The P.E. Teacher

I was just beginning my senior year with what seemed like the easiest class schedule. My girlfriend had just dumped me for some guy she met that was on Real World MTV. The first day of school I had a P.E. class to fill in some credits and to my surprise to new volleyball coach […]

Dancing in the Rain

The night is hot but storming. Lighting flashes in the sky and all I can think of is Celtic tempests. The mad dash of an Irish fiddler and uilean pipes with a hot bodhran beating time in the background. The thunder matches the beat of that drum inside my head and I want to walk […]

Spying on Amber

Amy is my twin sister. We were born less than an hour apart. By all accounts we were a “surprise” to our parents and older siblings. Charlie, the oldest, turned 33 last month. Meg and Liz (also twins) turned 28 in April, and the closest to us, Amber, will be 25 this fall. Amber just […]

Picking up guys in bars

This is a true story, or as true as I remember it. I’ve changed some of the names, for obvious reasons. My name isn’t Jenny, my boss isn’t named Cynthia, and the club in question isn’t called Club San Limites, but the club does exist in downtown Montreal under a different name. I’ve also omitted […]

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