Hot Eager Schoolgirl

“No, Bobby, I shouldn’t!” Connie protested. She slipped down deep against the plush leather car seat and grabbed Bob Redmond’s wrist. His hand massaged her swollen tit through her T-shirt. “What’s the matter?” he soothed. “Relax. What’s wrong with you?” Connie groaned as he crushed her down onto the seat, his mouth nipping at her […]

Do It After School

Johnny Howard was a blond youngster who was uncomfortable if he didn’t get his balls emptied at least twice a day. But it wasn’t easy to find a suitable place to beat his meat in privacy and comfort. He was painfully aware that he made a lot of noise — moaning and panting and grunting […]

A Mom And More

Barbara moved her cheeks between the slender, smooth, ever-so-hot thighs. It was a moment she had long anticipated, yet dreaded at the same time. A girl was sprawled on the couch, her legs very wide, the tight crotch band of her panties molding the sweetness of her cunt, her pussy hole outlined. Her dress had […]

Hot Teaser Next Door

Robin Woodward, an attractive teenager, lived with her divorced mother in a rather nice suburban neighborhood. Her mother was a well-paid legal secretary and with the generous child-support checks that came in every month from Robin’s father, they were able to live quite well. Though she was still a virgin, Robin was a horny prick-teaser […]

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