Are you sure your small pussy can take it?

A young, married woman is introduced to lesbian sex and the enjoyment of
sex toys by her new female boss.

Lisa jiggled her feet with impatience as she waited for her visitor to
arrive. The house was tidy, the baby was sleeping and the kettle had
boiled ready for the coffee, but where was her guest?

So few visitors came to the house these days and Lisa met people only
when she went to the shops or braved the local mother and toddler group.
God, she really needed to get out more! That’s what this expected visit
was all about. She had found the advert in the local paper. `Have fun
whilst making ŁŁŁs’, the title had proclaimed. Well, she could certainly
do with making some money. The bills were coming in thick and fast and
there was only Steve to pay them out of his lowly-waged factory job and she
had to admit that the idea of having fun whilst working also sounded
appealing. So she had rung the telephone number quoted and asked about the
job being advertised. Her call had been answered by the personnel officer
of a `party plan’ company. Company employees, Lisa was told, worked by
visiting people’s homes and selling goods to their families and friends.
The job was paid on commission, but the commission was very good. Lisa had
arranged a date for an area manager to come and talk to her about the
position available. It had taken a great deal of courage for Lisa to even
consider being a `party plan’ agent and now she had decided to go for it,
she wanted to make a good impression on the area manager. What she hadn’t
realised was that the woman might be late for the appointment.

Ten minutes later Lisa was still waiting. Two of her nails were bitten
down to the quick and she had boiled the kettle twice more. Then there was
a ring at the doorbell. Brushing imaginary creases out of her
freshly-ironed skirt, Lisa rushed to greet her visitor.

`Hi. I’m Marie. I’m so sorry to have kept you waiting,’ gasped a
smartly-dressed, statuesque woman as she forced herself and a very large
suitcase through the narrow front door and into the lounge, `but I had to
stop at the warehouse and pick up a few more items for your kit.’

`My kit?’ stammered Lisa. `But you haven’t offered me the job yet!’

`Oh, that’s okay. I’m sure you’ll want to do it when you see the range
we are selling.’ The woman glanced appraisingly at Lisa. `And you look
just right for the job.’ And, without waiting for permission, Lisa’s
visitor opened the suitcase and spilled its contents onto the lounge floor.

Lisa was amazed. Spread before her were skimpy nightdresses, satin
briefs in a variety of styles (many without fronts or backs and some
without middles), bras of all shapes and sizes, camisoles, corsets,
stockings, suspenders and a whole range of sex toys, many of which she
could not even begin to envisage the purpose for. Of course she had heard
about house parties where these things were sold, but she had never been to
one, let alone imagine selling these items herself. `You expect me to sell
these?’ She asked, eyes wide with astonishment.

`Well yes. Didn’t anyone tell you about the items we sold when you

`They said “lingerie and other items.” I thought I would be selling
tasteful nightwear.’

`But this is tasteful.’ Laughed Marie. `Just imagine the sweet taste of
that!’ And she waved a large vibrator in Lisa’s face. It bore the name
“Strawberry Delight”.

`Look… I don’t think… `

`Come on now. Don’t be so sheepish. I know a good salesgirl when I see
one and a girl who enjoys a laugh. You do enjoy a laugh don’t you?’

`Of course I do.’ Lisa answered tetchily, `but I don’t see anything here
to laugh about.’

Marie knelt down and started to pack the items back into the suitcase.
`Look, I’m sorry if I offended you. I obviously got it wrong … Shame
though, I think you would have enjoyed selling our stuff. And there’s good
money in it too.’

`How much money?’ Lisa was intrigued despite her misgivings.

`Let’s say you take your goods to a party and sell them at an average
price of Ł20 per customer to a group of ten women. That’s Ł200’s worth of
goods you’ve sold. Your commission is 30 percent, so you have made Ł60
from a very enjoyable evening’s work.’

`And I would sell only to women?’

`Well, we usually suggest to the hostess that she lets all her guests
know that this is a woman-only party. That stops any embarrassment and the
women feel much freer to buy what they really want without being distracted
by men. In any case, men usually find these parties difficult and they
make lots of loud jokes to cover their confusion. We sell more products at
women-only parties anyway, so it makes perfect sense.’

`And women buy all of these things?’

`You’d better believe it! I’ve sold sex toys and really sexy underwear
to women of all ages and classes, from teenage girls to grannies in their
seventies. They all like sex, given half a chance, and if they haven’t got
a man around, well we’ve plenty of ways to help them with that!’ Marie was
now waving four vibrators at Lisa. Two were so huge that they looked more
like table ornaments than sex aids.

`But how would I sell these things? I mean, I wouldn’t have to
demonstrate them would I?’ Lisa shuddered at the thought.

`Well … that would be up to you.’ Marie replied carefully. `Most
parties are just straight parties. You talk about the items, you then go
around and talk to the guests individually while they have their tea and
biscuits or whatever, and you take their orders, tot up the sales balance,
give the hostess her commission and then pack up and go home. Of course,
if you wanted, I could put a few of the demonstration parties your way.
There’s a lot more money to be made from those.’

`No, I wouldn’t be interested in those types of parties.’ Lisa was
rapidly falling back into her earlier defensive mood.

`That’s okay, but let me give you a little demonstration, just to show
you how these things go.’

`I don’t think so …’

But Marie was already removing her suit.

Despite her embarrassment and disbelief that this was happening in her
own home, Lisa found herself sinking slowly back on the couch whilst
watching Marie remove her clothing. First the jacket came off; pulled wide
open, slipped down over the shoulders, and discarded to the lounge floor in
one fluid motion. Then the woman slipped off her skirt, wriggling
seductively as the silky material brushed her hips. She stepped daintily
out of the skirt and kicked it to land beside the jacket. She was wearing
nothing underneath except a tight satin bra which barely contained her
large, rounded breasts and a skimpy pair of silk panties that fully
displayed her pubic mound.

Marie stood still for a moment, gazing speculatively into Lisa’s eyes,
and then she picked up a long, smooth vibrator and began to rub it against
her bulging womanhood.

Lisa watched in stunned fascination as the vibrator moved, backwards and
forwards, backwards and forwards, across the front of Marie’s silk panties.
Then, Marie pushed it past her mound, between the lips of her pussy,
clearly visible through the scanty briefs, and up between the ample cheeks
of her arse, pushing them aside and rubbing her anus with the side of the
toy. Slowly she pulled the vibrator down again, dragging the silken fabric
of her panties backwards as the toy travelled through the swollen pussy
lips and up to her clit, where she spent a moment prodding and probing with
the point of the pulsating instrument. Her eyes were glazed as she
repeated the action: down and through and up and rub; down and through and
up and prod … the vibrator hummed and Marie moaned as her actions became
more intense.

Lisa’s own panties were feeling wet. Tentatively she pulled up her
skirt and felt the soaking material. Her clit was throbbing and her labia
were full and aching. A flush spread up her neck to her cheeks and then
down through her whole body. She shuddered and rubbed her pussy hard
against the seat of the couch, trying to contain the growing pressure in
her sex.

Marie had almost reached fever pitch. She dropped to her knees with a
gasp, rubbing frantically at her slit, grasping the sides of the vibrator
with one hand and tugging her panties to one side with the other. With a
cry she drove the vibrator hard up between her soaking lips and circled it
against her pussy walls with the heel of her hand. She massaged her
straining mound with the other hand and, with a shriek of pure ecstasy, she
gave in to the frenzy of her orgasm. Her neck arched and she lifted her
body, curling her spine backwards and jutting her sex forward and upward.
Releasing her grip on the instrument, she cupped her swollen breasts,
massaging them fiercely, her face flushed with pleasure. Lisa gasped as
she saw the vibrator bouncing and pulsing in Marie’s cunt as her pussy
walls contracted again and again to the beat of her orgasm.

Eventually, with a moan, Marie dropped back to her knees, grasped the
slippery vibrator and pulled it gently out from between her swollen labia.
She accidentally prodded her clit as the instrument slid out and gave a
little `oh’, shuddering with shock as the sensitive bud reacted to the
nudging sensation. Then, delicately rearranging her sopping panties, she
curled her knees to one side, sat up with one last sigh, and turned a
flushed and satisfied face towards Lisa.

`Well, what do you think?’ Marie’s voice was husky from her exertions.

`I … I don’t know!’ Stammered Lisa, almost tongue-tied by the impact
of the scene she had just witnessed and acutely aware that her own body was
displaying signs of arousal. Glancing down, she was horrified to find that
her skirt was still pulled up and her panties were bunched tightly into her
aching slit.

Marie laughed as she saw Lisa’s disarray. `On second thoughts, don’t
bother to answer that; I can see for myself!’

Lisa did not bother to deny her predicament. It was painfully obvious
that she was sadly in need of relief. All embarrassment cast aside, she
looked pleadingly at Marie and waited silently for her response.

`Oh Lisa.’ Exclaimed Marie. `I do believe you need a little help. Come
here my new sales girl and I’ll oblige.’

Fear and hesitation no longer held Lisa back, so great was her need for
Marie’s help. Brushing her skirt down, she rose and stepped into the older
woman’s welcoming embrace.

Lisa’s world span as Marie gently slipped her hands around her waist and
slid them upwards, taking the young woman’s t-shirt up over her head and
arms and conveying it expertly to the floor. She undid the clasp of Lisa’s
bra and slid that up and to the floor also. Then she stood back, with her
hands still on Lisa’s waist, and gazed with admiration at the young woman’s
small, pert breasts, with their hard, erect pink nipples. Bending forward,
Marie took one of the pink buds into her mouth and prodded it with her
tongue. The nipple jolted forward and Lisa’s breasts bloomed and rippled
with tiny goose bumps. A gasp escaped from her mouth and she shook from
head to toe. Marie sucked at the nipple and pulled it gently with her
teeth. She grasped the other and rolled it between her thumb and

Lisa’s body began to sag; her knees bent and her thighs widened. Her
panties strained against her hungry pussy and she felt the lips widening
and opening for their badly-needed present.

Suddenly Marie was cupping Lisa’s cunt in her hand. With her fingers
she pushed the panties to one side and slipped her middle finger up into
the warm, wet hole. She rubbed the budding clitoris with her knuckles and
rolled her finger around inside the tight pussy walls. With her free hand
she produced a shiny, black vibrator. Its shaft was thick and pulsing and
its tip hummed and jiggled ready to provide intense delight. Smiling
knowingly, Marie held the vibrator up to Lisa’s face. Then she pushed it
into the young woman’s mouth and watched as she sucked and probed its
pulsating tip. When the instrument was covered in spit, Marie ran it down
the young woman’s chin, down her neck, down her taut stomach, and posed it
millimetres away from her swollen, wet sex.

`Oh yes! Oh yes! Please let me take it!’ Lisa moaned.

`Are you sure my pretty sales girl? It’s long and wide. Are you sure
your small pussy can take it?’

`Yes! Oh yes!’ Croaked Lisa, almost breathless with anticipation.
`Give it to me. I need it so badly!’

But the older woman placed the vibrator on the table beside them. It
hummed gently as it moved in a circle around the polished surface. Marie
glanced at it, smiled, and then turned her attention back to Lisa.

Suddenly, she dropped to her knees with one heel pushed deeply against
her sex. With a swift tug she grabbed Lisa’s panties and pulled them to
the floor. Then, leaving the small, sopping bundle draped around the young
woman’s feet, she reached up, grasped the cheeks of Lisa’s backside, pulled
her cunt towards her, and buried her face deeply into the lightly-furred
mound. With a sigh of pleasure, she nuzzled the young woman’s clit with
the tip of her nose and pushed her tongue up into her wet, silky passage,
poking it in and out rapidly. Lisa howled with rapture, grasped Marie’s
shoulders and squatted with her thighs as wide as they would go, straining
to make her slit as open as possible for the warm reptilian tongue that was
slithering around her pussy walls and making them flow with her juices.

In one swift movement, Marie drew back and replaced the reptile with the
throbbing, whirring vibrator. She pushed it deep into Lisa’s cunt and
pressed a button on the instrument’s base. The throbbing deepened, pushing
at the slippery walls, until Lisa felt like they would explode with the
pressure. She clamped her labia tight around the toy’s base and massaged
it with her pussy muscles. Marie’s moans were now matching Lisa’s as she
rubbed her own pussy frantically against her heel. She rubbed her fingers
across the young woman’s quivering clit, still pushing the vibrator in and
out of her cunt. Lisa’s whole body began to shake with exquisite pleasure,
and then the world exploded. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as the
darkness inside her head was filled with widening beams of purple, blue and
red. Her ears filled with thunder and the sky in her head exploded into
millions of golden stars. She didn’t notice the scream that escaped from
her lips, or the satisfied moan that came from Marie. She grasped Marie
tight and clung on for dear life as her body shuddered wildly and her legs
turned to jelly.

As Lisa began to come down from the height of her pleasure, Marie kissed
her brow and gently lowered her to the couch. She pushed her powerful body
down alongside the younger woman’s delicate frame and they lay, holding
each other tight, while the fever drained from their bodies.

The two women lay in each other’s arms for some time, spent and happy
and exhausted. Eventually Marie sat up, slid her feet onto the floor, and
stretched her body luxuriously.

`Time for me to go, little sales girl.’ She smiled as she bent down and
recovered her discarded clothes from the floor. As she shook out the
garments and stepped into them, the older woman’s whole demeanour changed.
Gone was the seduction of the striptease; Marie was now an efficient area

`I’d get dressed if I were you.’ She suggested to Lisa, as she slipped
her jacket over her shoulders. `You’ll get cold lying there like that.’

Suddenly realisation struck.

`Here I am,’ thought Lisa, `lying naked on a couch in my lounge and
being lectured by a woman in a business suit. What on earth came over me?’
Blushing, she looked up. Marie was smiling.

`That’s okay little sales girl. Just wrap yourself in a throw if you
like. After all, as I’m leaving your sales kit with you, you are bound to
want to try a few more toys out.’

Then, with a final smoothing down of her silk skirt, the area manager
picked up her briefcase, walked to the door and undid the latch. She
turned and smiled again.

`I’ll be back tomorrow to help you organise your first demonstration.
So have a good look at the kit, experiment with as many items as you can
and be prepared for your first private demonstration … To your area
manager, of course.’

Then she turned, opened the door, and stepped out onto the street.

Lisa stared open-mouthed at the closing door. Did she really want to be
a demonstrator? She didn’t know. Then she smiled to herself. What did it
matter? Either way she would have a great time finding out!