Hot granny succumbs to sexy young woman

Charlie and Amy were in a great mood. They bounced along in Charlie’s beat-to-shit Subaru down the scenic highway threading along the coast, happy to get away for a few days at Charlie’s grandmother’s summer home by the sea. “Damn, so glad to get out of work for awhile, place sucks,” Charlie said, cranking up […]

Hot Nights With Granny

My Grandpa had passed away after being admitted to the hospital for the past week. Frankly, we had made peace with the fact that he wouldn’t make it out of the hospital alive, given that he was over 70 years old and that it was his third heart attack. The entire week, granny sat right […]

Granny gets drunk 2.

Jan leant down and kissed Dan hard; she pulled back and looked at him, ‘Dan, its ok. Don’t worry, you can fuck me bareback, I’m ok with it, I give you permission to spunk in me. In fact I want it bareback. It’s more exciting, not knowing what will happen, perhaps you will make me […]