Riko the plumper

I was suppose to be spending the day with my mother by her house when she gets a call from work saying she has to go in right away. As we were getting ready to leave the doorbell rings it was the plumber mom totally forgot he was coming. So i offered to stay and […]

The Pussy Show

I was a wild one when I was a boy. Cock-sure and swaggering and loaded for bear. I couldn’t help myself. That’s just the way I was. I was always looking for a chance to bust out and have myself a really good time. And I had good times, back then. Good times were part […]

Joan’s cum ride 2.

It was one of those days where your parents tell you to go outside and find something to do to enjoy the good weather but the only trouble was that there was no one to share the day with. Oh it was a beautiful enough day, sunny with just a few clouds floating around and […]

Joan’s cum ride 1.

It was a perfect day for a bike ride, sunny with a few puffy white clouds, temperature in the high 70s and almost no breeze. But then, almost any day is perfect for a ride, isn’t it? But this day was perfection among perfect days. It started while I was in my front yard, getting […]

Becoming the Neighborhood Whore

It was late afternoon on a Saturday, and Callie sat in her apartment, waiting in anticipation. It had been two months that she’d been officially divorced from her husband of five years. A few days before it was finalized, she had moved out of their spacious four-bedroom home and into a cozy one-bedroom apartment. It […]

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