Robin On Pussy Patrol

A brightly lit full moon hung in the night sky as the shadowy figure moved across the low rooftops. A sudden flash of light reflected from an approaching car illuminated the figure for a moment, before he vanished once again in a blur of yellow and red. A distant clock tower began the long chime […]

Twice the fun 1.

I was working on the final chapters of my latest book when I heard the moving van come to a stop outside. My former neighbors (a very nice elderly couple who had lived next door to me for several years) had retired to Florida a few weeks ago. I lived in a four unit, condo […]

Kinky Black Mother 2.

Charline Sutter liked to drive her powder-blue sports car, liked the way it snugly hugged the road no matter how torturously bent or curved it became, no matter what shape or line it took. She enjoyed, too, the feeling of power as she carefully steered and shifted gears of the sleek little car as she […]

Gangbang with Susan 1.

Susan was never quite certain when it started, when the feelings began to change inside her, when they began to take on the taint of lust and heat and sexual desire. It happened sometime after her adolescence, not her own, but her daughter’s. Susan remember her own adolescence all too well. She remembered her budding […]

Nanny’s helping hand

Athena found the ride from the airport in the smaller of the family’s limousines to be truly wonderful. Not only did it give her strangely agitated body a chance to calm down for a few hours in absolute comfort, she had her first glimpse of the fabled city of Chicago. Okay, so it wasn’t quite […]

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