Amy and her dog

Hi, guys, here are the detailsyou’ve been clamoring for of my experience this
morning with getting fucked by Samson, a big, beautiful 2 yr. old German
shepherd who belongs to some neighbors of mine. For those of you who don’t
know me or haven’t looked at my profile, I’m 22, 120 lbs., 5′ 7″,
heterosexual female grad student (USD), small, firm breasts (b-cup),
shoulder-length dark brown hair, brown eyes, cute smile (at least my
boyfriend thinks so!). I’ve been told by many people that I look a lot like
Dana Delany, the actress (i.e. “China Beach,” “Tombstone”).

I asked them if I could take Samson out for a “walk” this morning. All of
this started last week after a guy online sent me a gif of a beautiful woman
being fucked by a huge black dog. I was so mezmerized at the thought (this is
something I had NEVER thought of before!) and I was so turned on that it was
all I could think
about for days. Other guys, at my request, I admit, sent me more dog/woman
gifs, and that just made me hotter and more anxious to try it for myself. So
I made up my mind not to wait any longer. I called my neighbors and asked if
I could take Samson on a walk.

I was so excited and nervous as we said goodbye and I started jogging down
the street with this huge german shepherd in tow.

I took him back to my place and I shut the curtains and blinds. He knows me
so he was very relaxed and comorftable. I was wearing running shorts, a tee
shirt, and tennies: that all came right off! I knelt down next to him and
began to pet him and talk sweetly to him The more I petted and stroked his
fur the more his tail wagged. I kind of pushed him over on his back and began
to rub and scratch his belly moving my hands down closer to his cock. (didn’t
want to startle him or anything) He liked it when I started massaging his
cock and balls and began to whine softly.He got hard right away nd started to
extend: very red and
wet-looking. I put some canola oil on my hand and touched his cock. He kind
of stiffened but didn’t move away or try to stop me so I began to move my
hand up and down on his shaft, lightly at first, then I gripped him and began
to pump him; he had an incerdibly huge erection and his knot was also
very large, very swollen and red.

I think he knew what I wanted him to do, because he rolled back onto his feet
and began to sniff and lick at my pussy so I sat up on the edge of my bed,
opened my legs, and moved his head into my crotch. He didn’t need any more
encouragement from that point on, I just laid back and let him lick at me for
about fifteen minutes; I was dripping wet!

I looked down and saw that he still had that huge, stiff erection, and he
kept trying to stand up and mount me, so to be safe, I went to my dresser and
got a pair of my heavy socks and knelt down and put them on his front
paws.Then I decided to try going down on him. I laid on my back and stood him
over me so I could lick and suck on his cock. He just kind of stood there at
first but then he
began to kind of hump my mouth as I sucked him off. Almost immediately his
cock was spraying this very hot, watery pre-cum stuff, it wasn’t cum, that
came later, this watery fluid was spraying all over me, my face especially. I
was afraid he would ejaculate in my mouth so I stopped going down on him. I
wanted his
cum in me.

I sat back up on the edge of the bed and called him to come to me. He stood
up and mounted me, as I guided his huge cock inside my pussy. (god, I’m
getting dizzy just telling you this) So, he had his paws in the socks–glad
I did that because he would have scratched me (somebody warned me to do
that): I didn’t have to do much else, except sit back and let him fuck me,
and he did; boy did Samson fuck me hard!

His arms were gripped around my waist really, really hard. I mean he was
holding on to me as he rammed into me, faster and faster.He was whining a lot
too as he seemed to be ready to cum. I was so overcome with passion that I
scooted my bottom forward on the bed till it was pretty much off the bed. My
hands were back behind me holding me steady,his arms were around me tightly
and that’s when I made a mistake: I had forgoten about his knot.

I was so slick with my juices and Samson’s pre-cum that he was squirting all
over and inside of my pussy, and he was thrusting so hard, that he pushed his
knot all the way inside me and he just kept fucking me harder and harder.
Before I knew what had happened his knot was completely inside me. I didn’t
mind at first, because it felt so good having his huge cock and knot inside
me–thrusting in and out so hard and rapidly. I had a huge orgasm and I loved
the feel of his rough fur on my soft skin and his rough, brute thrusting into
me as he fucked my tender pussy. Then Samson came. I could tell because of
the deep, breathless thrusting he made as he shot his sticky doggie jism deep
inside me. But after he came inside me he just kind of stopped fucking and
stood there, or rather, he kind of leaned there against me his chest against
breasts, his head over my shoulder for a LONG time. He was still and just
stood there inside me, I could feel his hot, sticky dog cum all over my pussy
and thighs. Every time I tried to pull him out of me, his knot would kind of
hurt me, it was so huge, so I had to stay coupled with the dog for about
fifteen minutes. I just held him
and stroked his fur and let him lick my face and breasts.

When I could pull him out of me he went back to normal, a happy-go-lucky dog!
But I was exhausted and a sticky mess! His cum had trickled out of me and was
all over my legs and tummy, and his pre-cum had dried all over my face and
breasts and everywhere else. I had the smell of his cum in my hair, on my
arms, everywhere. He was sniffing me and licking me all over, kind of
checking his handiwork, I guess.

He still had his erection so I decided to try him again.

I knelt down against the bed and let him mount me again this time from
behind. Well, it was the same frantic fucking again, but this time I reached
him and held his knot with my fingers so it wouldn’t slip back inside me. He
again inside me in a series of long thrusting grunts of dog pleasure. His
front legs were gripping me around the sides so tightly, I could tell that he
was really shooting every last ounce of his cum inside me. I came again too,
very hard, but I had to lean against the bed on my breasts and finger myself
till I came, just after Samson had shot his load in me.

We both rested for about a half an hour, and then I began to go down on him
again. He loved it! He began thrusting into my mouth almost immediately, so I
decided to sit back up on the edge of the bed. I made him stand again facing
me, put his front paws on my shoulders, and I took some more canola oil; in
my hands and I jerked him off until he came again, all over my tummy and
breasts. It floored me to see how much hot cum this dog could shoot! Samson
seemed very, very pleased to have such and attentive female human friend,
someone who would see to it that he had a good experience.

By then I was done, so I took a long hot shower and then took him home to his
masters, who knew nothing whatsoever about what we had done. Samson is one
very lucky dog, and I am one VERY satisfied grad student. Now I just have to
work up the nerve to tell my boyfriend and see if he’ll take pictures next
time (I’m sure he will!!!). If I could just find a man to fuck me like Samson.