Slave Niece

Immoral men capitalizing on the innocence of others to attain their goals — a story as old as man. The Bible, history books, law books — all contain examples. And when the innocent victim is young, the story is so much the sadder… The girl in this book — Mary Roberts — is the victim […]

Watch ’em Suck, Mom!

Outwardly, suburbia maintains the straitlaced middle-class look that belies the social ferment behind closed doors. There is the secret use of drugs, fed by the river of alcohol flooding from door to door under the euphemism of social drinking. Then, of course, inevitably there is the advent of wife-swapping. All in the spirit of good, […]

Stripped And Whipped

Although Americans appear to the rest of the world as frank and open people, the truth is often the opposite when relating on a personal basis. This is particularly true regarding sexual matters. The fact is, Americans are only now beginning to learn to discuss sex and sexuality with candor, and usually that is within […]

Eager Virgin Next Door

The onset of puberty inevitably brings with it the dawning awareness of sexuality, of a child’s inherent masculinity or femininity, and the struggle to put that sexuality into proper perspective with internalized values and parentally prescribed teachings. For some, the transition occurs with relative ease. For others, the change is marked by tension and anxiety, […]

Hung Up And Hard

Teenagers who leave home, for whatever reasons, often face problems and dangers their experience has not yet taught them to deal with. The dangers include drugs, crime and the threat of physical harm — a threat which is only too real for those young people who have been attacked and robbed by a particular breed […]

Family Bonds

Immoral people capitalizing on the innocence of others to attain their goals — a story as old as man. The Bible, history books, law books — all contain examples. And when the innocent victim is young, the story is so much the sadder. The women in this book are the victims of immoral people. They […]

No Longer Virgin

Teenagers who leave home, for whatever reasons, often face problems and dangers their experience has not yet taught them to deal with. The dangers include the likes of crime, drugs, even physical harm and problems are manifest in situations which are too complex, too involved for a youthful mind to comprehend and resolve. At eighteen […]

Donny’s Hot Mother

It has been said that every person has some dark passion in his soul — some hidden secret, desire or whim that may never surface to be seen even by the closest confidante. Such a secret can be evil or sinister, or it may be trivial and trite. In America, such passions are easily submerged […]

Daughter’s Hot Pants

The process of growing up and passing through adolescence has been characterized by great inner turmoil, uncertainty, and tremendous pressures from family, close friends, and peer groups. Certainly, in our complex society, the problem teens face now seem more marked than ever before. Marcia Davis is a teenager embarking on her own special journey into […]

Hot Incest Family

Outwardly, suburbia maintains the straitlaced middle-class look that belies the social ferment behind closed doors. There is the secret use of drugs, fed by the marijuana syndrome. There is the river of alcohol flooding from door to door under the euphemism of social drinking. Then, of course, inevitably there is the advent of wife swapping. […]

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