Walking the dog

We were up early the following morning. It was one of those rare bright winter days where there is no wind and the world looks made anew under its carpet of shimmering frost. The sky was an achingly blue vault with the only clouds a couple of puffs left over from God’s cigar. It isn’t […]

Penny’s Mistake – His Lordships Best

Penny woke with a start, to find Mrs Growel tutting like a mother hen about the room. “Sorry dear” the kindly housekeeper muttered “but the Master insist you prepare to meet his best, you’ve been asleep for nearly three hours you know and the guests are becoming impatient.” Smiling indulgently at Penny the old woman […]

Amy and her dog

Hi, guys, here are the detailsyou’ve been clamoring for of my experience this morning with getting fucked by Samson, a big, beautiful 2 yr. old German shepherd who belongs to some neighbors of mine. For those of you who don’t know me or haven’t looked at my profile, I’m 22, 120 lbs., 5′ 7″, heterosexual […]

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