Extreme fantasies – the tattoo

The rest of the week was surreal for her. Her husband took time off
from work. The rings fascinated him, and he wanted to see them and play
with them constantly. He made her stay naked, and he would toy with the
rings until he got excited and he would fuck her while he pulled on them.
Or make her suck him off. That was something they hardly ever did before.
Once the pain of the rings began to fade, and the welts began to fade, she
too was fascinated with the rings. She would stand in front of the mirror
and stare at them and trace her fingers around them, and she would get
excited. They fucked more in that week than in any previous six months.
They began to fantasize about what he would do to her on the next visit,
and when Saturday came she found herself actually getting excited at the
thoughts of what he might do to her.

Although she dreaded the whipping she knew she would receive, the
thought of being tied down and helplessly being made to take the whipping
gave her a perverse pleasure, even though the whipping itself did not.
Being made to fuck strange men excited her also, and having her husband
suck the cum from these men out of her body made her giddy. She was being
transformed into a sex slave, and rather than being appalled at the idea,
she began to crave the feelings that her submission gave her. She wanted
to sink down as far as she could, and wallow in it.

He sent her an outfit to wear. More of a toga really. A beautiful silk
thing that wrapped around the front and tied with a sash. In the note that
came with it he called it her slut dress. He told her that when she put
this on, she would be fully aware that she was surrendering herself to him
, that her body was his and her holes would be opened freely to him and to
others. Her husband read the note to her, and helped her put it on. It
was time to go.

A half an hour later, she was standing in his living room, removing the
dress. She stood there naked in her high heels, hands on her head. Again
he was not alone. The same man was there as before, and another man
also….a huge, tattooed man.

Her wrists were tied behind her back, and she was blindfolded. A soft
rope was being tied around the base of her tits. Tightly, very tightly,
and she could feel them bulging out until they felt like they would burst.
Her wrists were now tied to her thighs, straight down her sides. Then,
unbelievably, she felt herself being lifted by the rope around her tits,
and she cried out. She was gagged and the lifting continued. She was
dancing on her toes, trying to relieve the pressure, when her toes came off
the ground. She was literally hanging by her tits. She heard him telling
her to be as still as possible, and he was stopping her swinging, until she
hung there, motionless, moaning and pleading behind the gag.. Someone tied
her ankles together, and she felt the first cut of the whip. The only
sounds in the room were the crack of the whip on soft female flesh, the
creaking of the pulley above her head, and the wailing of the woman behind
the gag. Slowly she swung back and forth as the whipping continued.
Finally, she was lowered down, having been marked with a dozen fresh welts.
She was untied, and supported under her arms, he led her over to another
bench. Her blindfold was removed, and she saw a huge dildo protruding up
from the bench. She was made to straddle the bench and squat, slowly
engulfing the plastic cock. When she had it fully inside her, her feet
were lifted off the floor and tied to the legs of the bench. The cock
began to vibrate. Her arms were tied to a rope that dangled from the
ceiling, and pulled tight.

Weighted snaps were hung on her nipple rings. Her labia rings were
attached to small chains, the other ends of which were pulled down and
fastened to the ropes that bound her ankles, pulling her cunt lips open. A
collar was fastened around her neck, and a small chain was snapped to her
clit ring and then to the collar. She began to move against the plastic
monster that impaled her.

The buzzing in front of her caused her to open her eyes, and the huge
man was standing in front of her. Buzzing in his hand was a tattoo gun,
and he went to work on her. She lost track of how many times she came, the
burning of the tattoo gun and the monster cock in her hole pushing her over
the brink again and again.

When they were done, she was untied, and lifted off the bench. The
chains on her labia rings were left to dangle against her thighs, and the
weights still hung from her nipple rings. The mirror was brought before
her again. She could not believe what they had done to her.

The word ‘slut’ was tattooed across one breast in bright red and blue
ink. ‘Slave’ was across the other. Across her stomach were the words ‘cum
slut’ and under that a picture of an erect cock with cum spurting out the
end. Just above her slit they had tattooed the words ‘hubby suck here’
with an arrow pointing to her gaping cunt. She cried as they gave high
fives. Then they tied her down on her stomach and worked on her back.
Four of the spurting cocks were put on her ass, with the heads of the cocks
pointed at her asshole. Across the tops of her ass cheeks were the words
‘hubby lunch bucket’.

When she was untied they fucked her. The tattoo man laid on his back,
and made her grease up his huge cock, and impale herself in her ass. With
her back to him, he would make her sink down on his cock while he spanked
her ass, and when she had taken the whole thing, he would lift her feet off
the ground and hold her there, lewdly impaled. Then he would drop her feet
and make her lift herself all the way off, then reposition the head against
her asshole and make her lower herself again. This time when she was fully
impaled, he pulled her back onto his chest, and Master got between her
spread legs and got into her cunt. The other man fucked her face. When
they finished with her, Master put a butt plug in her ass and told her that
they would all come in her ass before she left, and she would keep it all
inside with the plug and take it home to hubby.

Tattoo man wanted to piss in her mouth, and he did. Made her take his
greasy cock in her mouth and he pissed, holding her nose and making her
swallow. She gagged but kept it down. Then the other two. When they were
done, she had so much fluid in her belly that she looked pregnant. A ring
gag was put in her mouth so that her mouth was kept open and they could
piss in her mouth at any time.

They cut off her hair, and shaved her head. ‘Cocksucker’ was tattooed
on the top of her head. They shaved her eyebrows off.. They took loads of
pictures and emailed some of the better ones to her husband.

On Sunday morning they all pissed in her again, then took turns fucking
her in the ass. The plug was put in. Then she was flogged while she
cleaned each filthy cock with her mouth.

She heard them talking. Tattoo man was saying he knew someone that
could surgically remove her tongue and her teeth, Master was wondering
about removing her arms or legs or both. She was slowly swinging in the
center of the room, hanging by her tits. She didn’t care what they did to
her, she was beyond that now. She wondered if her husband would like her
new tattoos.