There are some lovely beaches down in the south west corner of Western Australia. Long stretches of pristine sand dividing the Indian Ocean from the dense forests of tall karri trees. Hundreds of kilometres of unpolluted and mostly unpopulated coastline stretched like a silver ribbon between rockbound headlands. Very nice – except when your idiot […]

Caving Sex: My First Time

I’m married now , but there was a time when I thought I’d never be married. In fact, just having a girlfriend beyond the one-date-every-6-months variety was almost beyond my experience. I was lonely and horny as hell, but I kept myself busy, mainly with hobbies and so-called adventure sports. The one “sport” I engaged […]

A Golden Experience

James was excited. He had never been on a blind date before, and was looking forward to this one. It was set up by an old college friend, and he was to meet her at the Grill for dinner. He was into his second glass of wine, when a brunette walked up to his table. […]

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