Two black dommes takes over the life of a white couple as they submit to their fate

Cindy and Jack were very happy that they had found an
ebony mistress on the web. They had corresponded with
the woman for two months now sending photos she
directed and obeying her every commands of lewd
activities. Both had decided that they wanted it for
real life.

Their daughter was out of college on her own now and
neither had to work anymore being fairly secured
financially. When the mistress agreed to come live with
them, they were overexcited and fucked all night long.
Her sister was also coming along to help in their
training she wrote them.

The day of their arrival, both waited nervously at the
door. They were totally nude with only handcuffs on and
leg cuffs the mistress requested they purchase. When
the door ranged, Jack opened it hoping it was them or
they would be exposed.

Two large black ladies appeared in the doorway.

“Get our bags out of the car white boy,” Mistress
Darlene told Jack.

They walked in and took a seat on the couch with Cindy
still standing nude in the center of the room. Neither
paid too much attention to her except for an occasional
glance. They were talking about some woman they had met
at the airport that evening. Cindy stood still awaiting
their command. Her pussy was already wet from
anticipation. She was extremely disappointed that they
were ignoring her. Surely she was attractive.

Jack came back with two suitcases in his hands both
fairly large. His cock was sticking straight out.

“In the bedroom boy,” Mistress Darlene demanded. “When
we come in there, you better be on your knees with your
fuck face to the floor.”

Jack proceeded to carry the bags to the bedroom as the
mistresses watched his ass wiggling while he prodded
along. Finally, Mistress Marcie got up and walked over
to Cindy.

“Slut, bend over the kitchen chair,” she demanded.
“Bend over the back of it.”

Mistress Marcy proceeded to get some cord in her purse
and tied Cindy hands to one side of the chair and legs
to the opposite. Her ass was sticking up over the back
of the chair. Marcie gave her a hard slap on the ass.

“I just love to teach white sluts like you whose boss,”
she said and reached down and pulled Cindy tit hard
downward. Cindy yelled out in pain.

“Get use to it slut.” She continued. “Your ass is mine
later after we tame that wimp ass first.” “We’ll be
back for you later.”

Mistress Darlene and Marcie both left leaving Cindy
tied to the chair still excited. The bedroom was on the
other side of the house as she listened impatiently for
any sounds. At first there was little noise and then
Cindy could hear Jack yells.

She got excited as she heard his begging and yelling
for mercy and imagining what he must be going through.
She tried to rub her thighs together to masturbate her
pussy in desperation but failed to get enough fiction
to do any good.

As Jack’s yells were getting lower and lower, she
suspected he was licking their pussies by now and
imagined it was her. Maybe he was tonguing their asses,
she thought. Oh how she needed something to rub her
cunt against.

Thirty minutes went by as Cindy continued to wait. She
would do anything they wanted she thought if they would
only come out here. Finally, she heard noises down the
hallway and waited her turn in anticipation. She looked
to the side hoping to see them enter.

As they entered, Cindy was stunned. Jack was on his
hands and feet with his ass straight up in the air.
Mistress Darlene was walking upright between his legs
with a black strap-on cock shoved up his ass and
holding his ass so she could fuck it while he crawl

Mistress Marcie had a lease around his neck leading him
in. Cindy could hear the slapping sound on his ass and
knew Darlene was shoving the fake cock to the max in
his ass. She couldn’t see his face down below but saw
the stripes on his ass cheeks and knew he must have
been in hell. Her pussy was no longer strobing as she
looked with fear as they approached. This was more than
she had anticipated and a touch of fear rose up.

Pulling a stool to Cindy side, they made Jack bend over
it as Darlene continued to pound his asshole. Marcie
tied the lease to the bottom of the stool. Jack was
panting heavy underneath and Cindy could see the dildo
was near the same size as his own cock which she had
had in her ass only 3 times before.

She still couldn’t see his face, but his panting was
heavy and knew his asshole was being ripped apart. She
felt Marcie grab her by the hair and lift her head up.
Both Mistresses was naked as she stared at the hairy
cunt in front of her.

“Your wimp husband was no fun,” she said. “He’s just a
sissy boy to be use.”

“How about you slut?” “You want to lick my pussy.”

“Yes mistress,” begged Cindy, eyeing her mistress cunt

“No, I think you’re an ass licker.” “Aren’t you?” “Tell
me you want to put that tongue of yours in my butt
slut.” Marcie commanded.

“Yes mistress.” “Please let this slut lick your ass,”
Cindy begged.

Mistress Marcie turned around presented her large ass
to Cindy view. Bending over she started pushing it back
towards her face till Cindy nose was pressing in her

“Do what white girls do best,” she said. “Tongue my ass
slut and I better get excited or you’ll feel my belt on
that big ass of yours.”

In her awkward position, Cindy had trouble getting her
tongue to Marcie asshole but finally was able to reach
it and started licking around the rosebud.

“In my ass slut.” “If I wanted an ass teaser, I’ll get
a boy.” Marcie yelled back at her.

Cindy started working her tongue in the entrance of her
asshole, which was already loosened, and then inside.
She felt her ass muscles clinch her tongue as she tried
to work it in and out to please her mistress. She felt
a hand on her ass and knew Mistress Darlene must have
come up behind her. Her ass was being spread in back as
she feared she was about to shove something in it.
However, nothing happened as the hands left her behind
and she continued her tonguing.

Slap! Slap!

Cindy felt the sharp pain of a hand on her ass. She
couldn’t yell due to her tongue was embedding in Marcie

Slap! Slap!

She withdrew her tongue from Marcie asshole and yelled
in her ass from the pain.

“Did I tell you to quit slut.” Marcie commanded. “Get
your tongue back in.” “If you remove it again, I’ll
whip that ass of yours till you can’t sit for a week.”

Cindy tried to work her tongue back in as the slaps
continued on her ass. Her ass was stinging in back as
Darlene was taking no mercy on her position. Her face
was pounding in Marcie large ass from the walloping as
she continued to get her tongue back in with little

“I don’t think she likes your ass Marcie,” Darlene
said. “I’ll go get my toy and play with her for a

“No, please,” yell Cindy trying to get her tongue back
in but Mistress Marcie had already move forward. She
walked over to Jack still lying on the stool with the
dildo still buried in his ass and took a seat on his
back. Jack moaned from the weight.

“You want to lick my ass, don’t you boy?” asked
Mistress Marcie.

“Yes mistress,” replied Jack in a shrill voice.

Marcie reached down and gripped Jack balls from behind.
“Oink for me pig,” she said, squeezing them hard.

“Oink. Oink.”

“See,” said Marcie looking over at Cindy disgusted
face. “Boy knows how to please his mistress.” She gave
him a couple of more squeezes on the balls.

“Oink. Oink.”

Cindy didn’t have time to watch as Mistress Darlene had
returned to her side with a large black strap-on dildo
around her waist. She had one of Jack’s belts in her

“Time to train this slut’s mouth,” she said pushing the
dildo to Cindy lips.

Cindy didn’t open her lips. The dildo was very large
and she knew she would choke on it.

Swish. “Agggh!”

Darlene had brought the belt down on the back of Cindy
already red ass. When she opened her mouth, Darlene
pushed the fake cock in. Cindy was gulping trying to
accommodate the huge object as Darlene now had a good
grip on her hair to prevent her from dislodging it. She
took her time pushing it farther and farther in as
Cindy eyes were about to pop out from the strain of her
mouth being opened that far.

“At least she’s a good cocksucker,” laughed Marcie. She
slapped Jack ass.

“Come on boy get that butt of yours moving.” “I need a
good ride.”

Jack was trying to rock on the stool with Marcie still
slapping his ass and telling him to move it. The weight
on his back was preventing him from doing much more
than shaking his ass and legs in vain. He was doing the
best he could with his ass already beaten. Marcie heard
a whistle sound and looked up.

“Your slut is peeing on herself,” she laughed and
slapped Jack ass harder.

Darlene had shoved the dildo deeper in Cindy mouth. She
had lost control of her bladder choking on the cock.
Both mistresses were laughing at her plight as Darlene
slowly withdrew the cock from her mouth as she gasped
for air in humiliation.

“So excited, she couldn’t wait to get to the bathroom,”
Darlene teased. “I think she’ll lick better this time.”
“Want you slut?”

“Yes mistress,” pleaded Cindy in desperation and

Mistress Darlene bent down and started untying her
hands and feet.

“Go clean yourself in the tub slut.” “I’ll be there in
a minute to check up on you.” Darlene told her.

Cindy didn’t hesitate to get away as she practically
ran out of the room with her ass wiggling wildly.

Marcie had untied Jack and led him over to the coffee
table by the side of the couch. Asking Darlene for
help, they proceeded to tie him over the table with his
head underneath it and his legs stretched out over the
top and tied in back.

“I’ll have a cigarette while you check on the slut,”
Marcie said. “Don’t see an ashtray so boy will have to
do for now.”

Jack heard the ladies from above and started stashing
around underneath. He felt a hard slap to his ass.

“Don’t move boy or my cigarette may touch those white
cheeks of yours.” She pointed out. “I’m going to use
your asshole as my astray and if you move I may shove
it up your butt.”

Jack stopped moving immediately as Marcie lit her
cigarette. She dumped the first ashes in his ass as she
heard him gasped in pain.

“I’ll be back later,” said Darlene watching with
amusement. “I better check on the slut.” “Probably
rubbing her cunt on the john.”

She proceeded to the bathroom and saw Cindy still in
the tub showering off.

Pulling the curtain aside, she swatted her ass hard
between the cheeks.

“Turn that water off and get out of there, now!” She

Cindy immediately turned off the water and grabbed a
towel drying off. She was almost dry when Darlene
grabbed her hair forcing her to her knees by the john.

“Clean my toilet slut.” Darlene demanded.

“No. Please mistress not that,” Cindy yelled, but
Darlene grip on her hair forced her head down to the
rim of the toilet seat.

“You still don’t know whose boss,” she said. She
reached back and started slapping Cindy’s ass hard with
the palm of her hand. “Clean it slut.”

Cindy started running her tongue around the edge of the
seat cover as she tried desperately to avoid the swats
on her ass. She had tongue the whole cover by the time
Darlene quit hitting her ass. Taking a seat on the john
and still holding her hair, Darlene demanded her bitch
to eat her cunt.

As Cindy was tonguing her clit, she teased her by
threatening to piss on her face if she didn’t do
better. Cindy was working hard to please. She was using
her tongue like she used to force Jack to do on her and
hoped Darlene would be please. She was relieved to feel
her cum on her tongue and glanced up at her mistress
with triumph in her eyes. Her triumph was short lived
however, as piss hit her face.

“Ahhh.” She tired to back away, but Darlene still had
her hair in a knot. Some of the piss went in her mouth
but most fell down her chin back in the toilet.

“Now clean it and then wash you face,” Darlene yelled.

Cindy went back to her tonguing her clit in
humiliation. Finally Darlene released her hair and told
her to get back in the living room in 2 minutes with
her makeup on. She put her face in the sink and turned
the water on full force trying to get the smell off her
face. She knew better than be late.

Jack’s ass was full of ashes by the time Darlene
returned to the living room.

“What did you do with the butt”, she asked Marcie

“I gave him a choice of his asshole or his mouth,”
Marcie replied. “I let him split on it first before
feeding him.”

“The slut will be back in a minute,” Darlene told her.
Then we can have some real fun.

The woman just sat and talked till Cindy returned from
the bathroom. She could tell Jack was cramping up very
bad from the position he was in and all the ashes made
his asshole look like a black hole. She walked to where
the mistresses were sitting on the couch and got down
on her knees. Mistress Darlene grabbed her chin and
holding it tight in her hand spoke down.

“Slut.” “You and boy will always refer to us as
mistress from now on.” “You will do anything we request
without question or delay. “Everything you now own will
be ours and your only purpose will be to attend to our
needs.” “You will not be allowed to have sex unless we
tell you.” Do you understand slut.” Darlene asked
pressing tighter on her chin.

“Yes mistress.” “Slut is here to please mistress.”

Marcie slapped Jack hard on his ass.

“What about you boy?” She demanded.

“Yes mistress, boy is in to serve your needs.” Jack
screamed out.

“Good.” Darlene responded. “Slut clean Mistress Marcie
astray before it spills on our new carpet.”

Cindy crawled over to where Jack was bent over and
started lapping the crack of his ass to clean the ashes
off. The mistresses watched in amusement as Jack cock
was getting large from the tonguing in his ass. When it
was clean, they made Cindy untie him as he lay on the
floor trying to get the cramps out of his back and

“Slut, prepare us a drink.” Mistress Marcie added.
“Boy, get over here and tongue our feet.”

Cindy immediately got up and went to the kitchen to
prepare the mistresses a drink while Jack crawled over
and started worshipping the large black feet before
him. The mistresses were discussing plans for their new
slaves when Cindy arrived back with a tray of two
glasses. She bent at the knees before each mistress as
they took the glass and told her to put the tray back
and return. Quickly she did as requested and returned
to her position on the floor.

“Boy toy is doing such a good job on our feet; I think
he should be rewarded.” Mistress Darlene told Cindy.
“Slut, get behind him and milk his cock with your

Cindy moved to behind Jack and grabbing his cock
started pulling it up and down like she was milking a
cow. Her cunt was soaking wet wishing the mistress
would let him shove up her cunt for relief. He came
very quickly as the mistress laugh at his poor lack of
control and made him crawl back and lick it up from the
carpet below.

“Crawl here slut and pleasure our cunts.” “Mistress
Darlene said.” You have five minutes to make each of us
cum or you’ll be punished for being worthless.”

Cindy immediately crawl to the nearest mistress Marcie
and started lapping her clit in earnest. She was
panting hard trying to get the larger black lady off
and finally managed but with only one minute left.
Crawling to Darlene, she tried to make up time but
without result as Mistress Darlene yelled at her how
worthless she was and she would just have to punish
her. She told her to walk to the nearest door and bend
over which Cindy did without question.

Her wait was not long as Mistress Darlene returned with
rope and tie I around her neck to the doorknob. She
then tied behind her knees and same and her ankles
keeping her firmly planted with her face to the
doorknob and her ass pointed out in back. She left her
for a minute and then returned behind her. She felt
her ass being spread and then a cold object at her
asshole entrance.


Whatever the object was, it had been roughly shoved
deep in her asshole. Then a slight withdraw and
something liquidly was shooting up her asshole. She
didn’t know what it was till she heard Marcie tell her
to shoot all that dishwasher soap up her big ass. She
started feeling a tingling and burning sensation in her
asshole as Mistress Darlene kept squirting the body
till it was totally empty.

“You better hold it if you know what’s good for you.”
Mistress told her pulling the bottle out quickly as
Cindy yep and tried to tighten her asshole as tight as
she could. She felt her ass cheeks being spread again
and another object there.

“Oh shit!” She yelled. She squirmed again the door side
trying to relieve the pain.

“That carrot should hold it in for awhile.” Mistress
Darlene laughed. “You better not shit it out slut.”

“She’ll be shitting bubbles for weeks.” Mistress Marcie
was laughing. “We may have to start calling her

“Boy.” Darlene yelled. “Get your white ass over here
and lick my cunt. You have one minute to make me cum.”

Jack crawled over as if processed and started lapping
her clit. She was already near climax and had little
trouble getting her off.

“Why don’t we take boy outside and have a nice little
piggy ride while we look around there.” Marcie

“Love to.” Darlene replied slapping Cindy hard on her
ass cheek. “Don’t lose that carrot slut.”

Cindy remained frozen holding her ass cheeks as tight
as she could. She heard the ladies laughing kicking
Jack’s ass as he crawled outside. Darlene suggested
they find something to stick out of his tail to make it
more real as Cindy heard the sliding glass door close
from inside the kitchen.

She needed to shit as she clinched her ass cheeks as
hard as she could.