — some hidden secret, desire or whim that may never surface to be seen by even the closest confidante. Such a secret can be evil or sinister, or it may be trivial and trite. In America, such dark passions are easily […]

Raped And Kidnapped Brides

It is hard to conceive in this day and age, and especially in current Western society, that individual human beings could be and are now being treated like mere chattels and worse. Yet there are examples to be found all around us. Migrant workers labor for a pittance, and are beaten or thrown out of […]

Mom’s Always Horny

Outwardly suburbia maintains the straight laced, middle-class look that belies the social ferment behind closed doors. There in the secret use of drugs, fed by the marijuana syndrome. There is the river of alcohol flooding from door to door under the euphemism of social drinking. Thin, of course, inevitably there is the advent of wife-swapping. […]

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