He exploded inside me, his cock feeling like a piledriver

The more Lee and I got to know each other, the more I began to
deeply care for her. Despite the blatantly sexual nature of our
first meeting, we found ourselves to be surprisingly compatible.

She told me of her husband, betrothed before they met, who had
taken her from her native China to America. He wanted her to be
his slave in every sense of the word, even to consent to him seeing
other women. She had left him when he had tried to force her to
have anal sex, something neither of us were at all interested in.

One benefit of her failed marriage, though, was that she was
comfortable with her sexuality. Her husband was very experienced
when they had married and he had taught her to be open with her

Traveling with me was a dream come true for Lee. She didn’t
like working much since every man she had worked for had tried to
take advantage of her.

I had set myself up with plenty of money by tapping in on some
embezzling businessmen with certain large companies. They were
stealing money for themselves, and were careful to cover their
tracks, so I just instructed them to put half of their spoils into
an account for me.

I didn’t like using the power to take advantage of those who
could not afford it, or to force people to do things that were not
already in their character.

Lee and I had been on the road for a while now, driving an
unobtrusive sedan around the country, living an unobtrusive life.
Some people with knowledge of the symbols had banded together to
hunt the rest of us, so I was always careful to avoid trouble.
Most of my encounters were much more tame than my fun in the donut
shop, where I had met Lee. I certainly did not want to get caught
by those “hunters”, as I almost had been early on. The donut shop
was quite a risk. If I hadn’t been so turned on, I don’t think I
would have done all that…

“What’s the power like,” Lee asked one day a few months after
our meeting.

I hadn’t used it on her since that morning, and I had only used
it a few times since then on anyone. She and I had kept each other
busy, exploring our sexual desires.

“Well, it’s really rather odd. It’s a combination of hearing
and seeing the thoughts of others, just like you see their bodies
and hear their voices. And just like a nearby conversation, you
can tune in a bit and hear their thoughts,” I explained.

“I mean the controlling power. How do you control people?”

“That’s when it gets difficult,” I said. “It’s like using a
word processor on text. Their thoughts float, almost visibly, in
the air in the form of symbols. As you learn the symbols, you can
control them. You can interpret them and rearrange them. As you
get better at it, you can even insert ideas of your own and remove
their ideas!”

It was not easy to explain the power. I really wanted to share
it with her, though, since Lee and I were so close now. I knew she
could handle it.

I broke the silence. “Lee, I wonder if I could teach you.”

“I’d like to try,” she answered.

So I told her more about the symbols. Strangely enough, I
found it hard to illustrate them. Then I came up with an idea. I
would teach her remotely. I would share her body. Now all we
needed was a test subject…

We got off at the next major exit and parked the car at a mall.
Lee and I sat in the car quietly. I asked her to buckle herself
in, just in case, and I did the same. Then I focused on her.

I could see her mind. I could see all of her symbols now,
nothing was hiding from me. I focused on her mind, and then on my
own. I reached out with my own symbols and made a place inside her
mind for myself.

Soon, my vision became strangely distorted. I was seeing
double. I was seeing myself and her, all at the same time. Not
wanting to move in on her totally, I worked on the link until I was
inside her, yet still connected to myself.

“Lee,” she said,” can you hear me?”

“What the hell,” she jumped at saying that.

“Lee, it’s me,” I tried to reassure her, but she was the one who
said it.

“Me? You mean you’re speaking through me?”

“Yes,” I answered with her voice. “Can you see the symbols?”

She concentrated. I helped, moving them in front of her eyes,
forcing her to see them.

“Yes! I can! I don’t understand them, though.”

We sat together in the car for a while. Whenever a person
walked by, we would look at them, browsing at their thoughts.
Eventually, Lee had mastered most of the mundane ones. Now she
wanted more. She wanted to know the sexual ones.

I got out of the car, looking at myself. I was a pretty
Chinese girl of 25 named Lee. I had the symbols. I had two
consciousness in one mind.

My body was thin but well built. I had firm, D-cup breasts
topped by overly large areolas and nipples. My waist was thin, as
were my hips. My butt was firm and small; my cunt was covered in
neatly trimmed, soft, dark hair. I wore a white, silk shirt and a
short skirt and heels. I was ready.

I walked toward the mall. Everyone around me acted normally, so
I assumed that this all was working. I could still feel my real
body back in the car, sleeping.

I went inside. The mall was large and crowded, with new stores
and bright lights. People filtered here and there.

I went to the directory and looked for a suitable spot to try
out my command of the symbols and to give Lee a chance to try hers
out. We decided on the big anchor store, Sears or something. I
headed that way, reading minds off and on along the way. No one
really caught my fancy.

Once in the store, I headed for the upper floor in the remote
end. The bedding department was all but deserted, so the salesman
was excited to see a customer. He was old and ugly. I looked
through his mind a bit. There were no security cameras in the
department since bedding would be hard to steal. He was bored with
his job.

I had Lee instruct him to guard the department and to steer
future customers away. Then I headed around the floor, looking for
a suitable partner.

I found him in the home electronics department. He was just
wandering through, not having the money or desire to buy anything.
He was a college student, 19 years old. He wasn’t the typical
beer-swilling frat guy, though. Rather, he was a pretty nice guy,
someone who I would have been friends with if I was still Bartlett.

I told Lee to try his mind. She reached out, noticing that he
was looking at our body with subtle sexual interest. She quickly
removed his inhibitory symbols, preferring that he make the first

He walked over to me, introducing himself and asking about me.
Lee didn’t want to bother with small talk. She could get that in
a bar. She reached into his mind, sifting through his memories,
and shorted out the conversation, skipping to the end. The kid now
thought they had talked for ages.

We headed for the bedding department, pausing only to instruct
the salesman to not steer away this particular customer. He was
doing his job well.

When we reached the corner of the store, I sat down on a bed,
and my college paramour followed me.

Lee suggested I should try arousing him with my body, so I moved
my hand to my breasts. I began to massage them through my shirt,
arousing my nipples.

Meanwhile, Lee was playing with his symbols, testing out the
waters. She picked out some serious arousal from his memories and
put it forefront in his mind. She removed his worries about the
surroundings, making him feel at home. She even checked his past
for sexual “problems” like diseases and impotence. None.

Feeling her job done, and wanting us both to have some fun, she
turned the situation over to me.

He reached out and replaced my hands with his. It felt
wonderful. He kneaded my breasts, rolling my nipples between his
fingers and running his hands around and under the breasts.

I began breathing heavily. I wanted him. I looked at his lap,
noticing his cock poking at his pants. I reached out and rubbed
his crotch. It responded by pulsing and growing in my hands. I
unzipped his pants and pulled them and his briefs down and off.
His cock was medium sized and completely engorged.

He had unbuttoned my shirt and opened my bra. He moved his head
to my breast and began to suck on my nipples. It felt so good, I
wanted to scream. I lay back on the bed, turning on my side and
facing him. I lowered my head to his crotch and took his cock into
my mouth.

He lifted my skirt to my waist and pulled off my panties.
Maneuvering his cock away from my mouth, he positioned it near my
slit, rubbing it up and down in my juices. I pushed him onto his
back and straddled him, grabbing his cock with my hand and
positioning it at my tunnel. I lowered myself onto him, delighting
as each inch moved into my body.

Slowly I began pumping in and out. He nibbled at my nipples and
moved his hands around my butt, delighting in its firmness. He
began to pull me onto him, then to push me away. Soon he was
lifting me and pushing me, fucking himself with my body.

I began to feel something else, something special. I threw my
head back and groaned, leaning back and abandoning my control to
his hands.

He closed his eyes and I knew what was coming. He exploded
inside me, his cock feeling like a piledriver, swelling up inside
me. I couldn’t stand it. I started to shake, letting the feeling
wash over me.

He arched his back, lifting my body into the air and slamming me
back down on his cock. I reached to my clit and rubbed for all I
was worth.

After a while I collapsed on him. He rolled me onto my back and
moved to my cunt. He began to lap at it like a dog, drinking my
juices and his come from my hole. I felt wonderful, like I had
never felt before.

After a while, he finished and we put our clothes back on. I
let Lee take over again, and she looked into his mind. I watched
as she rearranged his symbols, deleting feelings of wrongness
replacing them with happiness and calm. I only had to reach out
and fix a few things. She was learning well.

I headed back out into the store, pausing to look as the
salesman tried to wipe the come off of his pants. Apparently, my
orgasms were catching, even when experienced through Lee. Or was
it that she had come, too, and caused the mess? Either way, we
both laughed and I continued on my way.

As I went downstairs, I noticed a strange thing. All of the men
we passed were looking sheepish. Everyone, man, woman, and child,
had wet spots on their crotches. There was a long line at the

How could my explosion have affected the hundreds, if not
thousands, of people in the mall? I wandered further, noticing
that there were indeed some people who had not been affected. I
began looking for a cause, looking for where they all had been at
the time.

Those who had been at the far end of the mall weren’t affected,
I noticed. As I looked more, I made a startling revelation. There
was a line between our car and the corner of the bedding
department. My link to both Lee and myself must have stretched my
area of control in almost a cord between our bodies!

Lee and I decided to be more careful in the future. No more
switching, no more wandering. She had learned the basics of the
symbols, and could work on her own now. We were a team.

Still, I was a bit upset to have to leave her body. Being a
woman was definitely a nice thing. I even convinced Lee to let me
frig myself off in her body once before I returned to my own body.

As we drove off, I was a bit embarrassed to notice a wet spot
between my legs, though Lee was good enough to volunteer her mouth
for the cleaning job…