Lover’s Diary

A MOTHER’S PLEA Dear Harold, Lord knows, as son-in-law and mother-in-law, the two of us haven’t been exactly close over the years. That awful “bowling establishment” you insist on operating has been a thorn in my side for a long, long time. Undoubtedly, our differences will always be too great for anything remotely resembling mutual […]

The Farmer’s Wild Daughter

It was Henry David Thoreau, in Walden, who remarked, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” This statement appears to be just as true today as it was then. Perhaps it is even more valid today considering the pressures and frequent monotony of today’s world. The majority of today’s men and women live […]

Wet Dream Wife

Every society is marked by an adolescent stage. A growing-up period. A time when each young member feels he is infinitely more daring and modem than the adults ruling the establishment he often rebels against. Nowhere is this phenomenon more marked than in an open society like ours. Many an adult has smiled in remembrance […]

Wife On Vacation

The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage […]

Twin Wives In Bondage

Outwardly, most Americans maintain the straitlaced middle-class look that belies the social ferment behind closed doors. There is the secret use of drugs, fed by the marijuana syndrome. There is the river of alcohol flooding from door to door under the euphemism of social drinking. Then, of course, there is the advent of sexual fantasies […]

The Housewife Went Wild

In many cases today’s marriage is seen as a business and/or social arrangement between consenting adults rather than a continuing expression of love. The results are obvious: casual, promiscuous infidelity; a lack of concern for the partner and the children; the breakdown of the nuclear family; and the use of others for thrill seeking — […]

Eager Virgin Next Door

The onset of puberty inevitably brings with it the dawning awareness of sexuality, of a child’s inherent masculinity or femininity, and the struggle to put that sexuality into proper perspective with internalized values and parentally prescribed teachings. For some, the transition occurs with relative ease. For others, the change is marked by tension and anxiety, […]

The Youngest Aunt

Behind the outward serenity and closed doors of middle-class suburban homes, we find people tormented by the same problems that have afflicted men and women throughout the ages. While Americans are leading “the good life”, enjoying material comforts unheard of in other countries, people may still find themselves in an emotional turmoil, reinforced by the […]

Teacher In Training

Oftentimes, strange and unconventional desires lurk beneath the veneer of normalcy many individuals project. Given the right set of circumstances, these desires cease to be repressed — and are eventually acted out. Certain individuals attempt to retaliate against the increasing necessity to comply with society’s demands by embracing unorthodox modes of behavior. Subcultures exist in […]

Hot And Wild Wife

In many cases today’s marriage is seen as a business and/or social arrangement between consenting adults rather than a continuing expression of love and affection. The results are obvious: casual, promiscuous infidelity; a lack of concern for the partner and the children; the breakdown of the family structure; and the use of others for thrill-seeking […]

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