Sabrina’s Folly

“Yes… yes… no… I’m not mad, Harvey – just
disappointed. OK… I will… bye.” Sabrina hung up the
phone with a bit more force than necessary. That was
the third date Harvey had broken in the last two weeks.
Sabrina couldn’t help but think that something had gone
wrong with their relationship. Was he getting ready to
break it off? Letting her down slowly? Or was there
someone else, despite their going steady agreement, to
see no others?

She wished that her aunts were home so she could
talk it over with them. Since they were several hundred
years old each, Sabrina was pretty certain that they’d
probably gone through something like this before.

On the other hand, she ought’a be able to handle
this problem herself. Especially since her aunts
wouldn’t be home for hours, and Sabrina didn’t want to
wait around the house all depressed on a Saturday

The first thing was to find Harvey. Their had
been some funny sounds over the phone, so she was
certain that he hadn’t called from home.

Sabrina ran upstairs to her room, and opened a
drawer that contained all manner of junk. ‘There it
is’, she thought, and pulled out a compass that was
intended to be a child’s toy. She held the compass in
her left hand, and with her right forefinger began to
make little circles around the toy. She concentrated
on Harvey and where he might be, then sent a surge of
magical power down her finger. There was a soft snap
and flash of light, and when she opened her eyes there
was a little picture of Harvey where the N for north
had been.

“All right!” she giggled. Turning in place until
the little compass needle was pointed at Harvey’s face.
She looked up and saw the lay out of the town in her
mind’s eye. That wasn’t hard, after all, she had flown
over the town many times. ‘Hmmm’, she thought, ‘the
mall was in that direction’. It was as good a place as
any to start. Sabrina ran downstairs, dashed off a note
telling her aunts where she was going, and headed to
the mall.

An hour later she had narrowed down the search
for Harvey to a store in the mall that carried mostly
women’s clothing. What would Harvey be doing in there?
She wanted to investigate but didn’t want to be seen.
She could just imagine Harvey shopping with another
girl, or for another girl. And the longer she thought
about it the more upset she became. What was she to do?

Her eyes rested on a poster in the store’s
window display. The poster contained one of those teen
models who, at least for the split second of a shutter
opening, was impossibly beautiful. Suddenly, inspira-
tion came over her. She had a plan.

Sabrina walked next door to the mall restroom,
and into a stall. She would simply turn herself into
the babe in the poster, and then go look for Harvey.
Then if he came on to the new her, or confessed to
seeing someone other than the real her, she would know
it was all over.

As Sabrina stood in the stall, thinking about
the girl in the poster she again sent out her magic
powers into the either of space. A circle of twinkling
magical light washed over her. There was a sudden
feeling of her skin stretching and moving. Woah, she
thought, putting out a hand to steady herself. She
must have grown a foot taller.

She opened the door to the stall and looked at
the new her in the mirror. ‘Yes!’ she thought. She
really was tall and gorgeous . Her blonde hair, framing
a perfect face, was much shorter, the better to show
off a long lovely neck. The shorts she had been
wearing were now riding lower on her slimmer hips. And
the short T-shirt she had been wearing now showed a lot
of bare midriff. She suppressed a giggle. There was
just one more thing that a tall slim, fat free beauty
like this wasn’t likely to have.

Sabrina pointed her fingers at her breasts and
gave them a magical surge. ‘OHH’, she thought, that
felt good. And looked good too. These huge tits really
filled out the T-shirt, and she was even showing a
generous portion if nipple through the material. She
would certainly have Harvey’s attention.

She walked out of the stall, took a dozen steps
and stopped. She certainly wasn’t moving like a model.
Her usual gait was something like a controlled fall.
And the way she talked would be hopeless. She certainly
wasn’t in the habit of coming on to boys so that they
confessed their intimate thoughts within the first
moments of a meeting. This, she thought, would take
some more serious magic. Her aunts had warned her about
magical personality changes. But this was important and
she swore to herself that it wouldn’t last for long.
Sabrina pointed her finger at her temple and zapped
herself with a spell that would turn her into a walk-
ing, talking sex machine.

The young woman who walked out of that restroom
carried herself with all the poise and confidence of
someone who knew exactly what kind of an impression her
looks made. She walked across the mall and into the
store. Following the compass – she was soon in front
of a door marked employees only. Well there’s no help
for it, thought Sabrina, and she entered the door. She
walked straight ahead, through another door and found
herself in what must be the shipping and receiving area
for the store.

And there was Harvey, mouth agape, his eyes
locked on her. Sabrina walked over and smiled. Harvey
seemed in a trance. “Hi,” she said in a voice that
could cause an erection in a dead man, “Could you tell
me where the powder room is?”

“Uhhhh… ” was all Harvey could say. He pointed
at the door Sabrina had just come through and managed
to stutter, “Ba… back that way, and turn right…

Sabrina took a step closer and put her slim hand
on his arm. She leaned close and whispered in a fuck me
voice, “Could you show me? I’m just awful at following

“Su… sure,” said Harvey, his face a beet red,
“This way.” He stepped off and Sabrina followed so
closely that her shoulder brushed his.

“So, you work here?” asked the young beauty,
wondering why Harvey hadn’t mentioned it before.

“Yeah… I… uhhh… help my uncle when the
trucks come in. He pays me pretty good, but I never
know when I’ll have to work.” Well, thought Sabrina,
that’s why he breaks our dates.

By then they were outside the store’s restroom.
They stopped and Sabrina took Harvey’s arm . As she
subtly rubbed one of her nipples on his arm she asked.
“When you aren’t working are you seeing anyone?”

There was only the slightest hesitation before
he said, “Yes… my girlfriend, Sabrina… she’s the
reason I’m working. I’m going to buy her a great
birthday present.”

Sabrina leaned close and said, “She’s a lucky
girl. Thanks for your help.”

Harvey tripped over his own feet and ran into
three displays while trying to walking back to his work
place and keep her in sight at the same time.

Sabrina waved bye and felt a thrill. Harvey was
still hers. All was right with the world. She sighed
contentedly and decided not to rush back. She might as
well do a little shopping.

She walked through the mall for almost two
hours. She was so lost in her own thoughts that she
failed to notice that every male over the age of
twelve couldn’t keep their eyes off her. And most had
to make painful adjustments to their crotches after
catching just a glimpse of the teen beauty.

Although she never wore such things, Sabrina
stopped at a store that featured lingerie. She had
taken some of the ‘barely there’ clothing into a
dressing room, when there was a knock at the door.
“Store management,” said a voice, “Could I see you
for a minute?”

Sabrina hadn’t undressed yet so she opened the
door. There stood a man who reminded her more of the
latest James Bond than anyone else. “I’m sorry,” he
said, “there has been some reports of shoplifting. I’m
afraid I’ll have to search you.”

Sabrina could tell that it was a ridiculous
attempt to get into the dressing room with her. And
the tented front of his trousers made it obvious that
theft was the last thing on his mind.

All of a sudden it seemed as if she wasn’t in
full control of herself any longer. To her amazement
she put her hands on her head as if she were being
arrested. Then she stepped back, and said in a
breathless voice, “Search me then.”

It was then that Sabrina realized she hadn’t
undone her sexiness spell. She tried to zap away the
spell, but nothing changed. The man stepped into the
tiny room, closing the door behind him. He was really
cute, thought Sabrina, and he was clearly attracted
to her. But this was a situation way over her head.
In a panic she tried to zap herself back to her own
body, but again nothing changed.

The man placed his hands on her shoulders and
lightly ran his finger tips to her slender neck. His
hands lingered there a second, then began to move
downward. As his fingers traced their way around her
breasts, Sabrina sighed, and brought her clasped hands
away from her head to caress the back of his neck.
She could smell his sweet breath as his hands moved on
down until his finger tips were lightly brushing the
twin globes of her firm buttocks.

Before Sabrina could stop herself she had pulled
his lips to hers. In just a few seconds their tongues
were writhing with one another. Then he firmly pulled
their pelvis’ together. Her nipples burrowed into his
chest. Sabrina could swear she felt his cock pulse and
grow longer against her.

‘This is too much’, thought Sabrina, ‘if I don’t
do something we’ll be fucking on the floor in a
minute’. She actually thought about it for a second,
but then her resolve took over. She forced a hand down
until she was groping his hard love meat through his
pants. He pushed his hips forward, encouraging her.
Sabrina unzipped his pants and fished out his cock.
She was surprised at how warm it felt, and how slick.
There was a film of precum on the head, with more
leaking out at her touch. Now she let her other self
take over. Her alter ego seemed to know just how to
masturbate a man. Her hand began a steady stroke back
and forth over the head of his cock. They shared
another deep kiss. Then he pulled back, moaning, his
hips jerking back and forth as he orgasmed. Cum flew
onto her hand and arm and dripped to the floor.

The handsome young man stepped back. He seemed
to have come out of his daze and realized that no
matter how beautiful and sexy this female was she was
still under age. He grabbed one of the pieces of
lingerie that she had brought in, and wiped off her
hand and arm, then cleaned himself quickly. After he’d
straightened his clothing he looked Sabrina in the
eyes. “That was lovely,” he said. “I hope you won’t
feel compelled to talk to anyone about it?”

Sabrina just shook her head. She didn’t trust
herself to speak. Once he was gone She straightened
her own clothing. Except for her bra that is. She had
to take that off. It could no longer contain her tits.
She must be a forty double D by now. With absolutely
no sag to them. Whatever was happening to her, it was
getting worse.

With the hope that her T-shirt wouldn’t tear,
she headed out of the store. She was in trouble and she
knew it. She marched out of the mall and into the
parking lot. It was worse than ever. Men were openly
rubbing their crotches as she passed them. Even women
were looking at her curiously.

When she got home, Sabrina’s Aunt Zelda was
sitting at the dinning room table , working at her
lap top. When she saw Zelda, Sabrina broke down and
began to cry. “Oh , Aunt Zelda, I’ve done something

Zelda looked up from her work. She peered at
the stranger in front of her until the realization
hit her. “Sabrina?… Sabrina, what have you done?”

Sabrina threw herself into one of dining room
chairs. Through hands clenched over reddened tearful
eyes, Sabrina told her the story, the whole story. By
the time she was through, Sabrina’s aunt knew all the
details , down to the length of the store manager’s

Zelda stood up and began to pace the room.
“Sabrina, I tried to warn you about personality
changes. Now you’ve been caught in a psychic return
loop. ”

“A what?” Sabrina moaned.

Zelda crossed her arms under her own large
breasts and began to lecture, although she couldn’t
keep a note of sympathy out of her voice. “Actually,
it happens all the time. If you smile at someone their
natural reaction is to smile back. The sort of vibes
you put out are reflected, so to speak. Some people
are very adept at using it, even though they may not
be aware of it. Just look at public speakers who can
hold an audience spell bound.” As she spoke, Zelda
turned toward the window. “But in your case all those
sexy vibes you sent out were returned where your
magical powers multiplied them, sent them out again,
and so forth, and so… Oh my goodness, look at that.”

Sabrina jumped up and ran to the window. She
looked across their yard to the house next door.
Through an open window Zelda and Sabrina could see
into the home of the people-next-door. Their
neighbors consisted of a middle aged couple with two
teenage boys and a daughter. Right now they were
involved in the very unfamily activity of screwing
each other silly. Mom and dad were going at it, while
watching their daughter being fucked by one son as the
other tried to stuff his boner down her throat.

“Oh this is much worse than I thought,” said
Zelda. “You’re affecting people who can’t even see

Sabrina looked at her aunt, hope on her face.
“What can I do?”

“You’ll just have to use up all that energy
faster than you can absorb it. Thank goodness you
weren’t trying for some evil effect.” Zelda took her
hand and said, “Let’s go to your bedroom.”

When they reached Sabrina’s room, Zelda said,
“Take off your clothes and lie on the bed,” then she
quickly walked into the bathroom. Sabrina had no more
than removed her skin tight pants and top, than Zelda
returned with her hands full. She spread a towel on
the bed and said, “Lay with your head on the pillow
and your bottom on the towel, honey.”

As Sabrina did as she was told, Zelda took the
top from a jar of body gel and dipped a cotton swab
into it. “Now spread your legs. I have to tell you
Sabrina, this may well be the most intense sexual
experience of your life. And frankly, it may be a
long time before a man thrills you like this.”

Sabrina was both excited and concerned about
her aunt’s words as she watched Zelda’s hand move
toward her crotch. Zelda spread her pussy lips and
said, “Now just relax, Sabrina, think nice lovely
thoughts. Release all your tension.

Sabrina was taking some deep breaths, when she
felt the touch of the slick cotton swab on her clit.
She gasped. Zelda said, in a low comforting voice,
“Just concentrate on the feeling, honey. Tell me, does
it feel better on this side of your clitty, or on this

Sabrina moaned, “Oh… the first side feels
sooo gooood… just a little higher please.” Zelda did
as Sabrina directed. She began a steady stroking of
what was really the biggest clit she had ever seen.

Sabrina was used to masturbation. In fact she
enjoyed it a couple of times a week. But she had never
had anyone do it for her. At first the feelings were
familiar. Her skin began to warm. There was a heavy,
glowing feeling in her groin. That funny, tickling,
warm sensation washed over her. Her orgasm was building
faster than usual, she thought. And then it hit her. At
first, she thought, this is the best cum of my life.
And that was only the start. “Ohhhhh God… Aunt
Zelda… I can’t…” Sabrina groaned out.

Sabrina couldn’t believe what was happening. Her
tits felt like they would melt. Her abs clenched in a
spasm until they began to flutter. Her legs were
quivering so much they were a blur to her widened eyes.
And the feeling in her pussy was like an explosion of
warm oil over raw nerve endings. Sabrina pounded her
hips on the bed in a wild fucking motion. And through
it all Zelda remained in contact with her clit. She
had abandoned the cotton swab. Sabrina was too wild
for that. Zelda had to throw her body on top of
Sabrina’s and lock her mouth onto the girls pussy. Her
tongue flicked and rubbed across the little girl-cock
that was Sabrina’s clit.

Sabrina was past feeling any inhibitions now.
She screamed loud and long. She would give out with a
low. “Huh, huh, huh,” building to a high pitched
scream that would only fade when she ran out of air.
And it went on and on. Each second to Sabrina was like
a small eternity of pleasure. Just when Zelda thought
that Sabrina’s sexual ecstasy would never end, it did,
and she passed out in a haze of passion.

Sabrina slept until the next morning. When she
tried to get out of bed, her body, her old faithful
one, protested. Every muscle seemed to ache in its
own special way. After a long hot shower she made her
way to the kitchen.

Her aunt sat sipping coffee. “How do you feel
dear?” she asked.

Sabrina moaned as she sat down. “I didn’t know
sex caused hangovers,” she croaked.

“Actually, most women have a sort of glow after
really great sex.”

Sabrina raised her eyes to her aunt, “I may not
glow until I’m fifty then,” she said.

“I’m sure it won’t be quite that long, ” Zelda
said, lowering her cup to the table.

Sabrina peered at her aunt, “You seem awfully
knowledgeable about all this. Could it be from a
personal experience like mine?”

“Ohhh… my experience was a good deal worse
than yours,” Zelda said with a little smile.

“Worse than abusing my powers? Worse than not
trusting my boyfriend? Worse than making a perfectly
normal family commit incest?”

Zelda just nodded, “Didn’t you ever hear of the
baby-boom?” she asked sweetly.